Amy Rose, Warrior Princess.

Chapter 1: Intro…

It was a quiet day in the city of Rome, but the King of Italia was anything but pleased. He knew a certain pink hedgehog and her friends were making his life difficult by giving hope to the people by helping others. He was enraged and in vain with Amy.

"Amy Rose may be free, but she won't be any longer, once she's in my grasp once again" the devious king murmured to himself as he walks around the room and looks out a window. After two seconds of looking out the window, he leaves for his quarters and picks up a portrait of his love, who abandoned him for the sake of good.

Why would she do this to me? What was on her damn mind? She seemed happy to get married, but why the hell would she do this shit to me? All I wanted was a beautiful girl to be mine, but she had to be rebellious and turn against me. Why the fuck would she do this?"

Then, a messenger knocks on the door. "Message for you, Sire."

"Come in." he answered flatly. As the gopher entered the room, he hides the portrait under his shirt. By the looks of the messenger, he knew it was from a knight. He already knew who it could have been from.

"Message from Shadow the Knight."

"Good." Scourge replied as he opens the message. As he reads it, he changes from being calm, to angry. He crumbles up the note and says, "That spineless son of a bitch! That motherfucker, better not do this to me!"

He calls the messenger over and says, "I want Shadow to meet me tomorrow, is that clear?"

"Yes, your Excellency." The messenger replies as he leaves the room. Scourge takes out the portrait and kisses it. He then sneers, "Well, my sweet beautiful warrior princess, you will soon see my true power. That should have taken place on what should have been our first night. But after I fuck you, you will fall under me." He felt horny and began to masturbate as he fantasized about him raping the young female as she begged and cried for him to stop touching her.

"Scourge, no. No, please, aah." She shrieked as he pulled her quills as his rod penetrates her hard. This wasn't enough for him, he wanted her in pain.

"No, this is for going against me, my beautiful angel." He moaned as he smirks at her. "Fuck."

"S-scourge, please, mmm, forgive me. I was wrong, ah, to leave you, I l-love you."

He then grabs his captive and places her in missionary position and passionately kisses her and licks her breasts. "My lovely princess, feel my power."

"No, no, please." She begged as she turns her head away from seeing him and keeps her eyes closed. He notices and his mood changes. He roughly grabs her chin and says, "Look at me as I pleasure myself to your body."

She shrieks in terror as she clutches the bed sheets tightly as her captor thrusts her, causing her to shriek and whine in pain. She moans and cries in agony and realized she has no choice but to surrender to Scourge, but not without one more try. She closed her eyes and turned her head away again. Scourge sees this and is enraged at her action. He pulls her quills and shouts, "Look at your husband, I am your master and you are to obey my commands. That means you are to pleasure me with your body in any way or form." He then picks her up bridal style and throws her on the bed, licks her cheek and says, "Now that I am done with raping you, I will do it again, and again, until you conceive me a child, a son at the least."

"Y-yes, I w-will S-scourge."

He caresses her cheeks and kisses her roughly and whispers in her ear, "That's my lovely princess."


Back in the forests of Rome, Amy, who goes by the name of Xena, was practicing her throws with her Chakram. Without notice, she throws the sharp ring and it's headed for Knuckles.

(A/N: Xena: Warrior Princess. She is dressed like Xena too.)

"Knuckles, take cover!" Amy shouted. Knuckles thought fast and ducked from the flying disk, which then hits a tree. "Whoa!"

"Sorry Knuckles."

"Holy Shit, Amy! You could've killed someone like that." Knuckles scolded. Julie-Su then wakes up in a bad mood and yells, "Knuckles, shut up! Damn, can't I get any sleep without you having to yell at her like a madman?"

"Just Sleep, bitch!"

"Shut up, faggot!"

Amy ignores the fight and goes back to practicing. She throws the chakram and as it zooms away, Amy follows it and it hits a post. On the post had wanted scrolls of herself, Julie-Su and Knuckles.

She reads…

Amy Rose "Xena"

Wanted: For High Treason against the crown.

Reward: 50,000 Liras.

Julie-Su "Gabriella."

Wanted: Involvement, and 2nd degree of treason.

Reward: 10,000 Liras.

Knuckles the Echidna "Julius"

Wanted: Involvement, 3rd degree of treason against the crown, and contraband work.

Reward: 5.000 liras.

"Shit!" Amy whispered to herself. She rips up the scrolls and kicks them to a bush. She turns around and sees her small posse with their arms crossed and their faces crossed. "Amy do you want more reasons on that list of why should you be captured? C'mon, you have high treason and now you want vandalism?" Knuckles asked.

"This isn't vandalism and you had done worse than me, I mean you did contraband. Besides, Scourge makes anything I do a crime, but he'll never catch me." Amy replied.

"Yeah, Amy's right, Knuckles. Besides, she is a true warrior! She'll never be caught, not even by his best knights and soldiers." Julie-Su replied in agreement.

"Guys, I got information that a knight is after us." Knuckles spoke out.

"Pure talk, remember when Sonic was after us."

The echidnas nodded.

"Don't you guys remember what we did?"

They look at each other for a moment and they then remember, "Oh yeah"

"Poor guy, a kiss on the cheek and we easily took him down." They nod in agreement and they all left for town as the sun went down.

The next day, Scourge waits in the foyer of his palace. Entering is a black and red hedgehog wearing chain mail and the top part of his body armor. He was in no mood to negotiate.

"Shadow, you know why I called you here?"

"Yes, also I am making my claim right now, this is my last mission. I am not chasing after something that does not exist. "

"Shut your bloody trap. I am not sending you for that. Your new mission is to capture Xena and her posse. If you fail, you'll end up like Sonic, a dead hedgehog."

"Xena?" He asked in surprise, "Why Xena, I thought she-"

"She's still in Rome."

"But why after her? I hear from others that you have an obsession with her."

Scourge sighs and begins to explain, "Well, knight, her real name is Amy Rose and I was to marry her, before she went against me after hearing some information, I want her to pay."

The name panged his head like a on of bricks and couldn't pinpoint where he heard the name.

"Some story, sire, but what do you want me to do?"

"Catch her and her small posse. Here's a portrait."

Shadow takes the picture and looks closely at the portrait. He then remembers a small amount about her. He was amazed at her beauty and grace. He thought…

How could someone of such beauty and grace leave all this for the peasant life? I should be careful around her, she could use her beauty to her advantage, but I cannot help but think where I have seen her before, somewhere in my past.

"Beautiful, huh?"

"Yes, sire, but bring her back…"

"Alive, I'll see to her consequences. You may go now."

"Yes, Sire." Shadow replied as he left the foyer. After leaving, he puts on his helmet, puts the sword on his back, and leaves for his search. As Shadow left, Scourge was looking out from the palace balcony and snickers in evil.

"Well, Amy Rose, enjoy your freedom while you can, you can't run any longer, I have my best after you and you will suffer." And laughs manically.

As Shadow heads for the Roman square, the trio wakes up from their slumber.

"Guys, wake up." Julie-Su called out. "Xena, Knuckles, wake up.

Amy woke up and Knuckles slept soundly, making Amy have no choice but to bring a bucket of cold water and dunked it on his head.


Julie-Su then shouts in his ear, "WAKE UP, KNUCKLEHEAD!". She then turns to Amy, who was hyperventilating and sweating, as if she just woke from a bad dream.

"Whoa, Amy, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm ok. I just had a nightmare, that's all."

"Want to talk?"

"O-ok. As long as you don't get mad and Knuckles doesn't get skeptical."

The two nod and sat down and they began to talk. "Remember our old friend, Shadow?"

They gasp and nod 'yes' as they remember. "Well, I dreamed that I killed him with a sword, I didn't know it was him. He had a helmet so I couldn't see who it was."

"Amy, are you sure it was him?"

She nods as she yawns, "Yes, I know it was 'because I took the helmet of and it was him, bleeding from his mouth!"

Julie-Su takes out a book of omens and looks up, "Death of Friend."

"Well, Amy, it's actually a good omen. It means something on the rise."

"Well, obviously it isn't happiness or any other nice things I could think of."

"Well, it really doesn't say much; just that it could be Romance, Forgiveness, Reconcile, or all three."

"I don't know, but we better get a move on unless you want Scourge to find us. Our job is to help those under that tyrants rule." The others agreed and they carried what they had and left that town for the next. What they didn't know was Shadow was on their tail and they were in danger.

As Shadow headed into town, he couldn't help but think of Amy.

Where have I seen her? Was she involved in my past somehow, Where have I seen her, where?"

As he kept on walking, he sees wanted scrolls of her and scoffs at them. "Females these days." He kept on walking and he then hears someone shouting.


He runs over and sees a vendor with a fist in the air and with an angry face. The knight rolls his eyes and as he walked away, he finds a wilted, frail, pink, and white rose.

"Hmm…" he wondered as he picked up the fragile flower. He then has a memory flashback, realizing there was only one person he knew who loved these roses.


The young knight walks into the courtyard of the abbey and sees a frail pink hedgehog and her echidna friends in the garden, sharing a laugh. Amy turns and sees him walking and calls out, "Hey, Shadow, come and play with us!"

"Sure…but I have only 10 minutes."

"OK." Amy replied as she and the others followed. They meet with him and Amy began conversation, "So, Shadow, what's going on?"

"Eh, nothing much, just skipping class."

Amy sighs and says, "I wish I was you. You get to do fun knight stuff, while I have to learn junk. I want to be a warrior or a knight, like you."

"You can be." Shadow replied.

Julie-Su replied, "In Greece, they allow to give you training to become a warrior. You can go there."

Amy sighs and replies, "Yeah, but I don't want to leave Roma. I also don't want to leave you guys or the abbey."

Knuckles then says, "Yeah, but you'd have a better chance there than here."

"I won't be happy if I do leave."

"She has a point. Greece is a bit overrated and influenza has taken over." Shadow condemned.

The echidnas gasp in terror and Amy quakes in her flats. She runs to Shadow, who quickly takes action by hugging her and calming her down and telling the echidnas to calm down as well.

"OK, so Shadow, is the training fun?" Amy asked

"Eh, so, so. Well it's boring, actually they just teach you how to respect the sword and discipline. A bunch of useless information I don't even care about."

"Well, I have to get going." Amy replied as Shadow takes out a big, sharp ring about the size of a soccer ball, but as light as a feather.

"Amy, before you go, here's something for you, it isn't much, but it's quick at taking anyone down."

"A Chakram, Thanks."

She looks at the weapon and gives her ebony friend a bone crushing hug and says, "You're a true friend."

End of Flashback…

The word 'friend' echoed in his head for five seconds and he then remembers who she was.

"That girl…it's AMY! She has followed her path into being a warrior. I can't believe it, but Holy Shit, I have to catch her. Damn it!"

As Shadow left for the next town, Amy and the posse enter another town and meet up with a résistance leader. She was dressed up in a disguise as a blind woman.

"Ah, hello, you must be the one they call 'Xena'. My real name is Sally, but I'm called by the name Pecora. You two echidnas must be Gabriella and Julius."

(Italian for Sheep.)

They nod and the leader acidly says, "Come with me, or stay here and rot in bloody hell." Amy thought for two nanoseconds and said, "Let's go." And they followed the squirrel to an abandoned warehouse near a teahouse. The female knocks a few times and a slit on the door opens, revealing yellow eyes from it.

He whispers in his authentic French accent, "Baa, Baa, black sheep, have you any?"


"No Pecora, that was last week. Have you any…"

"Argh! Romano?"

The slit closes and the door opens. Pecora grabs an oil lamp and turns it on, and from a distance, there was a silver colored hedgehog. After entering, Amy takes off her chest armor, only revealing her brown leather dress.

Sally begins to introduce him. "His real name is Silver, but is named Riccio. He's a mercenary from Francia."

The hedgehog walks forward and sees the young girl.

"Hello, beautiful." He began flirtatiously. Amy rolls her eyes and says, "Hello, yourself." After being introduced, a few others came out of the shadows and were revealed in the light. Out came a cat, two foxes, a rabbit, and a very familiar face. It was Sonic the Knight, now résistance follower.

"S-s-sonic!?" Amy asked in shock.