Mischief Not Quite Managed
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With its distinctive grating whooshing sound the Tardis landed gently in a small clearing in the woods. A moment later the door opened and the Doctor poked his head out. He looked around cautiously, alert for any trouble, and then, when all seemed quiet, stepped out. His tall frame was dressed in its customary brown suit, long coat and sneakers.
"W-e-l-l," he said, drawing out the word in a satisfied tone. "This looks like a pleasant place. Wonder where it is? The Tardis was rather vague about that." He sniffed the air, turned in a complete circle and then announced, "Much better than attending Jacquie's birthday party anyway." He shuddered at the memory of a very large, very pink cake. " I can have a nice look-round and then be back to pick up Rose. This way, I think." And with that he strode confidently into the woods, never noticing that a wayward branch had prevented the Tardis door from closing completely.
It was peaceful for a while in the clearing until two small figures rushed in, skidding to a stop and panting from running. Their arms seemed to be full, and they kept looking over their shoulders.
"D'you think he saw which way we came?" asked one curly-haired imp.
"I dunno, Pip," replied the other. "Maybe. It's hard to tell with Maggot. If he…" he broke off as he caught sight of the Tardis. "What d'you suppose that is?"
Pippin followed his look and stepped back in surprise. "What's a big, blue -- thing - doing in the middle of the woods? I've never seen it before, have you Merry?"
Merry shook his head and the two approached it carefully.
"Maybe this is what was making that strange noise. Did you hear it a few minutes ago, Pip?"
"No," Pippin replied distractedly, reaching one hand out to touch the side of the box. "I was too busy running to listen. It seems to be made of wood." By unspoken consent, he moved to the left and Merry to the right to circle the box. As he turned the corner, Pippin called excitedly, "Merry! Look! There's an open door!"
Merry knew his cousin well enough to tell what would happen next.
"Pippin!" he cried, racing around the box. "Don't go…."
But of course he was too late. Pippin had already stepped inside. Merry groaned and followed.