OK! This is my own version of Hellsing (I thought it up watchin the anime, and reading some awesome fics! :p R&R but please don't bash!! Just let me know if its good so far with what I have written, ok? Thanks!

Enjoy! ;D

" Oh, what a day," she moaned, plopping face down on her bed. Even though she was covered in dirt and grease, she wanted the softness of her bed to envelope her. " I don't think I can look at another frying pan ever again!"

She was the newest addition to the service workers at the Hellsing Estate. She was hired as a simple maid; do cleaning here and there. But she had to begin her work on a horrifically busy day…

The master of the home's birthday.

Sir Integra Wingates Hellsing wanted to celebrate her birthday in supreme style; she invited the must-know people from any and everywhere.

The cooks, servers, and waiters had their hands full trying to keep the people content and happy.

Seras had to play clean-up in the kitchen, where much help was desperately needed. She was handed a pair of yellow gloves and a mop and shoved right through the two-way doors. She grimaced at the sight of the kitchen, with the people running about like a load of headless chickens.

She heaved a heavy sigh.

" This is gonna be a long bloody night…"

Now she lay flat on her stomach, her head propped on her folded hands.

" I'm so beat! I don't even think I can make it to the shower," she moaned, trying to raise herself up on her elbows. She groaned, getting to her feet. God, she ached everywhere! She wobbled her way to the bathroom, undressed quickly, then slid underneath the hot water. She scrubbed at the grease that dried in her hair, and cursed when it wouldn't come out without a fight.

" Walter's gonna pay for throwing me in there without warning!"

Walter, the butler and right hand man of Sir Integra, had been designated her quote unquote, 'Boss'. He showed her the house, where certain things were located. He showed her every room; except for two.

One, was Integra's room. " That room," Walter said, pointing to the sign above the door, " is Sir Integra's master bedroom. No body goes in without her permission. Or admission," he said on smirk. Seras looked at him curiously, completely missing his joke. He just shook his head and mumbled something she couldn't hear (but wanted to, obviously.)

The next room intrigued Seras even more than Integra's. The door was at the bottom of very dark and gloomy, haunting stairs. She leaned forward slightly to look all the way down. " Who's room is that?" she asked, squinting to see if there was a name plate or something to indicate who lived there.

Walter cleared his throat and she stood straight. " That door is off limits to everyone. No one is allowed to go down there."

" Except Sir Integra," Seras said, pointing up a finger.

Walter's monocle slipped slightly, but he pushed it in place and cleared his throat again. " Yes, that it is true," he said, in a some-what sarcastic tone, " this is her home, after all." Seras felt the sting in his words, but simply nodded, not wanting to get into it with her new 'boss'. As they walked away, she glanced back, looking back down at the door. Something was down there.

The water was a little too hot; her skin was beginning to turn red. She cooled it down a bit, still scrubbing grease from her short hair. Her thoughts drifted to the door. " Who's room could that be?" she asked aloud, looking at the bar of green soap in her hand. She sighed. " Might just be another of Sir Integra's personal rooms," she mumbled, and shivered slightly. She rinsed off the soap that was left on her body, and grabbed the towel that was on the rail next to her shower door. She wrapped it around and padded into her bedroom. She dried herself, changed into her pajamas, and climbed into her new, comfortable bed. " What a day," she yawned, turning her face into the fluffy pillow. She yawned once more, and drifted into a deep sleep.

" How did the new girl fair today, Walter?" A puff of smoke was blown close to his face.

" She did very well, Sir. She was able to respond quickly to the situation she was thrown in."

" Good." Sir Integra blew another puff of smoke into the air. " I guess she'll be staying around. Is it alright to keep her under your jurisdiction, Walter?"

He nodded, then bowed. " If it is what you wish, Sir."

She nodded, and he bowed once again. He left the room. She stood and walked over to the window, looking down at the driveway. She put one gloved hand against the glass. She looked at her own reflection, watching the cigar's lit tip brighten as she inhaled. Behind her, she saw a shadow form.

" Good evening, my master."

" It's about time you showed up," she grumbled, biting down on her cigar.

" Sorry to keep you waiting," the shadow drawled.

She turned, and the shadow came toe to toe with her. " I don't like to be kept waiting," she said, blowing smoke up at the shadow.

" Forgive me, master," the shadow whispered against her neck.

She stiffened, her breath caught in her throat. " Damn vampire," she said, pushing it away.

The shadow developed into a tall man. He wore a wide brimmed red hat, long red trench coat, and orange, round rimmed glasses at the tip of his nose. He grinned, revealing his huge fangs. " What is it you desire of me, my master?"

She turned back to the window and looked out over the tree tops. " You're presence is desired in my personal chamber," she said, taking another drag off her cigar.

He grinned. " As you wish, my master," he said, bowing. He then came up behind her and startled her by wrapping his arms around her waist. He licked her neck with his long tongue and she shivered.

She pushed him away and stood and tall as she could make herself. " Well," she said, almost moaned, pulling her tie straight, " to my chambers."

He removed his hat and bowed deeply. " Lead the way, my master."

She turned her nose up and marched out, trying not to reveal the tinge of blush appearing on her cheeks. He had that evil grin smeared on his face as he followed her. She opened the heavy doors and walked in. He shut the doors behind them.

" What shall you have me do?" he asked, slinking up behind her. She looked at him over her shoulder.

" Follow any order I give you."

" Yes, my master."

She sat up straight, panting. " What on earth kind of dream was that?" she whispered to her quiet room, pulling the cover up to her chin. She looked at her reflection across from her in the huge, hanging mirror. She had had a nightmare.

She had walked down to that huge, black door, her curiosity flaming in her head. She slowly reached her hand up to the door handle, feeling her pulse beat in her fingertips.

But just as she was about to touch the handle, the door flew open.

A tall figure loomed over her, causing her to fall onto her back. The figure came down on her, covering her body with his.

She felt a sharp pain in her neck and screamed.

But her own scream is what frightened her; it was from both pain and…


She blushed.

A warmth had built up in her middle, and she squirmed. She placed a hand gingerly on her neck.

" What on earth was that…?"

Oh, I hope this was good!! -.-; please let me know if it is worth continuing and if you enjoyed the read? Please and thank you's!! :D