Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Batman characters. I only own George and any other original characters.

Listen to the songs Half of You by Cat Power, Cold Ground by Rusty Truck, and I Don't Care by Apocalyptica. They really set the mood for this chapter.

Okay guys, this is the very last chapter of this story. But don't worry (although you're probably not, lolz), the first chapter of the sequel will be posted probably next week. I want to say thank you to 123Ekaterina, nocoldwater, and Gwenlynn. I also want to extend the biggest thank you to everyone who read and enjoyed this story. All the positive feedback and great story ideas really means a lot to me! So thank you and enjoy the chapter! :D

I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes. But I couldn't fall asleep. I considered asking myself, If I'm sleeping in the Joker's bed, then where is he sleeping?. But I didn't I didn't really care. My mind went over the day's events, like it always does when my head hits a pillow at night. If the Joker wasn't so damn good at escaping from the cops, I could have been home tonight, in my own bed, and not the Joker's. I wondered how many times he could pull that off. But his luck has to run out sometime. I wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn't come.

An estimated twenty minutes later, I was still wide awake, and very bored, so I climbed out of bed. I traipsed over to the window, my hands grasping my bare arms that felt cold in the chilly and unheated room. I pulled the shade open and knelt down, allowing my elbows to rest on the windowsill. I leaned my head slightly and propped it on my right hand as I took in the outside world. Gotham City's skyscrapers were far away, but still very close, and the lights glittered like diamonds. The whole skyline reflected itself in the harbor, the water delicately rippling against the light October breeze. Although I knew downtown was as busy and alive as it always is, it seemed so calm and distant from here. Here meaning the old industrial neighborhood. The factories, mills, and tenements were built well over a hundred years ago, and the ghosts of that forgotten time seemed to echo around me in the dark and silence. My eyes tilted upward to examine the night sky. The moon and the stars twinkled brightly on this clear night. With the bright lights shining up from the city, I didn't think the stars were all that visible. But they were, as if I was lying in a field with no light in sight. Out of the blue, I saw a shooting star whiz by. At first, I was so transfixed by it that I just stared. I don't think I've ever seen one before that night. But soon enough, I snapped back into reality, squeezed my eyes shut, and made a wish... Whoa, sorry if I went all poetic on you, I guess it's the inner songwriter in me.

And then there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door (A line I borrowed from the Raven by Edgar Allen Poe, he's one of my favorite writers). The door opened and a figure stood in the doorway for a moment, then made it's way over to me. In the dark, I wasn't able to make out who it was, but the figure stepped into the moonlight that poured in from the window. It was the Joker. I tried to stand up, but he knelt down before me. Although he didn't pin me down, something inside of me paralyzed my body.

"Beautiful night, wouldn't you agree?", he asked. He began to sing the song Moondance by Van Morrison. "Well it's a wonderful night for a moon dance, with the stars up above in your eyes. A fantabulous night to make romance, 'neath the cover of October skies." "Why are you here?", I said, cutting him off. The aggression in my tone surprised me. "I was just checking up on you, of course! No need to cop an attitude." He ran an ungloved hand through my hair. "And why would you need to do that? It's not like I have anywhere to run to", I said as I backed my head away from his hand. The Joker pouted his lips and tried to look insulted. I knew he was faking it. "Oh George, you're insulting me. Why won't you accept my advances?"

Because you're a psychotic, homicidal clown?, I thought. But there was no way I could say that out loud, so I darted my eyes around, trying to find an answer. But is there really another answer besides the aforementioned homicidal clown bit? Apparently not, because not a single word came out of my mouth.

The smile on the Joker's face grew wider as he stared me down. I'd never felt so intimidated and vulnerable than when he eyed me like a hawk. "Why don't ya like me, George?", he said, trying to make his voice sound sweet and innocent. "It's not like any other boys like you!" I shot my eyes up and glared at him. Oh, how I'd love to kick his ass for that little statement. But it's impossible to pit little-ol'-me against the big, bad Joker. Because I'd be the one who had their ass handed to them.

The Joker reveled in my anger and hurt. He fed off of it like a vampire feeds off blood. It seemed like the more I narrowed my eyes and the more tears I cried, the happier he became. "So all ya really have is me!", he squealed in excitement. "You're sadly mistaken", I replied. "I've got my family and my friends, and you're not one of them." I felt a sharp sting on my cheek as the Joker slapped me there. It was the one he punched earlier, so it hurt, like, ten times more. I massaged it, and he leaned his face closer to mine so it was only centimeters away. "Let me ask ya a question", he said with a lick of his lips. "Haven't you ever felt alone? Lost in a crowd of people? Screaming at the top of your lungs but no one notices?"

I looked at him, confused. "ANSWER ME!", he suddenly yelled after a moment. I gasped a little. "I-I suppose so", I said. Now, I'm not an expert at reading people, but I swore I saw his whole face and demeanor soften just a little. "I've had that feeling for years. This smile on my face is just a mask. A mask to hide my real feelings. I may look happy, but I'm dead inside." He paused for dramatic effect. "If you let me into your world, we can both feel less alone."

I knew this was just a pawn to get me to fall for him, so I fought it. However, temptation was still knocking at my door. Who knows, Jack could have been behind it. I could have replied with a smart-ass comment, but I didn't. It was probably best not to. So instead, I didn't say anything. "Think about it", the Joker said. He left a kiss on my lips, stood up, and walked towards the door. "It's not like ya have a choice anyway!" He laughed and slammed the door behind him.

The next morning, I woke up to someone gently shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Billy standing over me. "You're going home today", he said with a smile on his face. "What?", I asked, sitting up, suddenly wide awake. "Elaborate, dude." Billy sat down near my feet. He scanned the door, making sure no one else was around. "Tonight, the Joker plans to blow up Gotham General Hospital", he started. My eyes went wide. "A hospital?! And I thought he couldn't get anymore fucked up", I said. Billy shook his head. "I know. But I've already alerted the police. There's even talk that the Batman might show up", he said. By the way his eyes lit up, I could tell he was exited to see the Caped Crusader in person. Meanwhile, I did my best to act surprised. "The Batman, huh?" "Oh yeah, and he's gonna put that bastard in jail where he belongs."

"If things go according to plan, then what's gonna happen to you?", I asked. "We'll, I'm gonna have to change my name and try to get back to my normal life. After living with the Joker for months, I'm gonna need a lot of therapy", he joked. I couldn't help but laugh because it was so true. It's only been two days for me, and even I'm gonna need a lot of therapy. "Billy, I really can't tank you enough for this. You're putting your life in danger for me", I said. I really was so thankful. If the plan gets fucked up, he could die. "Hey, don't worry about it", he said sweetly. "And since I probably won't have the chance to say this later, good luck." He stood up and walked over to the door. I gave him the thumbs-up. "Here's lookin' at you, kid", I replied. He laughed a little, saluted, and left the room.

That day seemed like the longest day of my life. I continuously stared out the bedroom window, waiting for the twilight to come. When the sun finally went down, Billy burst through the door. "We're leaving", he said. I rushed out of the room. For the first time in my life, I felt ready.

We walked to the garage where the Joker and his droogs were waiting for us. When my eyes fell upon the Joker, I felt confused. He wore a nurse's dress and a short, auburn wig, topped off with his red, white, and black make up. I'm guessing he's going undercover in the hospital as a nurse? Well, it could be a lot worse, I thought. He could be wearing a slutty nurse's dress. When he caught me eyeing him, he licked his lips and winked. "Get in the car", he commanded. I sat down in the Hummer and glanced over at Billy. Seeming to catch my nervousness, he gave me a look of reassurance. And then, the Joker stepped on the gas and took off.

Minutes later, we arrived a block away from Gotham General Hospital, the largest and busiest hospital in the city. The police were already waiting for us, though. "Oh, what is this?!", the Joker asked in annoyance. He parked the car and shut it off, grabbing his gun, as did the other goons. He opened my door and pulled me out by the arm. "Come on, toots. We're gonna have some fun!"

It was when we neared the hospital that my life changed for the better. Out of nowhere, a man in a dark suit, a bat suit, tackled the Joker straight to the ground. "Batsy! It's so nice to see you, but I'm a little busy. We should hang out another time", the Joker said with a laugh. The Batman punched him in the face. "You're screwed, Joker. There's no getting out of this one", Batman growled. The Joker rolled his eyes. "Please, that's what Gordon said last time."

I looked over at the Hummer and saw that armed SWAT officers were pulling out the goons one by one and handcuffing them. First Joe, then Sparky, and then Bob. Billy obviously stepped away. I caught his gaze for a few seconds, and we both nodded to each other. Then, I turned to face the scene in front of me. Batman pulled the Joker up by his collar, causing his wig to fall off, revealing that mess of greasy and stringy green hair. "You know", Batman hissed. "I knew you were insane but cross-dressing? Come on!" The Joker got out of Batman's grip and kicked him in the groin. He licked the blood off his lips. "Alright, Bats. I've had enough for today. I'm just gonna grab my girl and leave." But he was grabbed by the collar and thrown into a concrete wall, where he slumped to the ground. A different person stood above him and planted his foot on his chest. My dad.

He pointed his gun at the Joker's face. "You're not going anywhere. At least not as a free man", my dad said. The Joker grunted in defeat. Two police officers lifted him up, much to his dismay, and slapped a pair of handcuffs around his wrists. He struggled to break free. "This isn't the end!", he shouted in anger. "I'll find you again, George. And that's a promise!" And then, my eyes met his. They were filled with rage? Determination? What? He was thrown into an armored police vehicle, and that was the last I saw of him.

My dad ran over to me and threw his arms around me in a tight hug. "George! You're safe!", he exclaimed. I started to cry. That was the first time I felt real emotion with him. "Dad, thank God!", I said. I met up with my mom and brother in yet another emotional reunion. The video cameras and reporters from every major news station, national and local, were there to capture my every move and wanted to talk to me. Benji, Steve, and Evan, arrived later on at the hospital (I had to go there so the doctors could make sure that I was healthy). I realized that I had taken everything in my life for granted. I was running, not walking through life, I didn't stop to take in the beauty of the world, and I didn't appreciate the great people around me. While they may have their annoying moments, and they may not be reliable all the time, they're still there for me no matter what. I went through most of my seventeen years acting so cynical and unhappy, never realizing that I wasted my life. But it's time to turn over a new leaf, and make the best out of what I've got. Because I only have one life, and that could have been taken away. A lot can happen in only two days.

My dad told me that the Joker had been taken to Arkham Asylum, and that's where he would be staying. He was under maximum security and constant surveillance. And that's all I needed to hear.

Two weeks later, my life started to return to normal. Gotham's famous trust fund baby Bruce Wayne hosted a gala at his sprawling manor, honoring the GCPD for taking down the Joker, and I was invited. When I met Bruce, I swear to God he looked so familiar. Like I've seen him somewhere... I don't know, it's weird.

About a week later, my therapist, who I started seeing after "the escape"(let's call it that), decided that I should return to school. It was totally against my wishes, but it's not like I had much of a say in it. I was so nervous. You know that feeling you get in the morning when you have a big oral presentation at school? Now multiply it by ten. Picture literally everyone in your school staring at you, mumbling behind your back, and asking you questions nonstop. That's how it went down. I puked before I went into school. But after I got through the first day, I realized that it wasn't that bad. Everyone I talked to was cool to me and didn't act like a bunch of dicks.

Oh, but that's not the good part. When I came home from the hospital, I took a long, hot shower and put on my comfiest outfit consisting of an oversize Gotham Goliaths hoodie and sweat pants. I picked up the purple leather blazer that I discarded on my bedroom floor, and something fell out. I picked it up and knew exactly what it was. It was the picture of the sixteen-year-old Jack and his family. I sat down on my bed and examined it further. My heart melted, thinking that Jack had slipped it into my pocket at some point. But another thought came in my head. Jack didn't leave it in there. The Joker did. Probably to taunt me, even when I wasn't close enough to hear his maniacal cackle.

So I couldn't help but think that everything that happened to me was a big joke. He played the biggest prank on me, an elaborate scheme that I was too stupid to comprehend. But it wasn't surprising. He's a joker after all.

The End

Well, that's the end of the story. I hope you liked it! And remember...

The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules- The Joker

Thank you and goodnight! :D