"Minato namikaze, you will meet your new team at noon" a younger third hokage stated

"Minato namikaze, you will meet your new team at noon" a younger third hokage stated.

"Ok, can i at least get some info on them? It would make me look bad if I said "number 1, what are your dreams and goals" wouldn't you say so yourself?" Minato pointed out with a smirk.

"Oh, I forgot (some searching) here you go" 3rd hokage gave him a folder. Minato took the folder.

He took out a piece of paper that was inside. It read.

Rin inuzuka ((im not sure what clan but a site says she might be apart of that clan so im just winging it))

AGE: 13


AFFILITION: Kohonagakure

GENDER: Female

BIRTH DATE: November 15


Minato read the next one.

Obito uchiha.

AGE: 13


BIRTH DATE: February 10

AFFILITION: Kohonagakure


Minato went to the next one.

Kakashi hatake.

AGE: 13

Rank: chunnin

AFFILITION: Kohonagakure

BIRTH DATE: September 15

And that was all that said about kakashi.

"Ok, I should be able to get by with this information, lord hokage" With that minato bowed and left the office to meet his students.

With team minato……

"He's late" Obito groaned.

"Only by 5 minutes" Rin stated.

"Yeah, well im gonna teach never to be late again!" Obito declared.

"How are you going to do that?" Rin asked.

"You'll see" Obito answered with an evil glint in his eye along with a sly smile.

Obito walked to the chalk board a grabbed a piece of chalk and started to scribble a patch on the black board and when he was done he grabbed the eraser he erased the patch.

"Now that was just useless you idiot" Kakashi mumbled.

"It was not!" Obito retorted.

Obito then walked to the door and put the eraser on top and then shut the door enough to hold the eraser. He then walked a little ways back so he could see when his sensei got hit with the eraser. They heard foot steps coming down the hallway.

"Obito, you got to take the eraser from the door, not only will you get in trouble but so will we" Rin whispered to obito. Obito just shook his head no.

Minato could hear the whispering while coming towards the room and he was wondering what this obito was doing that would get him in trouble. He then glanced up and saw the chalk dust covered eraser ready to make Minato its victim. Minato just smirked.

Minato swiftly opened the door.

"heh heh we got" Obito was cut short from something hitting his face. The eraser fell from obito face and where it once lied on his face there was now white chalk on his face and some in his hair. Obito started coughing and spitting since some was in his mouth.

"I'm not a jounin for nothing kid" Minato stated with a smirk. Minato had hit the eraser when it was falling with his hand as if he was using a racket hitting a birdie.

Rin was giggling and under his mask kakashi was smirking.

"Let's go to the roof" Minato stated while he turned to walk out of the room.

Rin and kakashi followed while obito followed cursing under his breath.

On the roof………

"Ok, now we get to know each other, so why don't you say what your dreams and goals are or something like that?" Minato said while leaning against the railing while the student sat on the stairs or ledge.

Just then a kunai sped past Minato head cutting some hairs on his head.

"And I spent all morning making my hair perfect" Minato mumbled.

"What do you want?" Minato asked annoyed.

"A match" The unknown enemy said.


All done with that chappie. Im so sorry I haven't updated in so long. Plz forgive me. I was so scared that I learned to sleep wit my eyes open…o.o…zzzzzzzz….o.o…..zzzzzz. lol jk but plz don't be mad. I have 4 unfinished stories so plz forgive me. And I will try to update soon….really…….i promise…..plz stop looking at me like that……ok I'll update A.S.A.P… thnx for reading XD