Disclaimer: ES21, characters and their illegal weapons belong to their rightful creators ie Not Mine.

A/N: My impression of Saikyoudai—Akaba, Taka and Kakei (I'm convinced he's also in this team) stand around, looking generally hot and expressionless. Banba, Ikkyu and Juumonji are stoic and long-suffering. Yamato, Agon and Hiruma…destroy everything in their path.

Drabble 9



It was just a normal afternoon. Mamori, 2nd year reserve manager of the Saikyoudai American Football team, had been held back in class, so she was dashing towards the field to bring Hiruma the bunch of new statistics he had demanded from her the day before. Come to think of it, she really had no reason to rush like that, especially since it's just for Hiruma. But she had been so fixated with delivering the notes to him on time that she tripped on her way down the stairs.

For a terrifying moment, she thought she would fall, get injured and Hiruma, that jerk, would mock her forever.


But, just in the nick of time, an arm circled round her waist and pulled her sleekly back to safety.

Mamori looked up to thank her rescuer, and immediately froze in shock.

She was looking at Yamato Takeru up-close for the first time. Probably more up-close than she ever wanted to.

His face was flawless, his smile was perfect and his bangs fell artistically into his deep, dark eyes.

But that's just normal Yamato.

He also seemed to be almost…sparkling at her.

That's definitely not normal.


Blinking a little to clear the sparkles, Mamori quickly regained her composure. She smiled back, told him thanks and tried to, politely but firmly, push the strange and shiny running-back out of her personal space. She did not succeed.

"Interesting," Yamato commented bemusedly, not letting go of her waist, "I thought this was going to be a sure-win scenario. But you're not falling for me, you're not even blushing."

"…What?" Mamori frowned at him in utter confusion.

"I thought Karin is the only girl immune to my full-on charm," he continued conversationally, "But I also thought that is because she is, in certain ways, manlier than most guys could ever be. You're quite a surprise, Manager-san."

This is getting slightly creepy, Mamori thought, getting increasingly uncomfortable by the moment.

"You're really unimpressed by my effort, aren't you?" Yamato asked, looking slightly disappointed. "I suppose you're already in love?"



Before Mamori could answer, a burst of bullets exploded loudly between them, breaking them apart.

"Stop slacking off, fucking manager!" Hiruma stood at the bottom of the stairs, gun slung across one shoulder. He glared at her accusingly, "You're seriously fucking late."

Entirely unfazed by his menacing stance, Mamori darted down the stairs towards him without a second thought.


Yamato crocked an eyebrow thoughtfully as he watched them walk away together.


"You knew I can't win this," he reproached Agon later, when they met to settle the result of their bet.

"Yeah, but I knew I can," his dreadlocked teammate replied, taking the 50 bucks off his hands with a self-satisfied smirk.