Title: Advil
Rating: T
Summary: It was a typical day at Whammy's House. Mello ranting about Near and Matt playing his video games, but what happens when Matt gets fed up with Mello's complaints about Near? Oneshot
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine. Remember its fanfiction.
It was a typical day at Whammy's House.
Mello'd been harassing Near as per usual, trying to coerce him into pointless competitions, whilst his best friend Matt was off somewhere playing video games doing his best to ignore it. That is, until his best friend would come in to rant about the poor boy.
"God, that Near!" Mello raged coming into their room as if on cue, going straight to his chocolate stash and proceeding to rant for an hour while he furiously ate his chocolate. Matt just ignored him. He was sick of it.
"Goddamn chocolate," Mello complained. It's not helping the headache that that little brat brought on." Matt continued to ignore him, even when the angry blonde threw wrappers at his head.
"Matt?" Mello asked, still being ignored, "MATT!" Mello yelled.
"God, Mel, what is it?" Matt asked, rolling his eyes. Luckily his goggles hid the action.
"Stop ignoring me!" the blonde snapped, throwing his half eaten chocolate bar at Matt's head, successfully getting him to pause the game and turn around, glaring. Mello didn't notice the glare at all.
"What the hell Mel?" He asked, holding up the candy.
"You were ignoring me, even though I'm clearly in pain, and Near was..." Matt interrupted him with a sigh but was soon interrupted himself when the blonde went into another rant about Near and how much his damn head hurt.
Mello didn't stop until Matt went up to him, kneeling beside the bed and had grasped his hand melodramatically.
The blonde raised an eyebrow at the red-head as he cleared his throat and adjusted his goggles.
"Mel," he said, squeezing the blonde's hand ever so slightly, making that eyebrow travel higher, "there's been something I've been meaning to tell you for the longest time. Something very… important and I just need to get it off my chest."
"What are you pregnant or something?" Mello asked.
"Yes," said Matt, making the blonde stare at him wide-eyed.
"Matt, seriously? How the hell could you?" Mello asked.
"Aww Mel, I can't believe that you're not happy for me, I was even going to ask you to be the godfather."
"What the..?" Mello asked as Matt stood up looking hurt. "Seriously?"
"No, I was joking. Now get up off your lazy ass and go take some Goddamn Advil," Matt said yanking the blonde up off of the bed and shoving him out into the hall, locking the door so he could to go back to enjoying his games.
He didn't really care if the blonde killed him later. It'd been worth it.
A/N: I dedicate this entirely to Sam, (xbuttonsx) who was complaining of a headache for a while and I said the dialogue afterward. Though she said the 'are you prego' bit then told me I should make it into a story. I did; she encouraged me to publish it and I did.
Anyway, if you liked it, review to let me know? Thanks so much!