description: the trailer for the chapter-story 'outside looking in.'

summary: callie jacobs is the new girl at east high, and she feels like an outsider. at every school she went to, no one ever accepted her. but will things change when she and 9 fellow wildcats are locked inside east high for the weekend? drama, romance, etc.!

disclaimer: i don't own hsm or the song 'outside looking in.' i do, however, own the character 'callie.'

Outside Looking In: Trailer

(bold- narrator, regular- actions, italics- speaking)

All she wanted was to feel accepted...

"I've never been accepted by anyone at the schools I've gone to...never." Callie said.

But could one fateful day change all of that?

Ryan walked up to the school's front door, and tried to open it. "It's locked..."

What will happen when she's stuck in East High with 9 people who don't accept her for who she is?

"Great...Now I'm stuck with 9 people who won't accept me for who I am." Callie thought.

"Of all people, why did we have to get stuck inside with her?" Troy thought to himself.

"Great...Stuck inside here with her...Just great." Sharpay thought to herself.

But will anyone be the first to accept her?

"You know what...I'm gonna accept you for who you are...Despite what the others say," Chad told her.

Callied smiled at Chad. "Thanks, Chad. You're the first person who's ever accepted me at a school."

But what will the others think when they discover that one of their own has accepted her?

"Dude! How could you accept her?! She's a loner! We need to ignore her and leave her alone!" Troy told Chad, with anger in his voice.

"Because I actually care about people's feelings! Maybe you should try to get to know her!" Chad spat back, anger evident in his voice.

Jason then spoke up. "Seriously dude...her?! I mean, maybe most people. But her? She's not worth your time, man."

Chad was really angry right then. He spoke with a ton of anger noted in his voice. "How would you feel if you just had the first person ever from your school accept you?! HUH?!

Will friends become enemies?

"Dude...if you're hanging out with her, we're not your friends anymore!," Troy said, before he and the rest of the guys walked away.

Callie walked up to Chad after the guys had left, with tears evident in her eyes. "You're losing your friends...It's all my fault!" she was clearly upset.

But Chad tried to change her mind. "Callie...It's not your fault! They just can't seem to understand what's going on..." he tried to tell her.

"It is my fault!" Callie exclaimed, before she ran off, crying.

Will anything turn for the better?

Troy heard someone singing, so he started to walk towards the music room.

Callie was playing a guitar, and singing a song she'd written, with tears falling down her cheeks.

"Maybe Chad was right...Maybe she's not such a bad person after all..." Troy thought.

Will anyone else accept her, or will they turn on the ones who already have?

"We should just ignore them as well, now that they're hanging out with her," Sharpay said.

Everyone else that was with Sharpay, agreed with her.

A story of...









Zac Efron as
Troy Bolton

Vanessa Hudgens as
Gabriella Montez

Monique Coleman as

Taylor McKessie

Corbin Bleu as

Chad Danforth

Ashley Tisdale as
Sharpay Evans

Chris Warren Jr. as
Zeke Baylor

Ryne Sanborn as
Jason Cross

Olesya Rulin as
Kelsi Nielsen

Lucas Grabeel as
Ryan Evans

softangelwings as
Callie Jacobs


Outside Looking In

Coming soon to a computer screen near you!:)