Dear Readers,

Hi! It is my last chapter of this story! That's right! My last chapter! But don't worry! I assure you! A new story will be coming your way very soon! I already have a really good plan for a story! So, please all my regular and faithful reviewers, please read it!! So don't be sad yet! I really hope you've enjoyed this story! Please R&R! And please stay tuned for my next story!
I would like to dedicate this chapter to Katie Ladmoore, for being such a good and faithful reviewer!

Thank you so much everyone! I love you all! Please enjoy my last chapter!


Four months later, Ginny Apparated into The Burrow with James in her arms and the baby bag draped on her shoulder.

"Hi," she called to no one in particular. "Just getting some lunch."

"Hey, little sis," came a familiar, sarcastic voice from behind a newspaper. Ginny groaned as she opened the cupboard.

"How are you always here?" she asked, getting some crisps out of the fridge and warming James' milk with her wand. "Don't you have a joke shop to run?"

"That's the joy of being boss, little sis," George answered, laying the newspaper down on the dining room table. "I have little workers who do the job for me, I get the Galleons and the luxury of relaxing at home."

"In your parents house," Ginny finished, grabbing her crisps and milk and sitting down opposite George. "Loser."

"Oh, am I? Well, I beg to differ little sis, because I have some news."

"Hmm?" James started fussing and Ginny started feeding him.

"Do you recall that unbelievably romantic and private wedding that Seamus and Lavender had a while ago?"


"Well, I am happy to report that a similar has taken place."

"Really?" Ginny asked, suddenly interested. "With who? Who got married?"

"I did."

"You what?"

"Yes, I know! I could scarcely believe it myself. Somehow I have managed to settle down, in the joys of a calm and happily married life."

" you don't! You're joking! Good one, George!"

"No, Ginny. Don't insult my humour by thinking that's the best I can do."

" who?"

"Alicia Spinnet."


"You really have to stop doubting your big brother, Ginger."

"Don't call me that. Although it kind of fits with my name and my hair and all. But anyway, what?? How? You live here?"

"That may be true, but as of last week, I officially am not."

"Since when were you and Alicia married?"

"A few months ago."

"Do Mum and Dad know?"

"Yeah, they were the only two people we told. Well, and her parents."

"Wow. Do you love her?"

"What? No! I just married her for the fun of it! I was really bore and there was nothing else to do so-"

"George." Ginny willed him with a look to be serious for once in his life.

"Yeah," George answered, seriously. "Even when we were in school I did."

"That's nice," Ginny said. Then, James completely ruined the moment by burping.

"That's my nephew!" George said, taking him from Ginny's arms. "And how have you been today?"

"So, does anyone else know apart from Mum and Dad?"

"Nope. You're the first person I told apart from them."

"Wow. Any other news?"

"Oh yeah. She's pregnant."

"What?" Ginny was very glad that George had taken James, otherwise she might've dropped him. "She's pregnant?"

"Yeah. One month."

"This is too much information for my brain to digest."

"Don't strain yourself, Gin."

"Well, congratulations!" She got up and hugged him. James began to cry.

"He wants more milk," Ginny explained, taking him and putting the bottle back in his mouth.

"Speaking of babies, how's Rose?" Within the last four months, Hermione had had a baby girl, Rose.

"She's fine. Hermione's a born mother. I knew it. I feel like crap compared to her."

"Ginny don't be stupid. You're a great mother."


"So, why are you all dressed up anyway?" He gestured towards her grey and black strapless dress and long black coat.

"I know! The dress is Chanel!"

"I'm not even going to ask what that is. But why are you wearing it?"

"Poppy's first birthday party."

"Do we have to get dressed up? I'm just wearing this." He gestured towards his jeans and jumper.

"Oh, that's fine. Harry's wearing pretty much the same thing."

"Cool. Shall we go?"

"Yeah sure. But, hold on. I have to change James' nappy. Do you want to help?"

"I think I'll pass."

Ginny came back with James five minutes later, and all three of them Disapparated.

Crack. Ginny, George and Fred arrived in Seamus and Lavender's apartment seconds later. It was very nicely decorated. There were brightly coloured balloons hung up everywhere, huge banners saying "Happy Birthday Poppy!" with fireworks exploding in the background, and huge tables groaning with delicious snacks.

"Hi Lavender!" Ginny said, as she set eyes on her. "Did Harry give you our present?"

"Yes, he did! And thank you so much, Ginny! Poppy loves it! I mean, a rocking horse! Wow!" Ginny and James went over to the sofa where Harry and Ron were sitting. She sat beside Harry and gave him a kiss.

"Hi," she said, giving him James. "When did you get here?"

"About half an hour ago."

"I need to tell you something. Ron, you listen too. You know George is married?"

"What??" Harry and Ron said together.

Hermione was sitting on one of the chairs feeding Rose. Ron came over a few minutes later with a shocked expression on his face.

"Hi," he said. "How's Rose?"

"She's fine. She was getting a bit fussy, but she's fine now she's eating."

"Have you heard about George and Alicia?"

"No, what about them?"

On a nearby sofa, Dean and Luna were trying and failing to put Ella to sleep. She was defiantly staying wide awake.

"Have you fed her?" Dean asked.

"Twenty minutes ago," Luna said. "She'll be fine. She's not making noise."

"Do you think she needs her nappy changed?"

"No, I don't think so. She's just not tired." Harry made his way over.

"Hi guys," he said.

"Hi Harry," Luna said.

"Have you two heard about George?"

"Oh, is he married yet?" Luna asked.

"Err..yes," Harry answered, very surprised. "How do you know? Who told you?"

"Oh no one. I just thought that was it because everyone else is getting married and having babies so I just expected that's where George was going."

"OK, guys!" Lavender and Seamus said, standing behind Poppy, who was standing behind a tiny table with a pink cake with one candle on it. "It's time to blow out Poppy's candle! Hi Alicia! I heard your good news! Congratulations!"

"Thanks, Lavender," Alicia said, nodding towards her. And, with that, everyone crowded around Poppy, Lavender and Seamus to sing Happy Birthday to the first baby to turn one years old. And all the while, the parents and future parents thought of when it would be their childrens' day to stand in front of their cake and blow out their single candle, and then ten years on from that when they would be saying goodbye to them as they saw them go on their journey to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as they pulled away from Platform Nine and Three Quarters in that massive, scarlet steam engine.