Disclaimer: ES21, characters and their illegal weapons belong to their rightful creators ie Not Mine.

A/N: These drabbles were written really long ago so the characters concerned may have evolved to be slightly different since then. But rest assure there won't be any drastic OOC. These are just some light-hearted, fluffy pieces after all.

Drabble 1

White Knights

real knights don't use electricity

"Shin-kun!" Sakuraba called out, "Wait up!"

Shin stopped, waiting silently for the other boy to catch up.

"Takami-kun is collating a team contact list. So we need your number!" Shin was notorious for his inability to handle modern machinery so Sakuraba did not even bother to ask him for an e-mail address.

However, there still seemed to be a problem.

Shin looked at him blankly and said blandly, "…What number?"

Sakuraba blinked, surprised by the question. "Your telephone number of course."

"…" Shin frowned, "There's a number for it?"

Sakuraba stared at his teammate, incredulous.

"Don't you know your own home number?" he asked in disbelief.

Shin didn't answer. Sakuraba twitched.

"Do you even know how a telephone works?"

Shin deliberated upon this for a moment, then answered succinctly, "It rings. Then you pick it up and speak into it."

Sakuraba buried his head in his hands with a groan, then peeked at Shin through his fingers, as if expecting him to disparate back into whichever previous century he had came from.

"How on earth do we contact you then?" He ventured.

"Usually," Shin answered with all seriousness, "Otawara ties the message to a rock, then throws it through my bedroom window."