Here is the prologue to my new story.

Sun and Moon


When the twins are born, they will wield the two celestial powers.

These powers of the Sun and Moon.

The shards of which made these powers, will be sought by evil hands.

And the twins that wield these powers will protect them with their lives.

It was a calm, peaceful , summer night in Odaiba. Especially in the park with its healthy trees and beautiful flowers. A couple was strolling through the park, the girlfriend clinging to her boyfriend's arm.

"So James," the girlfriend said, "when are you going to make me an honest woman?"

"I was thinking a few months," the boyfriend named James said as he pulled out a red velvet box.

The girlfriend hugged her boyfriend as she felt like the luckiest woman in the world. Just then, they both heard rustling in the bushes and a low growl. The couple began to cower in fear as the growling grew louder.

Then a frightening creature jumped out of the bushes.

Not just any creature, a digimon.

The mysterious digimon had violet hook like claws for arms and legs. It had a muscular pink body with pink quills protruding from its body and a monstrous looking head.

It eyed the couple with evil intent in his eyes, poising as he was about to pounce on his prey. He then heard a thud a felt pain on the side of its head. He turned to see a soccer ball bouncing away from him. It then started to roll before being picked up by a boy with a girl by his side.

The boy was fourteen with tanned skin, auburn hair, and chocolate brown eyes, while the girl, of the same age, had light skin, dark brown hair, and light brown eyes. The boy also had an Agumon by his side with an orange wrist-mounted digivice, while the girl had a Biyomon by her side with a red wrist-mounted digivice.

The digimon snarled in rage at the two mysterious digidestined, he knew these two well, and hated them with a vengeance.

"Well, well, well," the boy said, "look at this Mai. Arkadimon got so impatient about us taking so long to get here that he had to go and attack a defenseless couple."

"Looks that way Kai," said the girl named Mai before looking at the scared couple. "You two might want to leave, it's about to get ugly."

The couple nodded and began to run very fast away from the scene that was about to transpire.

"Alright then," Kai said. "Agumon…"

"Biyomon…" Mai said at the same time.


"Pepper Breath"

The Agumon fired his fireball towards the digimon known as Arkadimon, who jumped in to the air to avoid the attack.

"Spiral Twister"

The attack slammed into Arkadimon, causing him to hit the ground with a loud painful thud. But he recovered quickly and was back on his feet in no time.

"Erase Sickle"

One of Arkadimon's claws grew to pole length and swung it at the Kai and Mai, trying to impale the duo. The claw slammed into the tree and Arkadimon, realizing that his claw was stuck in the tree, was trying to pull it out. Kai and Mai saw this and ordered their digimon to attack.

"Pepper Breath"

"Spiral Twister"

Both attacks combined and slammed into Arkadimon, throwing him across the park and ripping his claw from the tree. Kai, Mai, Agumon, and Biyomon followed the path of broken trees, bushes, and ruined flowers to Arkadimon against a wall, painfully whimpering because of his injuries.

"Enough of this," Kai said. "We need to finish this off."

"Agreed," Mai said. "This is getting really boring."

Kai then proceeded to take a small object out of his pants pocket, an orange cartridge in a square shape with the astrological symbol of the sun in black in the center. While doing this, Mai took out a similar cartridge that was light blue and had the astrological symbol of the moon. Arkadimon coward in fear of these objects, he knew what they are and what they can do. So he jumped in the air and disappeared in the night.

"Ah, crap," Kai said. "There he goes."

"We could've finished this off before it even started," Mai said while pointing an accusing finger at Kai, "This is your fault."

"My fault," Kai said, "What the hell are you talking about? How is this my fault?"

"We should've made Agumon and Biyomon digivolve in the first place," Mai said. "But no, we had to be all stealth like, we have to make them digivolve at the last minute."

"Will you two stop arguing for once," Agumon said.

"You two need to learn to work together," Biyomon said.

Mai sighed and said, "They're right. We need to do this together. If we don't, our world and the digital world are doomed."

"Yeah," Kai agreed. "We'll be doomed to."

With that Mai realized the seriousness of the situation, if they don't stop Arkadimon, both she and Kai will disappear from existence.

Who are Kai and Mai? What is Arkadimon planning? And what do these mysterious objects that they posses do? To find out, you are going to have to read the rest of the story. Please review until then.

Peace out.