Those flashing lights come from everywhere—
The way they hit her, I just stop and stare…
I'm love stoned from everywhere,
And she knows…I think that she knows…
Lost and Found – Chapter 10: The Surprise
I was inwardly grumbling to myself as Bella and I finally approached her apartment complex. I was holding her hand tightly, more tightly than usual in an effort to convey my dissatisfaction over her still being so amused over what had happened. However, when Bella glanced back over at me, her now blue eyes all alight with mischief while she bit her lip to hide her smile, I couldn't seem to stay even mildly upset with her. She ran her free hand over my face as she turned and stepped in front of me. She wasn't close enough for me to fully feel her body though, but I knew that was because I was absolutely filthy and not because she didn't want to wrap her arms around me. She giggled slightly as her fingers moved gently over my grim expression. "Stop pouting, Edward."
I growled at her softly, but I felt my lips twitching upwards against my will. I soon was struggling to keep myself from smiling back at her. Her happiness was intoxicating. I did my best to try and be stern anyway, "It wasn't that funny, Bella."
She bit her lip again before shaking her head in disagreement. "Yes, it was."
I groaned and swiveled her around so we were once again walking back up to the entryway. I wanted to get upstairs so I could clean up. I hissed at her quietly, "You had to have seen that coming. You let it happen, you little minx."
Bella full out laughed at that, and although the security guard at the entrance to the building was frowning at how loud she was being this late at night, he was also watching my beautiful Bella intently while he listened wistfully to her melodic laugh. She sure is beautiful. I haven't seen her here for awhile. I look for her every evening. She must've been staying at his place. Lucky bastard. I watched out of the corner of my eye as this simple human male appraised me. He took in my dirty jeans, slightly ripped shirt, and all around dishevelment before apparently deciding that I probably wouldn't last long. He's not that good looking…and how in the world did he get so dirty?
I growled lowly at his thoughts, particularly because Bella seemed completely oblivious to his amorous behavior. Besides, I didn't need him reminding me that I looked like a train wreck, even if I didn't look anything like myself in the first place since we had altered our true appearances. Bella's sigh brought my attention back to her. She was still smiling at me, and she sent some of her contentment and love my way as she spoke, "I swear to you, Edward, that I did not see that coming. I would have said something."
Her eyes held my gaze as she said all this, and there was no way I didn't believe her. I leaned down and kissed her lips gently in reply, quietly enjoying the security guard's dismay over my public claim on her. There was also no way he could hear us that far away, which was a good thing, considering we weren't supposed to be using our real names. She was supposed to call me something else. Her name was Amber Wilson here.
When I pulled away from her, she walked us quickly to 'check her mail' at the 24 hour management office. She kept her hold of my hand, and I let her drag me around, considering we needed to maintain skin-to-skin contact for me to remain in my changed appearance. As she flirted slightly with the older gentleman behind the counter, I couldn't help but smirk as she played up what she called the perfect ditzy blonde blue-eyed girl she had made herself out to be here. I leaned against the counter in the office as I waited for her, thinking back over the last couple of hours I had had with her instead of paying close attention to her acting.
My favorite part of the day had been when we had finally pulled into the parking garage where she kept her vehicles in storage. I had been openly admiring her Bugatti as she got the few things she had had with her out from her truck. I could admit that I had been rather, uhh, 'decidedly distracted' so when I suddenly found her giggling in front of me as she restrained me against the door of her truck, I had been extremely surprised. Her voice was innocently seductive as she stated in a no nonsense fashion, "Mr. Cullen, if you have more lust for my car than for me, I think we need to sort out a few things."
I couldn't help but laugh at her feeling my lust for her for the second time that day, and I wasn't sure if she let me or if I really was able to break her hold all by myself, but I was somehow able to pin her against the side of her Bugatti before she could stop me. I immediately tried to turn the tables back on her as I somehow found the balls to whisper into her neck, "When I am thinking of you in nothing but a pair of dark blue panties while you are in your Bugatti, Ms. Swan, I think I will have a high amount of lust for your car at that given moment."
Yes, that had been an extremely nice moment. I had discovered that I was still able to dazzle her into being just as breathless as she had been when she was human. This made me feel slightly smug, even if her own dazzling power was more apparent now that she was more…durable. I think the two of us finally left the garage hand-in-hand with big smiles some twenty minutes later when we realized we had to get going.
My gaze lowered to the floor as I hid the huge grin I was still sporting from merely remembering those twenty minutes of bliss. However, the grin faded as I took in my muddy clothes…again. Now, this would be my worst moment of the day. I tripped…and fell…into the mud…by accident. ME. I, Edward Cullen, considered one of the more graceful out of my entire family, TRIPPED over NOTHING.
I sighed as I remembered the moment. I supposed it was partially my own fault. I had been staring a little too long at Bella's ass in those jeans as we made our way out of the forest we had just run through, and I realized I was stepping on softer ground so I became a little hasty to get past that area. With my sight not paying attention to where I was going, I realized a little too late that I was wandering through a garden that had been watered very, very recently. Of course trying to stop and go around something while moving quickly in a forward direction was a penchant for disaster. I tripped over my own two feet and landed directly in a pile of muddy chrysanthemums.
Bella's face as she heard me stumble had been priceless. She had been shocked as she turned around to see what was going on behind her, but her shock turned quickly to full out mirth as she watched me face plant in the dirt. I was not as amused, naturally. However, I could see her point of view. She had been the clumsy one for so long, and then for her to see me, ME, so much as stumble had likely been her own form of redemption.
That whole fiasco had led us to our impromptu shopping trip, as I had not brought any additional clothes with me. Thank you, Alice. She usually saved us all from embarrassing situations such as that with her gift, but not this time. Nope, not so much as a phone call. I suppose I hadn't really decided to stare at Bella's ass until close to that moment, but still. As a result, Bella and I had broken into the first store we saw on the main drag, seeing as everything was closed past midnight. It was some preppy store, but I was able to find some clothes that fit. Bella had placed all of the things into her backpack, and we finally started heading to her apartment complex.
A soft hand caressed my shoulder then, and I turned immediately to see Bella's smiling face. Even if she looked different, her eyes were still as expressive as ever, and her smile was exactly the same. "Ready to go, beautiful?"
She nodded quickly, her smile oddly tense as she dragged me toward the elevator. As soon as the doors opened, she pulled me inside and practically jumped into my arms, regardless of how dirty I was. As her free arm wove around my neck and her lips found mine, I was caught off guard by the suddenly loud, angry thoughts coming my way, No! She was smiling at me! She even tossed her hair and gave me a glimpse of the skin of her waist as she reached up to get her mail from George! Now, who the hell is that with her? She's always alone. Not fair!
As the elevator doors closed, I broke our kiss, even though I didn't want to. I tried in vain to sort through her memories, but couldn't exactly place the voice I had just heard through my thoughts without spending an exorbitant amount of time with specifics of her various encounters. I asked her teasingly instead, "Friend of yours?"
She groaned pitifully as she leaned her forehead against what appeared to be the only clean spot on my chest. "My nosy neighbor. He has…a crush. I avoid him, but for some reason, he arrived just as we were leaving the office. You didn't notice him? I'm sure his thoughts are atrocious. The lust he gives off is revolting. I noticed it straight off and pulled us out of there."
I chuckled as I could now find a memory of Bella running away from a persistent and over-eager Mike Newton wannabe as she ran to her apartment. The guy in question lived down the hall and always seemed to wait for her to leave and return. I ran my free hand over her hair as I wrapped our clasped hands around her back and held her to me. "I didn't notice anyone come in. I was only thinking of you."
She looked up at me then with a bright smile as she murmured too softly for the elevator camera to pick up, "I love you, Edward Cullen."
I leaned over and nuzzled her neck as I whispered just as quietly back, "As I love you, my Bella."
As Bella was nowhere near as dirty as I was, she merely directed me straight into her bathroom once we finally made it inside her apartment. I held back a sigh as I used her shampoo to rid myself of the now dried mud in my hair. It wasn't her old strawberry scent from so long ago—they had stopped making that brand a few decades back. However, her new shampoo of choice held a sort of floral scent, something like jasmine or roses that complimented her natural freesia scent to an intoxicating degree.
I vaguely listened as I heard her voicemail messages playing from her bedroom. There were only two, and both had been from Jacob which wasn't surprising. No one else had her number except for perhaps his wife or the Quileute elders he may have given it to for emergencies. I furrowed my brows when I could tell he seemed a bit tense over something. At the same time, Bella must've thought nothing of it as she didn't call him back after that. She must not have noticed anything out of the norm so I let it go.
Instead, she put on some music, keeping the volume low as the hour was rather late. It was a collection of classical music, starting with Nocturne in C Sharp Minor by Chopin. I smiled as I listened to the soothing tune. I could hear her rummaging through her belongings so she was likely finding things she wanted to take with her.
I quickly finished up and reluctantly put on the jeans and dark blue polo t-shirt I had found at that store. Although I would never admit it to Alice, I supposed there was some truth about more expensive clothes fitting better and feeling more comfortable, not that the clothes I had picked up were horrible or anything—they were just different. I made my way hesitantly over to Bella's bedroom, but before I could consciously think about that act any further, she was in front of me. She appraised me with a smirk. "You look handsome."
I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, love. I see you changed as well."
She waved a hand at me before she motioned for me to follow her back into her room. "I was just a bit muddy so I changed my shirt. I wanted to pack first and get everything done before I shower just yet." She turned and looked at me with what I was sure was a knowing smile. "I can see you want to change back into your other clothes before we leave so you can go throw them in the wash now, if you want."
I chuckled at her understanding before sighing resignedly. "It's really just the jeans."
She nodded, and my eyes were immediately locked onto her lips when she bit them to stifle her own giggles. "Right then. Don't worry, I won't tell Alice. Even I have learned to like wearing more expensive jeans. It'll be our secret."
I chuckled with her before zooming off to start a load of laundry. We typically didn't need to do all that much laundry normally, considering Alice's penchant for buying everyone a new wardrobe each month, but all of us did have some favorite items of clothing that we actually chose to wash. Once that was started, I helped Bella get some of her things together. Over the course of the next two hours, she had three large bags of what she believed were essentials, and I left them waiting near the front door.
Once I returned, I found her peaking around her curtain on the window. There was now a slight breeze to the room as well. She didn't miss a beat and responded to my unasked question, "The sun is starting to come out. I always leave my window open so I can smell the outside. If we're stuck here, we should at least know what's around us. I hope that's ok."
I wrapped my arms around her from behind, my eyes drawn to the sliver of skin she held in the approaching sunlight. I ran my finger gently over the area in awe. My Bella. She was so ridiculously beautiful, and she still didn't realize it. She sighed and broke my admiration of her dazzling sparkle. Well, almost. I questioned her, despite still being a bit distracted, "Hmmm?"
She turned slightly in my arms so she could look up at me. Her other hand came to rest on my face, and I wondered at her expression. She looked curious and hesitant for some reason. "It doesn't seem weird to you? Me like…this, that is?"
I frowned at her question, but I didn't want her to get the impression I was frowning at her so I hurried to add emphatically, "No, of course not. I love you, Bella. Human or vampire makes no difference to me. Besides, you are still very much who you were. Sure, you're unbreakable now and you no longer blush, but when you're embarrassed, it's still plenty obvious— your face still reacts the same way. Your mannerisms are the same too, and you are still the loving, shy, brave, beautiful woman I fell in love with way back then." I watched her as she processed what I was saying, smiling slightly as her nose scrunched up and her face tucked down a bit, every bit proving my point. I leaned down and kissed the skin just beneath her ear as I held her more tightly to me. "I love you, you silly girl."
I felt her smile into my chest, and I couldn't help feeling proud that I could relieve her worries…that I had even found her to begin with. She was my whole life. My life truly hadn't started until I had met her, and now, I had her by my side for the rest of eternity. I was a lucky man. We stood there quietly for a few minutes before she pulled away. "I am going to shower now. You can look for something we can do to waste the day away. Oh, and your laundry will be done in the dryer in about six minutes or so."
She reached up and kissed me quickly on the cheek before running off to her bathroom. I tried in vain to not think about her in the shower, but the sound of running water and her barely audible humming which was completely in tune with the classical piano music playing behind me plus the added scent of her shampoo in combination with her own natural scent left me quite captivated and aching with want. When I finally heard the ding of the dryer, I scurried away from the bedroom and the bathroom just so I could behave myself.
What the hell was wrong with me? I had grown up in a time where morals and decorum were strictly adhered to for relationships. Despite meeting Bella in a time when such morals and propriety were not as prominent, I had always planned on maintaining that type of behavior with her. The times now were much of the same as they had been when I had first met Bella, but I still couldn't help wondering where my lack of discipline in regards to manners and morals had suddenly gone to. It was as if I couldn't even help thinking of Bella romantically and sexually no matter what it was that we were doing. Nothing was different exactly, right?
Well, there was something different. Bella was a vampire now. Was that why? I supposed there were no additional boundaries we had to consider now. She was mine, and I was hers. Yes, we weren't technically married, but we had already declared ourselves as such by accepting each other as mates. Perhaps that was all that had made the difference. I grumbled to myself as I pulled my clothes roughly out of the dryer and quickly changed back into them. It didn't matter. I was still going to be the gentleman I grew up to be. I wanted Bella to be my wife, piece of paper and all. I was going to do this right. She deserved to be treated this way. I loved being chivalrous with her anyway.
I listened and heard her moving about her room, opening a few drawers here and there. When it had been a couple more minutes, and there was a period of silence, I knew she had to have been dressed. It had only taken me a matter of five seconds to change back into my old clothes. I rapidly made my way back to her bedroom and walked in the open doorway, "Bella, I—"
I stopped short and gulped before I quickly turned myself around, my hands shooting out to grip the trim of the doorway for support. I closed my eyes tightly, but that still didn't stop my mind from holding the image of Bella I had just seen in my head like the most perfect picture that ever was— Bella, standing in nothing more than a tiny white camisole and some flimsy light green lace panties as she considered two possible sweaters to wear. I hadn't thought of the fact that Bella's hair would be wet because of her shower either, and the mere look of her with her damp, slightly wavy hair in combination with her elevated and ridiculously delicious scent made me long for her in ways I didn't even think I had been capable of before. I squeezed my eyes shut even more tightly and tried to stop the intense lust from taking over. Bella deserved better than this. Respect. Love. Devotion. The world. That's what she deserved. I shouldn't have been thinking about such an angel so crassly. I shouldn't BE thinking about such an angel so crassly. Then, I had to force away the guilt and embarrassment for walking in on her. I should've asked before I came in here. Why had I just assumed she would be ready? I had just thoroughly invaded her privacy, and it went without saying that I shouldn't have enjoyed it so much. Gah, I was such a cad.
Barely a second had gone by as I continued my mental scolding when I felt Bella's arms come around my midsection. I braced myself as I realized that that had not been enough time for her to throw on any additional items of clothing. Was she trying to kill me? Her body was still slightly warm from her shower too, and I began to berate myself further as my thoughts took yet another turn back to the gutter. However, my angel's soft voice brought me back to her, "Edward, stop."
I knew then that she had felt and continued to feel everything I was feeling, and that just made me feel worse. She squeezed me tighter in response, and my intense feelings eased a little too. She was resting so closely against me that I could feel her lips move against my back as she spoke, "Edward, you have no reason to feel guilty or embarrassed for wanting me. I want you too, you know. You seem to feel that you shouldn't want me like this or that I'm not yours to want in the first place, but…I am yours." She paused a bit before adding almost inaudibly, "I've always been yours."
I didn't know if it was the words she had spoken or the feel of her body, but something seemed to have snapped inside me. I heard myself growl and before I knew it, I was kissing her with a ferocious intensity and her body was somehow stuck firmly between my own and the wall across the room. She moaned into my mouth, and I mentally added that noise to the top of the list of my favorite sounds in the world. My hands were everywhere at once, and Bella locked her legs around me to pull me even closer. She kissed me back just as hungrily, and when her hands tightly clung to my hair, I made a sound I didn't know I could make…something like a purr. Before I could be embarrassed about it, I heard Bella make a similar sound in response to mine. Ok, that would be two sounds moving to the top of my favorite sounds list.
I couldn't seem to get enough of her. I wove my hands into her damp hair and broke away from her lips to dance down the side of her jaw, her neck, my favorite old pulse point, her collarbone, her shoulder… Bella was squirming against me and making this slight whimpering sound that caused me to become even more in need of her. Make that three sounds. However, when her hips bucked against mine in response to my lips, tongue, and teeth exploring her collarbone with purpose, I groaned into her neck.
Before I knew it, she had pulled my mouth back to hers. The taste of her drove me crazy. My emotions were all over the place. That's when I realized she might not be controlling our lustful emotions at the moment. Despite my overwhelming need for her, I focused on remembering what I really wanted. I wanted to romance her. I wanted to treat her like the wonderful angel she was. I wanted to marry her. After that, I wanted to make love to her slowly and worship every inch of her glorious body, not ravage her against the wall. My thoughts darkened as I knew that the latter idea was something I could definitely revisit sometime after that first time though.
I slowed down our intense kiss and tried to pour all of my love into it instead. Would she be receptive to a proposal? I knew that her parents had divorced a long time ago, but marriage was different for vampires. A mate was a mate for life. That being decided, I then wondered how I would do it. It had only been a day since I had found her again. I couldn't ask her so soon, could I? Maybe I could take her back to the meadow, if it hadn't grown amuck over the years. I could ask Alice about that. Or I could find a new place. I could dazzle her with freesia petals laid out everywhere, and I would get down on one knee with my mother's old ring. It would be perfect.
Bella's previously tight hold seemed to loosen some, and her hands ran over my shoulders soothingly. She randomly broke our kiss, and I was suddenly breathless by how gorgeous she was. Her damp hair was more disheveled, but her eyes were bright and her lips looked abused from my ravaging them. Her look became serious as she stated to me quietly, "Just ask me, Edward."
I stared at her for a moment before I realized that she must already know that I had decided to propose. Oh. I had forgotten about that. How was I ever supposed to surprise her now? I supposed I could be like Jasper and think of numerous possibilities before honing in on one, but even that didn't always work for him when it came time to acting on his ultimate decision. As she evaluated my eyes calmly, I realized that the only time I would ever have her in suspense over this was likely right now. She didn't know what I was going to say in response so I randomly blurted out the only words I wanted to say to her before really thinking about it, "Marry me, Bella."
As I had thought, her eyes widened in surprise, likely because I knew there were numerous more romantic ways I could have gone about proposing to her. In fact, she probably had seen a few of them as I had thought them over. I braced myself for her answer, but I needn't have worried. Her angelic voice made my whole world when it spoke one word, "Yes."
I blinked, and I was sure I held her too tightly for a moment. "Yes?"
She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck more tightly, bringing her body even closer to mine. I could feel every inch of her against me, and that contact was amazing. "You thought I would say no, you silly vampire?"
I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding and began to smile back at her. "You're finally going to be my wife."
I felt her hand move over my hair lovingly, but my gaze was drawn to the happiness and love I could see on her face. "That's what happens when you get married, Edward."
My eyes narrowed at her as I heard the sarcasm enter her tone, and I immediately attacked her sides with my fingers in retaliation for her to be so cheeky during what was quickly becoming my favorite moment with her ever. She started laughing and squirming against me as I tickled her, but I held her firmly. Pulling us away from the wall, I tossed my laughing fiancée on her bed before falling next to her and pulling her back into my arms. "I love you."
She sighed into my neck, but I could feel the smile still on her lips. "Hmmm, I love you too."
I was trying to think of things we could do for a wedding for the two of us, but before I could ask her anything, we were interrupted from my cell phone ringing. Bella huffed and sat up to look at the phone lying on the dresser before she spoke out loud into the room, "Yes, Alice, you can plan the wedding. No, you cannot go overboard. Simple, elegant, classic, and romantic are your adjectives. Guest list is strictly close vampire friends only plus Jacob and his wife, should she choose to come." She paused for a moment as she considered something further, "And no, that is not negotiable."
The phone stopped ringing after that so I pulled her back down to me whispering softly into her ear, "Do you have any idea what you just agreed to?"
Bella groaned into my neck. "Yes, but it will turn out beautiful, and Alice will be happy."
I chuckled and rolled the both of us onto our sides so I could look at her. I never wanted to stop looking at her. I pouted playfully, "You've already seen our wedding, and I just asked you?"
She bit her lip as she smiled up at me, and her sheepish face was utterly adorable. "Well, not exactly, but Alice is already making decisions so I have a general idea. I try and turn off that power, but it doesn't exactly work like some of the others. Occasionally, I can block it out, but I think that if even some small part of me is curious, I'll somehow know…does that make sense?"
I nodded in understanding. It was kind of like what I did with my gift too. However, because Bella was a natural block, mine and other talents would be blocked out much easier than most. Alice's talent was so involved with everyone and everything that the block would have to work even harder to stop it. I couldn't stop myself from smirking though as I teased her, "I understand. So…do I get a spoiler too then? Since I know the bride and all?"
She snorted and shook her head with purpose against my chest. "No way. If I can't be surprised, I'm going to make sure that at least you will be."
I chuckled at her fierce response. I knew I could try and beg her to give me a few details, considering she had just as hard a time denying me anything as I did her. However, it seemed as if she was stowing up her resolve to really make sure I was surprised. She held me more tightly just then and kept her face hidden from view so I began to get the inclination that she must have seen me try to dazzle her into answering a few things. That made me smile even wider. I was just about to dazzle her senseless for just a few hints or minor details when her lips softly grazed the side of my neck as her body moved against mine in a very appetizing way. All of the air left me in a whoosh. She was good. I was definitely 100% distracted.
Her voice sent her warm breath against my neck as she whispered, "Edward?"
My hands fisted in her tiny camisole, and it was only then that I remembered her state of undress. I gulped when I felt the love and lust return to me right, quick, and in a hurry. I really couldn't speak at that point, but I tried anyway, "Hmmm?"
She pulled her body up mine a bit as her lips danced slowly up towards my ear. My unnecessary breathing was suddenly audible in the room by the time she had finished her journey. Her seductive words though practically sent my dead heart racing, "Edward, I know that you want to wait until we get married for certain things, but I'm curious as to what kinds of boundaries you want me to uphold?"
Screw the damn boundaries! That's what was flying through my head in that exact moment, but I knew somewhere deep down I truly did want to do this right. For Bella to be asking this of me, I realized that she must know that this was important to the sensible me and she was asking me what we could do to satiate ourselves despite us both wanting each other completely. This was so hard, particularly because there was a rally inside of me pushing for me to just let go. I held her tightly to me, burying my face into her neck as I attempted to be as honest as I could with her, "I'm not sure. All I know is…" I rolled her onto her back and leaned over her, making sure to fully take in the beauty lying before me before telling her my thoughts. I leaned down and placed a slow kiss on her collarbone, whispering fervently against her soft skin, "I love you…" My lips moved towards her neck and jaw as I continued my murmuring, "…and I want you…" My lips hovered near her mouth as I let my lips just barely graze hers before finishing my thought, "…right now."
Bella was trembling beneath me by the time I was finished, but when she whimpered softly, I couldn't seem to stop myself from exploring her mouth entirely. She pulled me down so my weight settled on top of her, and I let my hands wander along the soft curves of her body and over the soft skin of her thighs. I didn't want to take anything too far, but I wanted to kiss and touch her so damnit, that was what I was going to do.
I didn't know how much time had gone by, but both of us merely enjoyed taking our time just kissing and touching the other for what seemed like hours. I knew I lost my shirt at some point, but that was as far as things had gotten. I loved how she responded to me and my touches, the way her breath would hitch, and the sounds she would make as just merely being this close to one another brought us bliss. We were still slowly kissing the other when I felt Bella suddenly freeze in my arms. I immediately pulled back, obviously concerned, "Bella?"
As soon as I had loosened my hold on her, she had sat up, her whole demeanor poised towards the still open window. I frowned. She could either smell something or was waiting to smell something after catching a sense of someone using Demetri's talent. This was not good. I was just about to question her again when her breath hitched and she whispered in surprise, "Jacob?"
My brow furrowed. What was Jacob coming here for? He hadn't seen Bella in person in years, considering he had wanted the werewolf gene to recess. The only contact they maintained had been by phone about once a month. Maybe I should have asked Bella about Jacob's tone of voice in those two voicemails before. "Those voicemails…"
Bella looked unsure. "No, he sounded like himself. He's always a little tense when he calls me. This must be something else. He's not alone. In fact…" Her nose scrunched up slightly before her beautiful golden eyes met my own, "Edward, I think he's with two werewolves."
My eyes widened. "Some more Quileutes turned? Why would he be bringing them to you? Well, I could see maybe eventually he might, considering they may want to use you as a contact for the next generation of wolves, but…why now specifically?"
Bella shrugged and looked deep in thought. "The smell is similar to how Jake used to smell. I think they might be his two sons. Can you smell them yet? They're close, a couple of miles off. They're not moving that fast, likely in a car in the traffic."
I crept closer to the window to breathe in more of the outside. In my peripheral, I noticed Bella reluctantly get up and finish getting dressed. She threw on a pair of jeans and one of the discarded sweaters from the floor, the one with a midnight blue hue. The dark blue looked amazing on her, but my appreciative thoughts disappeared when I could suddenly smell what she meant. I remembered Jacob's scent from all that time ago and from Bella's memories, but I could notice the subtle difference he smelt like now that he no longer shifted…less animalistic…and the similarities to that scent and the two new ones. Interesting. I had a feeling she was right. Those had to be his two sons. He must be concerned, hence this impromptu visit. His sons were 23 and 20. That was late to start the transformation. Most of the Quileutes started during puberty, somewhere between 13 and 17. I affirmed her assessment out loud, "You're probably right. I can't hear them yet, but we should be able to soon."
Bella nodded before she spoke to me silently, I hope you don't mind.
I just shrugged before I grabbed my discarded shirt and threw it back on. I figured she would want to hear their thoughts so it was no surprise to me that she would use my gift. I heard Bella sigh, and when I looked up, I saw her looking at my shirt distastefully. I chuckled and kissed her on her forehead. Later, beautiful. I didn't like watching you get dressed either.
She looked as if she would be blushing if she could right now, which just caused me to chuckle more. She hit me playfully in my side before making her way out to the living room. I enjoyed the view as I followed her out, especially when she looked over her shoulder as she knew exactly what I was doing. However, when I could sense Jacob's mind more clearly than before, even if his thoughts were still muffled, I remembered something important. He's not going to be happy that I'm here.
Bella frowned, obviously just realizing this herself. No, but he doesn't understand, Edward. He will listen to me, and besides, all he's ever wanted was for me to be happy. You make me happy, and that should be enough reason for him to let things go.
I nodded curtly, although I was now bracing myself for a rather angry former werewolf. He could no longer change, but if his two sons saw their father's anger towards me, it could be bad for two young volatile werewolves to be near us. They could react badly. Bella was in front of me at these thoughts, her face looking up at mine as her hand ran over my face. Stop that. Everything will be fine. I can calm them.
I frowned, but nodded to her that I understood. I didn't have to like it, but I understood. I would stop them before they hurt her anyway. I heard Bella laugh softly so I looked down at her curiously. She rolled her eyes, but they were entirely too happy for this situation in my opinion. Oh, Edward. I can take care of myself now, you know. In fact, Iwill probably protect you.
It was my turn to roll my eyes, but she knew I wasn't upset. I didn't care if she had talents from other vampires and could easily fight off any vampire. I would still protect her anyway. She was my mate, my life, my world. No one would touch her if I was around to stop them first. She wrapped her arms around me and sighed as I tightened my hold on her. Her silent words made me feel like I could face anything, You're my world too, Edward.
It was then I could feel Jacob's mind become clearer along with the two others, …didn't she call me back? She always calls me back, but it's been two weeks since I called, and then all of this shit happened. She has to know we're here by now. I wonder if she already knows and was expecting me. I bet…
I switched to listen to the two others, but they also didn't give me any inclination as to what this could be about. …acting so agitated. Caleb needs to chill. He's still shaking even though Dad has told him to try and calm down. I suppose he's noticing Dad's own lack of control. Dad hasn't looked this crazed since I was a kid. He looks worried…really worried. I don't get it. I'm glad I'm more like Mom. I hope this vampire he knows doesn't kill him…or us. Weren't vamps supposed to drink blood and all that shit? But then, how has he lived this long if she does?
I reluctantly smiled at the elder son's thoughts, Michael as I remembered from Bella's thoughts, before turning my attention to his younger brother, Caleb. …we coming here? I don't understand. I thought we were supposed to fight vampires? Why then are we going to see one? And Dad was friends with her when she was human? I know he has mentioned that he was way older than he looks, but this is so bizarre. I can't stop shaking. It's like I know there's danger in one of these apartments. Dad's giving me a look again. I have to calm down. He said she might be able to help me with that. How? And…
I reluctantly let go of Bella before stating too softly for the others to hear, "You should answer the door, love."
She nodded and when they were close enough to her apartment, she did. The door opening before they had even knocked startled the two new wolves. They immediately started shaking and thinking erratically. I tensed and poised myself for a possible fight, but their thoughts calmed a bit when they finally took a good look at Bella. She looked so meek to them, and I couldn't help but smirk down into the floor. Boy, if they only knew. Apparently, looks can be deceiving. Bella shot me a tiny grin of her own at my thoughts. However, her grin faded when she noticed Jacob glaring fiercely at me. He turned to Bella, his thoughts wishing he could still change so he could tear me to shreds. He spoke through gritted teeth, "What the hell is he doing here, Bells?"
Bella sighed, ignoring his anger, and just motioned for them all to come inside, "Hurry, come in. We shouldn't be out in the open."
The two boys were hesitant, but they complied after hearing Bella's melodic voice. They were watching me warily now though. They hadn't seen me at first, and I looked far more dangerous than Bella. A smile flitted at my lips. Oh, the irony. Jacob was still glaring at me, but his thoughts took a different turn then, a turn that made me feel desolate and awful. The tiny grin instantly fell from my face. He knew what my gift was so he was purposefully remembering what had happened to Bella and the pain I had put her through. It was worse seeing it from his perspective in some ways. He had loved her, still loved her, and hearing the condemnation from someone who loved the one you hurt was all that more painful. One image of Bella holding herself together probably soon after I had left her was the most gut-wrenching, and I couldn't seem to stop my grimace. I immediately looked down toward the floor. However, his thoughts cut out after that, and I heard Bella growl in warning at Jacob. Her words were demanding, "Cut it out, Jake."
The two new wolves jumped and tensed when my meek looking Bella suddenly looked every bit like the vampire they knew her to be. Jacob began to protest, but his words died in his throat rendering him silent. Bella and he had locked eyes, and I knew then that she was speaking to him mentally in order to change his thinking. A part of me knew I deserved his mental attack, even if she didn't think I did, but I still loved her for trying to adjust his opinion of me. I tried to ignore the whole thing instead by turning my attention to his two sons. They were still evaluating Bella and me hesitantly, but the obvious tension in the air seemed to be getting to both of them. I could see them beginning to lose control, in both their minds and their bodies so I murmured softly, "Bella."
At my voice, Bella's attention snapped back to the room and away from Jacob. A sense of thick calm permeated the air, and both the young boys relaxed. They both realized what had happened and were now openly staring at her. She just sighed before sending a mild glare over at Jacob. "Sorry. Jake and I were just…setting a few things straight."
I glanced over at Jacob, when his thoughts began again, I'm sorry, Edward. You have to understand, I mean…well, you know what I mean.
I just nodded at him, never moving from my position between Bella and the two new werewolves. I could tell from his thoughts that Bella must have shown him what I had gone through without her to get him to understand. What mattered was that she and I were finally together, and he accepted that. I think he had somewhere always known that she and I should have been together from the very beginning. At least the two of us finally fixed my mistake from so long ago now. Bella reached for my hand before turning all of our attention back to the situation before us. She turned to the boys with a smile, and I suppressed my own smirk when I noticed them both get a bit dazzled. Even Jacob rolled his eyes at his sons' behavior. "You must be Michael and Caleb… I've heard so much about the both of you from your father. I know that all of this must come as a shock to you both, but I'm Bella and this is Edward." She turned back to look over at Jacob. "And Jake, would you mind telling us what's going on? I'm afraid you must have forgotten that I cannot see werewolves with Alice's gift. I'm a little surprised by your visit when you normally just give me a call nowadays."
Jacob sighed and ran a hand through his hair. I noticed the hints of gray and the subtle differences in his face that have happened to him as he has aged. He looked to be approaching 50 or so, but I knew him to be just a year or so younger than Bella. He looked at both of us warily. Even without feeling his emotions, I could tell he was tense, worried, and shaken for some reason. "Obviously, you know my sons have undergone the transformation. They knew everything already from me, although I told them that the transformation would likely pass them by. They both came home for Spring Break, and it was odd. They both were more ravenous and temperamental, which should have been cues for me, but I thought they were too old now. When they first transformed, we had all been shocked. Seth and I put our heads together and had the two of them make rounds around our borders to see…a reason for the random change. The two of us were not expecting what they told us. I knew I had to come see you, Bella. This is…what you warned me about."
Both Bella and I turned our heads automatically toward his boys as their minds turned to what their father was alluding to. They had moved through the Quileute borders as they had been told and had come across a very familiar vampire. Both she and I tensed. Bella's mouth dropped open, and I could feel her compassion and remorse flowing from her and into the room as she watched both boys wince from the pain they remembered in their memories. The only question that remained was why Jane from the Volturi had been in Forks, Washington to begin with. Apparently, the Volturi were messing with more than just Bella, my family, and vegetarian vampires. It looked like we all had a lot to discuss if we were going to understand what they truly wanted from all of us.