damn your ankles and eyes wide from you fingernails to your ponytails too. king of the insects and the m-5 over Charlemagne in a motorcade too. and baby needs a new prize baby needs a new and shiny prize. in this place called heavenly you were born here. this place called heavenly you were born here. you were born here. and now all the marchers descend from high I will dedicate all of my awakenings to this. and damn all the angles that oppress my sight I will bleed your heart through a samovar soon.

in this place called heavenly you were born here. this place called heavenly you were born here. you were born here.

The television screens, grey and fuzzy depicted a portrait of absolute sin. He watched as his beloved moaned the name of another. Their sexual act infuriated him, and his fingers (so like the person's who was clinging to a child) clenched around the half-empty glass jar.

His red eyes zoomed around the screen's face, watching as they engaged in acts that only he was allowed to do to his beloved. The jar began to crack under the heavy pressure his red-stained fingers were applying. A grape coated tongue darted out of his mouth to lick away the imaginary sweetness.

His red eyes widened to an almost unimaginable degree as he watched his beloved come; it was almost as if his beloved, his toy were laughing and taunting as he panted.

The jar finally shattered in his constricting fingers, nicking and cutting his already red-stained fingers. He lifted them two inches away from his red eyes to examine as the red life giving liquid seeped out from under his white skin. His tongue flicked out to wet his parched lips once again.

Two dark brown eyes gaped up at the man as he stood roughly from the desk. His chair bumped up against the body of the surveillance guard as he turned to walk toward the closet where the other was being kept.

His stained fingers wrenched open the flimsy door; the other guard stared up at him with teary blue eyes. B smirked as he flicked open a stained red pocket knife. His red eyes met the other man's.

"Nothing personal." He gave a cheery laugh as he drove the small knife into the man's wide eye.

L would pay for his infidelity, he was B's after all.

here upon this pillow made of reed and willow you're a fickle little twister are you sweet on your sister? your fallow won't leave you alone. and granted for their pleasure possessions laid to measure she's a salty little pisser with your cock in her kisser but now she's a will of her own



This is just something that I did to get my 'creative juices' flowing. I've noticed how much I LOVE "The Tain (Parts I, II, III, IV,V). It's an amazing 18-minute song, and I fully suggest that you download it now!

Also, I hope I (there's a slim chance of this) made B as in character as possible. I haven't read "Death Note: Another Note" but I hope to!

And Like always, please review for this starving review whore!