Author: This is just a bonus chapter, the last chapter was the TRUE ending. This is just my version of the "25 years later" skit at the end of season 2. If you had problems with that or would rather have things end your way, well just be warned that this is how I want things to end.



"Hello Izzy."

"Yamaki! How are you lately?" the young man greets me. Well, young compared to me.

"Same old, same old." I wave my hand at the air. "I'm just here to make sure you make it to the reunion."

"Don't worry," Izzy smiles at me. "I'll be able to make it. There hasn't been a major problem since that small virus outburst 3 months ago, but the Rangers took care of that."

"How's the family?" I teased him.

"Wife isn't complaining as much anymore, and my daughter is growing up a lot faster everyday that I come home. What about you?"

"Riley says I work too hard, my son doesn't mind it though, he wants to become a Ranger."

It's been many years since the defeat of NightmareMyotismon, 4 worlds have lived in harmony since, 2 of them are digital. About 4 months after the "Great Nightmare", as it was called, I was able to create a 2nd branch of HYPNOS in the digidestined's world. Several years later I myself appointed Izzy to be the head of this branch while I stayed in the main HQ back in my own world. It was earlier than that though that I've decided to slow down.

"Speaking of the Rangers," I walked up right beside him. "How is everyone there?"

The Rangers are a group of Digidestined, Tamers and even digimon that span the 4 worlds. Ryo made a suggestion to create such a group to me. At first I was sceptical, but we decided to put it through a trial run and the results were more than satisfactory. They were originally a small branch under HYPNOS, but the world governments stepped in and made it a separate business of its own, though we keep in close contact of any developments. Now they are an invaluable asset to the worlds.

Since Ryo was the one to pitch the idea, he was originally set to be the General Commander of the Ranger. However, he refused it, saying he would much rather be on the front lines. Luckily, Ken volunteered for the position himself, and all is well after that. Yolei became head of the Detective and Science branches of the Rangers, both she and Ken are hardly apart for long, if ever. Rika is actually Ryo's superior in terms of ranks within the Rangers, she actually asked to be given command of Ryo himself, I almost felt sorry for him, until they decided to tie the knot.

"They're all doing fine," Izzy replies. "I hear Takato and Davis are still at each other's throats lately in the business world."

Takato and Davis, the two of them now own their own businesses and are competing with each other. Takato took over his parent's bread shop, trying out all sorts of different recipes and mixes for both human and digimon. Which Guilmon is more than happy to taste first. His wife Jeri stays with him all throughout the years, though her real job is a teacher at TK's Digimon School. Davis on the other hand, has his noodle cart and is always on the move, never settling down, he did get lucky though. Of all the people, Davis...

"Matt and Mimi just finished their duet concert tour in our digital world," I told him.

Mimi was originally a model for clothes and magazine covers. More often than they liked, she occasionally asks help from Lillymon and Angewomon. On a radio talk show, she was asked to sing and became a hit. Now she's a singer supermodel known throughout the 4 worlds. Matt and his band skyrocketed to fame, topping the musical charts time and again. The two of them recently had a duet tour through the worlds, though they've been together far longer than that. Just ask their children.

"And Joe was recently called to TK's school to help with an ill digimon," Izzy informed me. "It was still in the early stages, so he was able to heal it quickly."

Joe became a traveling doctor, going wherever he's needed, be it human or digmon. There was a fatal digital illness that quickly spread through the digimon 4 years ago, but Joe was able to stop the spread in months. A year and a half later he was able to create a cure for it. Needless to say, he's become a lot more reliable than he thinks.

"Speaking of the School, is everything alright in there?"

"Oh everything's going great! Remember when TK was able to raise more money through fundraisers to make a sky tower for the flying digimon? Now they're building their 3rd one."

TK became the school principal of his own school. Unlike all other schools though, this one is meant for digidestined and Tamers that want to become closer with their digimon while giving normal school lessons to all ages. Actually, while it did start out as a small school in the digital world, it's now more of a small city in a few short years. TK himself is a teacher, along with Kari, Cody, Henry and Suzy. Luckily for them, they have the benefit of having free performances from Matt and Mimi every once in a while.

"Sir!" one of Izzy's co-workers called to him. "We've detected three high speed unknowns in south east Server. There's is also a Monochromon stampede in the area."

"Give me a visual," Izzy commanded and stood up.

On the screen were three motorcycles going strangely fast.

"I wish they wouldn't do that," Izzy sighed and sat back down.

"Beelzemon, Ai and Mako, right?"

"Yeah, if they just agreed to work with us instead of just alongside us we wouldn't have to be suspicious of them every time they show up."

Beelzemon became a wandering vigilante, much to our dismay, though all of us still consider him a good friend. I'm sure he sees us the very same way. Ai and Mako eventually joined him in his wild adventures when they came of age.

"What are they up to?" Izzy asks.

"You said there was a Monochromon stampede in the area?" I added.

"Yes sir!" was the worker's reply.

"Which direction is it going?" I pressed on.

"Hold on," the worker began to send images to the big screen. "There, they're headed towards a small town village. It seems that Beelzemon is going to intercept them."

"How does he do that?" Izzy asked aloud. "We would never have been able to detect that stampede in time to stop it."

"We may never know," I tell him as the three bikes stop in a distance in front of the rampaging Monochromon. "Kazu and Kenta are the only ones we can turn to when it comes to him."

Both Kazu and Kenta have become low ranking Rangers under Rika's unit. Though they are still capable of contacting Beelzemon periodically somehow, they've pretty much become our way of communicating with that gang.

We watch as Beelzemon drives off the herd with a couple shots from his blaster. It worked as the stampede changed course and away from the village.

"It's best to leave him be," I told myself.

"So," Izzy started. "Have they decided where the reunion will be? I've been too busy lately with all these traffic reports."

Traffic, ever since the Great Nightmare, travel between the 4 worlds became easier. But for security reasons they needed to be monitored, who knows who or what can take advantage of the interdimensional traveling. In a meeting between me, the Tamers and the digidestined, we decided that the best way to control and monitor this potential problem is to make digiports at select locations around the 4 worlds. This way, we can ensure that no one wicked passes through.

"Just be glad that the Olympics are over until next month," I joked with him.

With 2 human worlds, there are now 4 Olympics, with one held each year. Participants from both worlds are more than welcome to compete. The biggest sport right now is soccer, with Tai as the biggest star. Unfortunately, due to rules and regulations, Sora is unable to play alongside Tai. So she instead became his coach. Not surprisingly though, Tai is the only one that can match Sora's training regimes while the rest of the team is always knocked out because of it. She had been offered a place in the women's soccer league several times, refusing each time just because she wanted to be with Tai.

Ha, just thinking about them together makes me remember that one great riot of Taiora shippers at the Digimon anime studio.

"This year it was the Tamer's turn to choose," I answered him. "They eventually decided to go to File Island, where you first stared your journey."

Izzy smirked at me, "That really brings back memories. I'll notify my 2nd and meet you there tomorrow."

"We'll be waiting Izzy," I waved and left the building. "It's been such a long time, yet it only feels like yesterday."

Every year, the core Digidestined and Tamers take one day off to celebrate their friendship. Of course, I'm part of that group thanks to my close contact with the Tamers. I take a look at the time, I was with Izzy longer than I had thought. Time to call Riley and tell her I'll be home late.

"Daddy, daddy!" A young and eager 7 year old girl calls on her sleepy father. "Daddy wake up or we'll be late!"

"Ah," the young man yawns out loud and scratches his big bundle of hair. He sees his daughter all dressed and ready to go, her eager brown eyes and orange hair shining. She was holding a sleeping Koromon. "Good morning!"

"Hurry up daddy!" the girl races off quickly.

"Haha, you heard her, Tai," Sora walks in. She too was ready for the reunion. She walks over to him and grabs his arm to pull him off the bed.

"I'm up, I'm up!" Tai stands up and begins to prepare as Sora heads downstairs to meet with their daughter.

"Is he awake yet?" the girl asks.

"He is," Sora smiles. "Just give him time, he was training hard yesterday."

"Is he going to win another gold medal mama?" The girl jumps.

"Hmm..." Sora walks over to a display of several trophies, many of them are silver but some are gold and others are bronze. "What should I do if he doesn't?"

"You should train him more mama," her daughter answered quickly.

"Haha," Sora goes over to cuddle the little one. "I'll do just that. Be sure to cheer him on when he's playing alright?"

"I will, mama."

Sora hurries to pack up some things as she hears Tai's footsteps above her. She already told Agumon and Biyomon to go on ahead into the digital world.

"Mama," she hears her daughter calling.

"Yes?" Sora turns to find her looking at the trophy case.

"Is that a trophy?" the girl was pointing above the case. There, hanging on the wall inside a frame was a single white feather. "What kind of game did daddy play to get that?"

Sora thought about what kind of answer to give her.


"That's not one of mine," Tai's voice the silence. "That belonged to a close friend."

"Really?" unfazed, the girl was quick to reply and rushed over to him. "Then you should give it back."

"Listen," Tai kneeled to meet her eyes with his. "That is a precious gift given to me, and to your mother too. We can't give it back or it'll hurt her feelings."


"Yeah," Tai stands up. "Now come on, let's hurry up."

"YAAAAAY!" the little girl runs around excitedly.

Tai smiles, "I'm surprised that Koromon can still sleep like that."

"Tai..." Sora had concern in her voice.

"I'll tell her the truth when she's older," Tai reassured her. "The whole truth, about me, you, the Great Nightmare, this feather and where her name comes from."

Sora knew that day will come soon, she still worries about how to go about it.

"Hey, don't worry about her." Tai tells her. "She's got my blood in her! Alice!" Tai chases after his daughter.

"HEEEY!" Tai waved to TK, Matt, Kari and Mimi on an open field surrounded by forests. Their children are playing with the digimon not too far away, near the trees.

"Tai, you made it!" Matt joked.

"I'm surprised we were early, where is everyone?" Tai looks around.

"Izzy said there was some maintenance going on at some of the ports," TK tells them. "So they may be a little late."

"Daddy, daddy!" Alice tugs on Tai's leg. "Can I go play?"

"Sure, go and play with them."

"YAAY!" Alice runs off, carrying her Koromon with her.

"She's really grown up," Mimi smiles.

"Yeah she can be quite a handful," Sora giggles. "Just like her father."

Everybody took a moment to laugh.

Tai then takes a good look at the sky, "I can't believe so much time has passed since then. This is where we first landed in the digital world."

"I know what you mean Tai," Matt agrees. "To think that we were kids ourselves when we saved the worlds. Hey Sora, I see that you're still wearing that hairpin."

"I told you before," Sora smiles. "This is very important to me." A small breeze blows through her as she feels the pin. Her hair waves gently, flowing with the air.

"Hey Tai," Mimi started. "Bet you're glad I stopped you right?"

"Ooooh yeah," Tai happily agreed.

"What happened?" TK interrupted.

"Hmhm..." Sora slightly giggles. "A long time ago, Tai thought about proposing to be with a diamond hairpin."

"And I talked him out of it," Mimi brags. "I mean, seriously? Proposing with a diamond hairpin?"

"Guilmon!" the group hears one of the kids cry out. They all turn to see everyone snuggling around a happy Guilmon as Takato and Jeri come up towards them.

"Takato!" Tai yells to him. "How've you been?"

Before he could answer, a loud noise was heard coming their way. From the forest came a large wooden cart, pulled by Davis!


Kari smacks her head with her palm, "Really, Davis? You had to bring your whole cart?"

"It's a really special occasion this time right? So why not?" Davis happily pulled over. He let his kid and digimon go to where all the other kids are as he sets up. "Tai is always bringing a soccer ball, but my kid's gonna be better than his!"

"I'd like to see that," Tai watches as Alice shows her already developing footwork around the other kids with the soccer ball.

"So Davis," Takato starts. "Any new flavours?"

"Plenty!" Davis happily brags. "What about you?"

"Just three," Takato holds up a bag of bread. "It was hard for me to choose which to bring though.

Jeri giggled, "We would've brought more but Guilmon ate them all."

"I wonder which one of us is gonna get the bigger profit this year?" Davis smirks.

Tai just laughs, Takato and Davis are friendly rivals of course. "Guys, mind keeping the competition down? We're here to celebrate."

"WHOAAAA!" a familiar scream is heard above them. They all look up to see a body coming down, and crash into the noodle cart.

"Hey!" Davis screams. "What's the big- oh."

"Who is it?" Takato walks over to take a look. "It's Joe!"

"Are you alright Joe?" Davis takes out his hand.

Tai looks around the sky quickly and finds Joe's child land on top of Guilmon, safely.

"What happened?" Matt asks as Davis helps Joe up and out of the cart.

"They're still trying to fix the bugs in the ports," Joe explains. "Good thing I brought my bag." He shows off his medical bag.

"Keep that handy," Tai mentions. "We may need it for Davis's noodles and Takato's bread."

"Hey!" the two of them quickly responded as the others snickered.

"Look," Kari motions for them to see her direction. "It's Kabuterimon and Izzy!"

Kabuterimon lands near the children, as he dedigivolves back and joins the fun with Izzy's kid. Izzy ran up to the group.

"Joe, are you alright?"

"I'm fine Izzy," Joe says calmly. "Luckily Davis parked his noodle cart here."

"It was nothing," Davis bragged. "This is a small training cart anyway."

"That's small?" TK was baffled.

"I'd call it tacky," Mimi joked.

The sound of motorcycles catches everyone's ears. In the distance they see Beezemon, with Calumon on his shoulder, and behind him is Ai and Mako on their bikes. Flying above them was Guardromon with Kazu and Kenta and chasing them were Stingmon and Ken, Aquilamon and Yolei, Justimon and Sakuyamon.

When they arrived, they dedigivolved fast and everyone quickly greeted them as they sent their children away to play with the others. Calumon pulled on Beelzemon's ear, so Beelzemon returned to being Impmon and joined them all.

"So," Tai started. "How're the Rangers, Ken?"

"They're working fine," Ken started. "It isn't as busy as it should be."

"Which is a good thing," Yolei added.

"Not for me," Ryo joked. "I've been getting bored doing nothing."

"You can always clean out the garage," Rika butted in.

"Er," Ryo was stumped.

"Hey, TK," Yolei wondered. "Where's the rest of the guys from the School?"

"Oh, they should've arrived right after us," TK looks around. "I don't know where they could be."

"Sorry about that," Izzy apologized. "We're just doing some upgrades to the digiports, hopefully they were transported nearby."

"Great!" Davis exclaimed. "In the meantime..." He hops back into the damaged stand and starts cooking.

"Hopefully we won't have to wait long," Takato expresses his concern.

"Oh, it won't be that long," Jeri pointed to a giant green machine. On it was Cody, Suzy, Yamaki and Riley.

Henry dedigivolved and they all joined the others. Setting their children and Digimon free.

"Yamaki!" Izzy shouted. "Where'd you come from?"

"Not far," He answers. "But we were lucky that Henry happened to fly over us any way."

"You should really hurry up and fix those digiports," Cody spoke up.

"We're working on them as fast as we can Cody," Izzy started.

"We might have to look into this problem ourselves later," Yamaki said.

"Well right now let's just enjoy our day off," Henry excitedly spoke.

"Mmhmm!" Suzy silently but happily agreed.

Everyone split up and started to set up their picnic. Everyone had brought food with them especially Davis and Takato, so there was no shortage. As they ate with their children, they talked about the past. A past they already know, a past that they'll never forget.

The Tamers started, with how they met their Digimon, Hypnos, the Devas, their digital adventure and the D-Reaper. The original Digidestined followed, their first landing at this very spot, the Black Gears and Devimon, the Crests and Etemon, Myotismon and their search for the 8th child, the Dark Masters, Apocalymon and Diaboromon. The 2nd generation Digidestined continued, the Digi-Eggs and the Emperor, the Black Towers and BlackWarGreymon, the Daemon Corps and MaloMyotismon and Armageddomon.

Then Tai started the NightmareMyotismon story, leaving out Alice as he always did year after year. Only he and Sora know the truth. It's a sad story, but one that Tai will shoulder on his own, with help from Sora.

The children and the Digimon began to play again in the field as their parents watched happily while finishing some of the leftovers. One of the children accidently kicks the ball too hard into th forest.

"I'll get it!" Alice volunteers excitedly.

"Be careful Alice!" her Koromon and Tai's Agumon said in unison.

Alice wonders around the bushes, looking for the lost ball.

A loud scream rips through the air, Tai immediately knows who it's from.

"ALICE!" Tai gets up first as the rest follow. He runs to the group of children, all of the digimon have already gone after the noise.

"What happened?" Davis asks his child.

"The ball went into the forest and Alice went to go get it, after hearing the scream, the digimon went in after her."

"Yamaki, take care of the kids!" Tai called out as he and the other rush through the woods.

"Got it. Come on, let's get back for now and wait for them."

Tai and the others break through the trees and bushes onto a familiar canyon. A rustling behind them alerts them all, their digimon popped through the greenery.

"Agumon! Koromon!" Tai ran up to them quickly.

"Tai! We heard the scream, but we can't find her!"

Just then a couple trees nearby were knocked down, Alice runs from the woods and stops at the edge of the cliff.

"ALICE!" Tai screams and runs to her with Agumon not too far behind.

"DADDY!" Alice tries to make it to him, but a small quake stops them both.

Kuwagamon appears out of the trees. With one more stomp, the ground beneath Alice crumbles and she begins to fall.

"I got her!" Impmon charges forward. "Impmon digivo-" *WHACK*

One of Kuwagamon's arms swats Impmon away before he can finish digivolving.

"Agumon! Curl up!" Tai rears up his foot as Agumon turns into a ball. "GO!"

Agumon is sent flying by the kick, "Agumon digivolved to Greymon!"

The flying Greymon tackles Kuwagamon and quickly pushes him away from the group.

"ALICE!" Tai looks over the cliff for his daughter, but he can't find her.

"Biyomon digivolved to Birdramon!" Sora climbs onto one of Birdramon's feet and flies down, looking for Alice.

"Sora look out!" Takato warns as Kuwagamon had somehow broken free from Greymon and is now diving for her.

Guilmon jumps down the canyon, "Guilmon digivolved to Growlmon!"

"Let's do it boy!" Takato took out his digivice and a card. "Digi power up! Angemon Wings!"

Growlmon stomped on the Kuwagamon, sending it plummeting down into the river while he flies back up himself alongside Sora.

"Sora, are you okay?" Matt asks out of concern.

"I'm fine Matt," she reassures him. "But..."

"Daddy!" Alice pops up from behind everyone, from the forest.

"Alice!" Tai rushes to her and embraces her closely. "I was so worried." Sora climbed off of Birdramon and rushed to them, all the champions returned to their rookie forms.

"I'm fine daddy, don't cry." Alice calmed her father down. "Daddy guess what? An angel saved me!"

"An angel?" Tai was bewildered. "You mean an Angemon or something?"

"No, it was a human angel!" She exclaimed loudly. "She had beautiful wings. And the wings had Mama and Daddy's Crests!"

"What?" almost everyone asked in unison and shock.

Tai and Sora just looked at each other, they knew who she was talking about, at least they think they know.

"Tai," Matt walks up to him. "What's this about?"

"I have no idea Matt." Tai lied. But Matt knew he was lying.

"Alright," Matt agreed to keep it quiet, he will ask about it again and Tai will have to tell him the whole truth. "We better get back though, it's supposed to be a day of celebration!"

"I agree," Mimi joyfully led the group back into the forest.

A slight breeze blew through them all, a single white feather flies in front of Sora and Tai, they stare at it as it disappears into the sky.

"Alice," Sora whispered under her breath.

"She's been here," Tai started. "All this time, watching over us, over the entire digital world."

Tai and Sora continue their walk as an unseen figure smiles. She spreads her wings and vanishes into the sun leaving a trail of feathers behind her.

Author: And that's that. Everyone has moved on and the rest is history.

This here is a different version, but I thought it was kinda random and weird compared to the above. Personally, I didn't like it.


"Let's do it boy!" Takato took out his digivice and a card. "Digi power up! Angemon Wings!"

Growlmon stomped on the Kuwagamon, sending it plummeting down into the river while he flies back up himself alongside Sora.

"Sora, are you okay?" Matt asks out of concern.

"I'm fine Matt," she reassures him. "But..."

A loud roar interrupts her, Kuwagamon returns, angrier than ever. It digvolves into Okuwamon.

"Not now," Tai clenched his teeth.

"Tai!" Greymon yells. "You go find Alice! We'll take care of this guy!"

"He's right!" Davis tells him. "Go and find Alice, this thing is toast."

"Let's go Gabumon!" Matt tells his partner.

"Gabumon digivolves to Garurumon!"

Matt hops on, "Come on Tai!" Matt stretches out a hand.

"Alright!" Tai takes it and is pulled on top of the blue wolf.

Gabumon and Birdramon run off as the new and digivolved Kuwagamon looks over the rest of the group.

"This guy doesn't stand a chance," Ryo smirked.

"Nope," Rika agreed.

"So, who wants the honors?" TK smiles.

"Let me at him!" Beelzemon suddenly appears in front of them all, guns drawn. Okuwamon digivolves again into GranKuwagamon.

"ALICE!" Tai, Sora and Matt frantically scream as they follow the river.

A shadowy metal figure hides from them, holding the unconscious little girl in his hands. "I've waited a long time for my revenge, uh huh huh. Now I have the key to victory! You can't beat the king, baby! My comeback tour is sure to rock the digital world!"

A rustling forces him to stop his speech, a figure dressed in white appears before him.

"Hey now, who are you?"

Silently, the figure spreads her wings...

A bright light catches Sora's eyes. She turns to see a giant cross of light, Matt and Tai also see it before it vanishes.

"It can't be," Sora mumbled to herself. "Birdramon!" The bird changes direction over to where the light was as Garurumon follows suit.

"Is that the cross you were talking about when I was knocked out?" Tai asks Matt.

"Yeah," Matt started. "It's strange though, what's it doing here?"

The three of them arrive to where the cross was, they find a girl dressed in white carrying young Alice in her arms. Tai and Sora couldn't believe it.

"Alice!" Tai screams as he got off Garurumon and runs towards his little girl. Matt and Sora followed behind him.

"Don't worry Tai," the girl assures him. "She's just knocked out."

"Thank you," Tai takes his child back from her.

"Why are you crying Tai?" she asks him.

"I thought that-" Tai tries his best to hold back his tears.

"I'll always be here Tai," she tells him. "I've become a part of this world which you love. That alone makes me happy." She spreads her wings, revealing the Crests of Courage and Love.

"Wait!" Sora stops her. "Why don't you join us?"

"I can't," She stared down. "I can't hold my form for long. I'll vanish again soon."

"When will we see you again?"

"I've watched you all these years," she started. "I've seen you grow, I've seen your children grow with you. I was always with you, all this time. This child of yours, when I first heard her name, it was the happiest day of my life... well, sort of."

Tai, Sora and the girl shared a small quick laugh. The girl then walks over to Alice's body.

"Here," the girl puts a hand to her chest. A light glows and is not in her hand. She shows it to Tai, her Crest of Faith. She places it on top of Alice's body, where it disappears into her. "She deserves it."

The girl flaps her wings and hovers above them, smiling.

"Goodbye, and thank you," Tai tells her, sorrowfully.

"It's not goodbye. I'll always be seeing you soon." She waves then flies away into the clouds.

As Sora and Tai look on, Matt walks over in front of them.

"So, mind telling me what just happened?"

"It's a long story Matt, a very long story." Tai tells him as the rest of the group makes their way to them.