This will very likely be the final chapter of this story, at least for now. I might consider working on a sequel somewhere down the line, or if someone else would like to pick up where I leave off, I would have no objections. Hope you all enjoyed, G


They lay together under the sheets of Gibbs' bed, Kate enfolded in his arms. She'd sent the text message like he asked, and gotten each of them a glass of orange juice from the fridge, before settling back in with him. The only real words to describe her feelings were utterly blissful.

For three long years she'd pretended to be someone she was not. She'd pretended interests she'd never really had. Worst of all, she'd pretended feelings she wouldn't ever have had, not in a million years, for a man who was a slug, the filth of humanity.

Was it all worth it? She wasn't sure. Certainly they had done the world a service by removing the Vulture and his cohorts from the game, but someone else would step in to fill his shoes eventually. That was the way of things. It was a sad, but true fact of life. There was never a difficulty finding slime willing to line their own pockets on the suffering of others. If someone were to ask her to take on another such assignment, she'd not hesitate to tell them where to go. Three years of her life was enough.

Kate couldn't help but wonder, however, would she have been here now, in Gibbs' bed, in his arms, if she hadn't left? Somehow, she doubted it.

"What'cha thinking about Katie?" His voice was a little rough, still heavy with sleep.

"How happy I am," she answered honestly. She rolled over, surrendering the warm and wonderful feeling of his arms around her, so that she could see his face. Those blue eyes had always driven her half mad, but now…

She traced the line of his jaw, feeling the stubble that had begun to appear since last night. He was, near enough, half again her age, but she didn't care. He was the best looking man she'd ever known, and smart as hell. He was a bit of a wounded bear at times, and tough to work with and for. More importantly, she loved him. And, if the look in his eyes, the beating of his heart, the way he held her, and the passion of his kisses were anything to judge by, he loved her every bit as much.

She stretched her neck just a bit, allowing her to brush his lips lightly with her own. He smiled a bit, and kissed her back. It wasn't long before they were once again embroiled in one another, tuning out all other sensations except the feel of one another's skin, the taste of their kiss, the beating of their heart, the soft whispers of affection. It was every bit as glorious as it had been the night before, several times.

Finally, exhausted, they slumped back into a prone position, both fighting for breath, both feeling as though all was right with the world, at least until Gibbs' cell began to ring.

"Don't answer it," Kate whispered, still struggling for breath. She'd known though, even as she was saying the words, he would answer. The number was the NCIS dispatch officer.

He flipped the phone open, giving her a look that was almost apologetic. Kate wondered if that counted as a sign of weakness as well. "Yeah, Gibbs," he said, his voice still a touch husky, but closer to normal now.

She couldn't help but wonder how he had managed that. She was still struggling for breath after their vigorous lovemaking.

"What's the address?" Gibbs asked. "Okay. Alert DiNozzo, David & McGee." There was a brief pause. "No, I'll alert Agent Todd." Kate suppressed a giggle at that little lie of omission.

He jabbed several buttons on the phone and waited a moment. "Ducky, we've got a body, 718 Northview. Sorry to give you a day off and then take it away." He closed the phone, kissed her once again, passionately, before rolling out of bed and onto his feet. He rummaged in the closet a moment before tossing her a dark blue terrycloth robe that she was swimming in when she put it on.

"Should I jump in the shower first, or do you want it first?" she asked.

"What's wrong with both at the same time?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows mischievously.

"Gibbs, we've made love four times in the last ten hours," Kate said, sounding amazed. Deep down, she was immensely pleased she could elicit such primal urges in her boss. Funny, but that was how she began thinking of his, as soon as his phone rang, her boss. "We'll have to make it quick." She dropped the robe on the floor and darted into the bathroom. Gibbs grinned to himself and followed at a more leisurely pace. For the first time in a very long time, he wasn't in a rush to get to the crime scene.