Hello everyone, I'm back! After such a long time. Thank you for your reviews and now lets get on with the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own TMM but I do own all the ocs.


Ichigo's large brown eyes slowly opened. She groaned as she slowly sat up. Her body felt extremely sore. She was addled as she looked around the small, cold room. The room looked like a small carved section of a cave. There wasn't much in the room, there was one, large, purple crystal that glowed and that came out of the wall, and one blue mat which she sat on. Where was she? How did she get here? What happened to Luna, Solar, and Deep Blue? She wondered.

She rubs her head. Her eyes widen as she felt two, furry ears. "No, it couldn't be," she said. She soon felt something long and furry brush against her leg. She pulled up the white blanket to see her cat tail. She was surprised, confused, and delighted. She had missed her cat tail and ears, being without them didn't feel quite right. But how did she get her feline parts back? She wondered.

One of her large ears twitched and alerted her to approaching footsteps. She quickly turned her head to where the footsteps were coming from. Her eyes went wide in surprise as she stared at the young man in front of the only exit.

The young man's clothing and face were covered in dirt. His left arm had been cut off and he had long, unwashed blond hair. "Blue Knight!" she cried in surprise. Her eyes were soon filled with concern when she noticed that he only had one arm. "W-what ha-" she said but was cut off by the Blue Knight asking.

"Are you okay, Ichigo? My brother did not hurt you, did he?" Ichigo shook her head.

"No he didn't. But what happened to your arm?" she ask as she stare at where his left arm had once been. His eyes fell to the floor.

"I-I rather not talk about it," he said in a low voice. Ichigo nodded. Images of what could have happened to him fill her mind but she knew that it was best not to ask him again. Besides there are more important matters like where her daughters were and where she was.

"Where are we and where are my daughters, Luna and Solar? Luna has short, black hair and icy blue eyes. Solar has long red hair that's a little black at the bottom and she also has icy blue eyes. They both have birthmarks on their foreheads, Solar's birthmark looks like a sun and Luna's looks like half of the moon. They're both 13, have you seen them? I hope they're okay," she asked him. She looked very concern and worried for her own daughters' well being.

He gulped. How was he going to tell her? How was he going to tell her the same thing Ann told him? Especially when she looks like that! He decided to answer her first question. "We are in Nikor," he told her.

Ichigo stare at him for a long time. Nikor? Ichigo had never heard of that place before. "Nikor is like a refuge," he said, remembering that Ichigo had no idea what had happened over the last 13 years. Now he was waiting for the question of.

"What do you mean refuge? What happened?" she asked him.

He sighed and said, "Ichigo, while you were gone, Deep Blue…took over. He sent his soldiers out looking for you and while doing so he also conquered other kingdoms, destroyed villages, and took over the world."

Ichigo blink a couple of times. "What?" said Ichigo.

The Blue Knight looked down at his hands and sighed again. She has to know. He thought. "Ichigo…While you were gone Deep Blue attacked your parents' kingdom and took over it. Many lives were lost and the fate of your parents is still unknown," he said in low voice almost like whisper. "It's possible that they might be dead."

Ichigo stare at him for awhile. Tears fell from her eyes. She could not believe what he had just said or more of she didn't want to believe it. She knew after she had seen Deep Blue's darker side that he could do something as horrible as that. But she did not want to believe it. The bliss of ignorance of the evil around her is something that she sometimes longs to have. But she has to know. She has to know what happen to all the people she cares about. "What happen to Princess Lettuce, Mint, everyone?" she asked him.

"Princess Mint joined the rebellion against Deep Blue," said the Blue Knight. Ichigo was quite surprise by this. Mint, apart of a rebellion? It's very hard to believe that the spoiled, sarcastic girl would ever be apart of a rebellion. "Queen Lettuces and Pai were taken as prisoner. As for Prince Ryou, we think one of Deep Blue's followers killed him or did something even worse. As for Prince Kish, he some how escaped Deep Blue and is now apart of the rebellion. Ichigo are you okay? You look pale," he asked, his voice was filled of concern.

"I-I'm fine. I'm just tired," she said.

"Perhaps it would be best for you to rest for awhile," he suggest as he gently push her down.

"Wait! Where are my two daughters?" she ask him. The Blue Knight stiffened. This was the subject he wished she didn't bring up. He didn't want to lie to her but he didn't want to tell her the truth either. What was he going to do? This was going to be difficult. Taking a deep breath, he said, "We think that they're in the country of Mizu, which is about 200 miles away from here. Ichigo, are you alright?" Ichigo didn't say anything at all. "Ichigo?" She then fainted. Well that wasn't quite the reaction I was expecting. He thought.

At a large, ominous looking castle that is located at the edge of a cliff that's overlooking the sea. Deep Blue was pacing around his throne room. He was trying to figure out what just happened awhile ago. Who or what had taken his darling Ichigo and their daughter away from him?

Here's what happened in a nutshell, a mysterious voice yelled, "Kamsasoun." Kamsasoun is a spell that opens up a portal that connects to that world to the world where Ichigo and Deep Blue originated from. This portal sucked Ichigo and her daughters into it. Deep Blue immediately realized what was happening and tried to stop them from going through the portal with his powers. Deep Blue tried to pull them out of it and the silhouette of female that was on the other side of the portal tried to pull them in.

While this was going on both Ichigo and her daughters lost consciousness from being exposed to powerful different color lights. After a few minutes, it seemed that Deep Blue would win and pull them out of portal. He was much more powerful then the dark figure. Then a bright flash of light came out of nowhere and weaken Deep Blue. The three girls quickly went farther into the portal, Deep Blue tried to stop them but his efforts were unsuccessful. Instead of stopping them from going any farther in, his powers made another portal inside the original one. Ichigo went into the first portal and the twins went into the other.

His eyes widen when he remember that he saw a glimpse of the silhouette girl's identity. He saw red eyes and dark blue hair. Then the identity of the person came to him…Ann. Who else had powers that could open up portals besides himself and had blue hair and red eyes? He growl and said to himself, "That little bitch. Guards!" he yelled. To guards burst open the doors and quickly went inside. Ready to do anything to please their king, hopping he won't kill them or their families.

"Yes, my king. What is your command?" one of the guards asked as both of them knelt in front of Deep Blue.

"Go get, Akahana Yamazaki and bring her to me," said Deep Blue.

"Yes sir," said the guards, they then went to do what they were told.

Ann is considered to be both a nuisance and an idiot to Deep Blue. Ann is a 28 year old woman who used to work for Deep Blue's family. She did possess powers and she seem have a strong disapproval of what he was doing. But Deep Blue didn't think she could ever become a threat to him, she was just another servant to him. There are three reasons why he didn't consider her a threat; reason number 1 is that her powers were extremely weak. She couldn't even move a piece of rice an inch with her mind without fainting from exhaustion. Reason number 2, she was also weak physically. She could not run very far without collapsing from exhaustion. And lastly, she was illiterate. She couldn't read, write or anything. She was pretty much an idiot.

But despite all that she had gotten stronger and started to become a threat. King Deep Blue decided to address this and ordered Akahana Yamazaki to eliminate her. Akahana Yamazaki claimed that she had killed Ann but it appears that it was a lie.

The grand doors opened and a young woman walked in. She looks to be in her early 20s and she wore metal plate over her chest. She also had on thick brown gloves, a black shirt, and black pants. She had short brown hair and brown eyes. She also had large elf ears. She knelt in front of him and said, "You've call for me your highness. How may I be of service to you?" she asked him.

Deep Blue glared at her in disgust and anger. "Akahana, when I ordered you to kill that ignorant, nuisance Ann, you came back and said mission was a success correct?"

"Yes your Highness," said Akahana.

"Then why is she still alive!?" he yell, scaring the poor girl to death.

"B-but t-that's impossible," she stuttered nervously, sweat was going down the back of her neck.

"Oh really, if she is truly dead then how come I saw her taking my daughters and future queen away from me?" he snapped giving her a death glare. "You have lied to me and for that you will pay, dearly. Guards!" he yell. Guards burst into the room and bowed this time. "Take her down to the dungeons and chain her to a wall," He told them. "I'll deal with you later," he told her.

Akahana's face was full of terror. She knew very well what was going to happen to her. He was going to torture her to death, punishment for failing and for his own sick amusement. Tears sprung from her eyes as she begged, "Please sir, I'll do anything, anything to prove my worth! I'll kill her for real this time and fine your queen and daughters for you! Please spare me!" she cried as the guards began to drag her out of the room.

"You failed me once, I won't let you fail me again," he said coldly. "Bring me, General Zakuro and Victoria," he told the other guards that stood near the door.

"Yes sir," said the guards. They then went on there way and left the king to his thoughts. He was going to get Ichigo back even if it means he has to kill thousands of innocent people, which he would do willingly. He looked out one of the large windows, at the pitch black, night sky.

He would send more soldiers out searching for them and he will also send out the two best people in his entire army to search. Those two people are, Zakuro and Victoria. Zakuro and Victoria are the most skilled out of all the people in his army but Zakuro seem more skilled in combat then Victoria. It was originally 4 people, the fourth being Akahana but her failure has lead to her demise. Victoria and Zakuro are sure to bring his daughters and Ichigo back to him in no time. Not only that, they should finish what Akahana had failed to do.

He smirked as he thought of Ann lying on the ground in a pool of blood. His mind was soon fill with more disturbing images that made his smile grew even larger. His thoughts were soon interrupted by a timid man who stood out behind a door and was slowly nervously open the door.

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