It's back! Lol, and my god, the whole thing was pathetic! It was horrible! The way it was written, I didn't realize how dumb it sounded until I started editing it and adding stuff in. Hopefuly, it will work out now.
Derek Venturi was what you would used to call, the boy from the wrong side of the tracks. When his mom left, he started getting into drugs, stealing and sex. Then, out of the blue, his dad met someone and they were married. He then had two step sisters and a new step mom. At first Derek and the eldest sister began fighting. Then it started to die down. Why you may ask? Well, Derek had fallen for his step sister, Casey. Instead of acting on his feelings, he did the thing he though he would never do. He talked to his dad and his step mom. He told them everything. Surprisingly, they weren't mad or anything. They had told him that they were waiting for the day to come. Now that it was all off his chest, all he had to do was wait for Casey. Little did he know, Casey had talked to them just days before.
Days later, Derek couldn't wait any longer. It was way after she had dated Sam and Max who weren't good enough for Casey; and yes he know Sam was his best friend and he didn't care. To be honest, nobody was good enough for her. Casey was in her room, reading when he barged in her room, snatching the book away from her. She was about to yell at him but he stopped her by bringing his lips to hers. She let out a small squeak and then deepened the kiss. And that was that.
What surprised them both was the fact that their parents were okay with it all and trusted them enough that they didn't need to make any rules. Just as long as they were responsible.
Three years later, they were stronger than ever and fell more and more in love each day. He hasn't even looked at drugs, stolen anything, except kisses from Casey that is, and as for sex, he waited for when Casey was good and ready. As for the people who didn't like the idea of the two of them dating, Derek and Casey just let it go. It didn't really matter to them, at all.
Derek's alarm clock went off, waking him from his peaceful slumber of hockey and Casey. He hit the button, groaned and looked over to the other side of his bed, expecting Casey to be there but she wasn't. He got out of bed and was greeted with a wonderful smell. The smell was pancakes and coffee, but not just any kind of pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes. He followed the smell down the stairs and into the kitchen where he saw Casey wearing a small tank top and his favorite, a pair of short shorts. He smirked and walked up behind her, getting ready for what was expected. He wrapped his arms around her waist making her jump. He chuckled softly in her ear and she gave him a side glare.
"Morning." He said with a voice still think with sleep.
"Good morning." She said back to him.
"What's with the chocolate chip pancakes?"
"Well, you have a game Friday night and next Friday and I know that you like to eat them before hand so." Casey said to him turning around, smiling. "And I also plan to cook all your favorites this week. And Next week."
He smiled back at her and gave her sloppy kisses from her shoulder to her neck and her jaw line as a thank you. She giggled and then swatted him away.
"Go get dressed."
Derek gave her one last kiss before hurrying upstairs to get dressed. He returned later to see the rest of his family eating breakfast, well, minus Casey.
All of them are just talking about random things.
"Derek, shouldn't you be out the door by now?" George asked looking at the time.
"Yeah, I should." Derek said, standing up and walking over to the stairs, "Casey! We're gonna be late!"
"I'm coming!" Could be heard from her room.
She met him at the bottom of the stairs and greeted him with a quick kiss.
"Sorry, hi, I'm here. Let's go."
She grabbed her jacket and her bag while Derek grabbed his and she pulled him out as he yelled his good bye to the family.
George and Nora smiled at what they just saw and George looked at his wife.
"Casey is so great for Derek. I mean he hasn't been in trouble at all in the last three years." George said.
"Well I think that Derek is amazing to Casey. I haven't seen her like this in a long time. Or ever." She said back to him.
When they got to the car, no not the Prince, Derek traded in that car for something better and up to date. George completely understood why too. Once in the car and on the way to school, Casey was softly humming to the song on the radio. Derek didn't dare change it or turn up the volume. One, because he didn't want Casey to stop humming and two, he was perfectly fine with how it was.
When they got to school, before he turned off the car, he leaned in and kissed her with a slow passionate kiss. Casey always loved it when Derek kissed her like that.
"I love you." She whispered to him after breaking the kiss.
"I love you too. You have no idea." He whispered back.
They both goy out of the car and walked into the school hand in hand. When they got to Casey's locker, they were greeted by Emily, Sam and Ralph.
By the time lunch arrived, the entire school knew about the special visitors that were going to be there for Derek.
"D., I can't believe scouts are gonna be here for you." Sam said to Derek.
"Yeah you must feel like you're on top of the world." Ralph added in.
"I'm on top of the world all the time." Derek said looking at Casey who was talking to Emily.
Casey looked at Derek and smiled at him. She leaned in and gave him a small kiss on his jaw line and then gently nipped at it causing him to smile more. Sam and Ralph groaned and Emily gushed at them. Casey glared at Sam and Ralph but ended up smiling afterwards.
"Okay, let's not talk about the scouts. Let's just act like it's a normal week, along with next week and that the scouts aren't gonna be here for Derek." She said to her friends who nodded their heads. "In fact, let's all just be really immature for the next two weeks."
Derek looked at Sam and Ralph and they all burp loudly in agreement causing Casey and Emily to laugh.
After lunch, they had a few minutes to spare before the bell rang for class to start. Sam, Ralph and Emily were walking a few steps ahead while Derek and Casey were hand in hand, enjoying the presence of each other. Then, out of nowhere, Derek pulled Casey into an empty classroom. She looked at him curiously and he smirked at her.
"I have something for you." Derek told her, making her eyes light up.
"Ooh. A present?" She asked excited.
Derek nodded and pulled a box out of his pocket and her face had a shocked expression.
"Don't look surprised, I haven't showed you what it is yet." He said laughing.
He opened the box and inside was a white gold diamond ring. She gasped and tears started to fall down her face. He took the ring out and slipped it on her left hand on her ring finger.
"It's a promise ring. And a thank you, for everything you've done for me over the past three years." He explained easily to her.
More tears fell and she threw her arms around his neck. She gave him a deep kiss along with a bunch of small quick kisses saying 'I love you' in between.
"It's beautiful. Thank you." Casey said to him.
"You're beautiful. And I wanna be able to promise you everything. I love you Case."
"I love you too."
Empty halls. A blonde is struggling with her locker. Suddenly she heard foot steps. She turned to see a guy who looked to be about her age and he walked right past her.
"Excuse me? Can you help me with my locker?" She asked me politely.
He turned to look at the blonde. He nodded his head and walked over to her. She gave him the combination and he tried it twice and it didn't work. He sighed and hit the locker lightly with is fist and it opened.
"Thank you."
"No problem, you're new right?"
"Yeah," She held her hand out, "Sally Todd."
Shaking her hand, "Derek Venturi."
She looked up at him and noticed his shirt and it had a number stitched on his shirt over his chest.
Pointing, "What's with the number for Derek Venturi?"
She nodded and smiled at him. She turned back to her locker and grabbed the rest of her books.
"Well, it was nice meeting you but I have to get to class. Don't wanna make more of a first bad impression."
Derek nodded and watched her walk away before he turned to walk to his class to finish the day.
Ughhh! Still, it was so horrible! I'm still doing some serious damage control to the entire story and I'm changing a bunch of stuff for later chapters.