Ho hum, new chapter.

Oh, and I didn't like the old summery, so I changed it.

Please excuse the excessive language. This is rated M for a reason.


Naruto's fist clenched as he sat on his bed. It was uncomfortable and old, yet it contained memories. He still lived in the same apartment that he lived in when he was twelve. So many good dreams had taken place on this bed, bad ones, good fucks–

I bet Sasuke's bed is nicer.

Naruto grit his teeth. Fuck. This was all wrong. Everything was screwed up.

He still hadn't visited Sasuke. It had been a week already. He hadn't seen Sakura either. Sasuke had gotten out of the hospital on his second day and was probably with Sakura. Fuckfuckfuck–

Naruto shook his head. He was acting like a baby. This was a stupid reason not to visit his friend. Hell, he probably wasn't even with Sakura. Maybe he was at home laying low for a while. Maybe he was with his new teammates. Naruto brightened up. Sakura was probably at the hospital working on patients, not even thinking about Sasuke.


He smiled. Yeah right.

Suddenly, the room was filled with a slight chill. Naruto looked towards the window and frowned.


The said man gave a cheery wave. He hopped off of the window frame and entered the bedroom. He raised an eyebrow at the ramen cups carelessly thrown around the room.

"What have I told you about just eating ramen, Naruto. You need vegetables and fruits. Oh, and stop calling me sensei. We are more or less equals now."

Naruto didn't look at him.

"What do you want Kakashi. Home visits aren't exactly common with you."

Kakashi took out his R-rated book and buried his nose in it.

"I heard you still haven't visited Sasuke."

Naruto snorted. It was just like Kakashi to avoid his eyes while asking him questions. Coward.

"Is it a problem? The bastard comes back and expects a welcome committee? Get the hell out of here! He nearly kills me, and I have to welcome him back like nothing happened?"


He wanted to see Sasuke. But the stupid, selfish part of him screamed no. He knew he should have never accepted Sakura's stupid proposal.

Kakashi turned the page of his book.

"Huh. Well, Sasuke asked about you, so do try to make time to see him. Past is the past, Naruto."

Naruto clenched his fist, "You hypocrite! You tell me to get out of the past, yet I don't visit a tombstone everyday! Fuck, I don't want to see him because he almost killed me, and I'm getting a talking too about it! Damn it Kakashi, just because he was your favorite student doesn't mean that he's always going to get special attention!"

Kakashi had gotten him extremely pissed off. Hell, this wasn't even the reason he wouldn't visit Sauske, yet Kakashi didn't even give him an ounce of sympathy. Everything was Sauske, Sasuke, Sasuke in this world. It revolved around him!

Kakashi sighed. "I just don't want you guys ruining your friendship. After spending so long looking for him, I just didn't think you would give up so easily."

He vanished from the room in a mass of clouds.


Naruto walked down the beat path, kicking stones in his way. What the hell was he doing, going to visit Sakura. He should be visiting Sasuke, but his stupid pride got in the way. He just had to make sure she was in the hospital. There was no way she wouldn't go too work just for Sasuke. She didn't even do it for him.

A few street venders greeted Naruto with a smile, and one even tossed him and apple. Naruto faked a smile and gave the man a thumbs up. A few months ago, a thief had been robbing the local venders, and Naruto had taken care of the problem. He returned the stolen food and money to the venders, and they had been grateful to his help. Sakura had been so proud of him the day . . .

He approached the hospital was a determined look on his face. He pushed open the double doors and stepped by the secretary. He had been to Sakura's room so many times that he didn't even need the room number to her office anymore. The corridors seemed extremely long today, and Naruto's heart sank. What was he doing here? Sakura wasn't going to be here, he knew it. This was a colossal waste of time, and his heart would just be crushed when he didn't see her there.

Naruto arrived at the door and opened it slowly.

A flash of pink could be seen through the crack of the door.

Naruto swung open the door and his heart lifted. She was here!


She turned around her face looked excited. However, at seeing Naruto, he face fell, as did his heart. What was wrong with seeing him?

"O–oh, Naruto! I didn't expect to see you here! Then again, I haven't seen you all week! Were you feeling all right? I meant to visit you, but I've been so swamped with work lately that I haven't had the time!"


She used to make the time to see him when he was sick.

Naruto nodded and grinned. "Yeah, I haven't been feeling well lately."

Sakura smiled at his answer and shifted nervously. Awkward silence enveloped the room as Sakura threw on her coat to leave. Naruto quickly tried to think of a way to make her stay or do something with him.

"Um, Sakura? Do you want–" He was quickly cut off.

"Hey, Naruto. I'm going to visit Sasuke now. Wanna come?"

Naruto's mouth went dry, as his brain scrambled for an answer.

"Uh. Sure."

No! He just wanted to be with Sakura. He had been about to ask her to come and eat some ramen with him, seeing as she was getting ready to leave. Shit, this was going all wrong. He wanted to see Sasuke alone, and definitely not with Sakura.

Sakura gave a look of mild surprise at his answer. She had clearly thought he was going to refuse.

"O–oh! Well, ok. Lets go."

Naruto held the door open for her as she left. He glanced at her hand as he caught up to her. His fingers twitched as he reached out to grab his hand, but she pulled away at the last second. She reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a piece of gum. She turned her head to Naruto and asked him if he wanted a piece. He weakly shook his head.


As they neared the Uchiha compound, Naruto realized that this was a dumb idea, and that he should turn around right now. However, the opposite happened as he walked up to the door with Sakura. She knocked on the door and walked inside. Naruto's eye twitched. Since when could Sakura enter his house uninvited like that?

The two removed their shoes and entered the hallway. Sakura removed her coat and placed in on a hanger. Apparently, Sasuke had moved back into the compound after his return, since he used to live in a small apartment before he left.

Sakura directed Naruto to the living room. He could make out voices in the room and they were getting louder. It seemed like an argument was taking place. He slowly opened the door. Sasuke was sitting on the couch, while Suigetsu was quarrelling with Karin. Juugo was in a corner with some type of bird.

Sakura walked in from behind Naruto and smiled at everyone. All four of them looked up at the two. Sasuke's eyes widened ever so slightly at Naruto's face, while the other three held looks of surprise.

"Um, Naruto said he wanted to visit today," said Sakura, trying to break through the slight awkwardness.

Suigetsu grinned and waved, while Karin adjusted her glasses. She gave him a curt nod, which Naruto returned. Juugo turned his head around and gave a light smile, and Naruto waved back. Juugo returned to what he was doing.

Sasuke didn't do anything.

Of course, Naruto didn't expect him too, but still . . .

Sakura waved at everyone in the room. They returned her greeting. Well, all except for Juugo, who was off in his own little world now.

"I'm going to get diner started, ok? How does Yakisoba sound?" Sakura smiled. Karin gave a tut in disagreement, but everyone else agreed. Naruto joked,

"Man, to bad it's not ramen!"

Suigetsu let out a bark of laughter, while Karin barked at him to shut the hell up. Suigetsu growled at her statement, and they began to argue again. Naruto and Sakura sweat dropped at the two's antics. Naruto turned to Sakura,

"I'll help."

Sakura shook her head, "It's fine Naruto! It's a really simple dish to make!"

Naruto stood firm, "No, it's fine."

Sasuke blinked. Sakura bit the inside of her lip and nodded. Naruto gave a smile and grabbed her hand. She led him to the kitchen, which she knew to be right down the hall. Sakura quickly wormed out of his grip when they entered.

"Ah, well, let's find some ingredients," Sakura said nervously. Naruto stared at her.

"Sakura, what are you doing."

Sakura turned to him and grinned, "What do you mean? I'm cooking!"

She quickly reached out to grab a plate, but Naruto grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Stop playing games."

Sakura stopped and looked at him with unflinching eyes.

"Fine. It's over Naruto. This 'thing' we had is over as of now."


Tadah! The second chapter of my Naruto fanfiction! Thank you guys for the reviews!

It's still got a little more until Hinata shows up. I'm almost done deciding everything that's going to happen in the fanfiction, so there you go.

However, I was thinking if I should include other POV, not just Naruto's. I've been at a standstill trying to decide.

Oh, and expect a new fanfiction up by me soon! It's going to be a SasuSaku fanfiction, in which Sasuke is in an 'host club'.