CH 8- Forever Young


As I sat down between Alice and Edward, Edward looked up at me and smiled reassuringly. I smiled back, trying to reassure myself. It didn't work.

"Who's first?" Alice asked.

"I'll go first." I volunteered, just trying to get it over with. I turned over to Emmett, "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." he replied, rather confident. It was obvious he thought I couldn't do anything that bad.

He was so wrong.

"I dare you to kiss Mike on the mouth…French, and he has to kiss back, or else it won't count."

He looked absolutely horrified, I smiled internally at myself.


"Sorry Em, no buts." I interrupted. Rose looked like she was about to pop a socket, Alice was laughing, and so was Jasper.

I looked over at Mike, his expression was priceless. His eyes popped, his mouth hung open, and his face was red. I complimented myself mentally; finally someone was blushing rather than me.

"C'mon Em, you have to do this sooner or later." Edward gloated.

Then, Emmett stood up, and walked determinedly over to Mike. Mike now looked absolutely terrified. I couldn't blame him. Emmett was now kneeling in front of him, he seemed to whisper something to him, Mike didn't look as scared anymore. In fact, he almost looked smug. I wonder what Emmett said. A second later, Emmett was kissing Mike, and boy was it a kiss. I mean like, Mike looked like he was enjoying himself, and when Emmett pulled away and wiped his lips, Mike looked sad. Then he looked at me, and his eyes brightened. I did not want to know why.

"Okay Mike," Emmett started, "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Mike said, gladly.

"I dare you to go out with Bella for a week, starting tomorrow." He said, smugly.

I roared. I was not going to go out with Mike. I looked over to Mike; he was smiling from ear to ear. I looked over at Alice, she was so shocked, and she was glaring at Emmett. Rose slapped Emmett across the head, making him wince, pulled him to her, and then whispered in his ear.

His eyes opened wide and he mumbled a feeble, "Sorry."

It was Mike's turn. "Rosalie, 'Truth or Dare?'"

She looked uncertain, and then finally said "Truth."

"Before Emmett came into school, is it true you liked Edward?" I was shocked, I didn't hear about that rumor.

I turned to Edward, he had a smirk on his face, and Emmett was looking at Rose expectantly.

"No. Although, I did like enforcing that rumor." She smiled over at Edward, and he smiled back. I wonder what she—or maybe they did.

"Alice," Rose said, "Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to burn at least 5 pounds of the new clothes you bought, in the last two shopping sprees."

"What?!" Alice screeched. "TRAITOR!"

Rose just smiled and shrugged her shoulders, looking innocent.

Thirty minutes later most everybody went, except Edward, Ben, and me. I was still fuming over the dare Emmett gave Mike.

It was Lauren's turn.

"Eddie, truth or dare?" She asked. She sounded like she was about to seduce somebody.

"Dare." He said, waving her away.

She looked satisfied, and he seemed to notice this. "I dare you to French Kiss me for two minutes."

Edward looked at me, judging my reaction, I made my face look emotionless, hoping he wouldn't see through my unreal mask. By the look of his face, he didn't. He walked across the circle to Lauren, she was smiling brightly. She looked like a kid who just got all his wishes come true. Alice, Rose, Angela, and Jasper were looking at me worriedly.

I couldn't take the stares, the situation, the freaking atmosphere, so I stood up and left. As I walked out the door, the tears came running down my face freely. I heard Alice and Rose calling my name and walking after me, but I just broke out into a run and ran out of the party.

I ran straight ahead, hoping and praying to all the Gods that I wouldn't fall. All I could think about was Edward kissing that—that—that slut.

I was running until I bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I said, wiping away my tears.

"Don't worry Bella; you could bump into me anytime." I looked up; it was a guy—or rather a parasite.

It was James. Ugh. He totally killed me mood even more.

"What do you want?" I asked, snarling.

"Oh Bella, wasn't it you who bumped into me?" he replied, happy with himself.

If only he wasn't taller than me, stronger than me, and faster than me I would have him by the throat. He annoyed the buggers out of me. He was like one a fly, you get disgusted every time it touches you and it won't seem to leave you alone.

"Leave me alone." I said, stiffly.

"Why aren't you just a little feisty?" he asked amused. "That's okay though, I like that in a girl."

He lunged forward and grabbed me towards him. I tried to scream, but his hand clamped my mouth shut. Not knowing what to do, I panicked. I tried to wriggle my out of his hold, and when that didn't work, I tried getting away by force. That just made it worse. He faced me towards him, his right hand still clamping my mouth shut; he pressed my body towards him so I could feel his rifle.

He yanked my head backwards, and leaned over me. Then he inhaled me. I felt so useless and vulnerable. I kept wriggling, trying to set myself free, but he held on tighter. I could tell he was getting pissed, so I wriggled even more. His hand was slipping from my mouth, and once I got the chance, I bit him, long and hard.

He yowled in pain, and let go of me instantly, it was just the reaction I had been hoping for. I knew this was my chance, I used all the strength I had, to wrench free of his grasp.

Once he held me no more, I ran, as fast as I could. I didn't really know where I was going. I just kept running and running. I felt stupid, running around Forks, with only a two-piece on—a very revealing two-piece.

"Bella!" a familiar voice called. Edward?

I slowed my pace just a smidge and took a slow turn. I kept backing up as the figure came closer and closer.

"Bella!" The voice called again.

When the figure was close enough that I could see it clearly, I recognized him. His pale skin, bronze hair, emerald green eyes…

"Edward." I gasped.

Once he was close enough that I could touch him, I hugged him fiercely and started sobbing my heart out. He cooed sweet words into my ear and held me close.

After a while, I wiped my tears away, and looked up at him, he stared down at me. His eyes were so distraught and filled with concern, he tried to manage a smile when I looked up at him, but he faltered. Soon, it was the other way around. I was the one comforting him, while he cried onto my shoulders.

"I'm sorry… Sorry…. Sorry... Sorry…" was all he kept muttering into my ear.

"I don't wanna go home." I said, not wanting Charlie to see me like this.

Edward lifted his head, and looked at me. He let go of me with one of his arms, reluctantly, and we both walked away, looking for the parking lot.

I hadn't realized I had gotten so far, we were walking about twenty minutes when we finally found Edward's Volvo, in the mist of a lot of average-looking vehicles.

He opened my door for me, and helped me get in. he probably thought I was still traumatized, but all I could think about was Charlie. I didn't want him to know what happened tonight, I didn't want him to see me like this, and I didn't want anyone to get hurt. After making sure I was alright, Edward closed my car door, and went to the other side of the car, getting in.

Before driving off, he took out his phone, he started dialing numbers. Probably Alice…

"Alice? Edward." I was right.

Before Alice could say anything else, Edward starting talking again, "I found her. I'm taking her over to our place, call Charlie and tell him she's sleeping over, or make up any excuse you can to make Charlie believe she is staying over tonight. I'll tell you the rest later. I'll see you at home. Bye."

He hung up, started the car, and we drove off.

Edward and I were silent the whole ride home, though, was in a while, he would let go of the steering wheel with one hand, and squeeze my hand, reassuringly.

Once we arrived at his house, Rosalie's BMW M3 convertible was already. It made me wonder, how they got here so fast. As soon as Edward parked the car, Alice and Rose came running out, worried looks on their faces.

They both hugged me at once, and I desperately hugged them back. They were on either side of me, leading me into the house.

Once we were inside, they sat me down, and wrapped a towel around me. I kept telling them I was fine, but they wouldn't here anything of it.

"You guys, I'm seriously fine. See no broken bones or anything, just a permanently damaged brain." I said matter-of-factly.

Alice and Rose gasped. "Oh Bella, we're so so—

"I'm only kidding. I was just trying to break the mood." I said, laughing.

Emmett started bursting out laughing, but everybody besides Edward just looked at me in shock. Edward hissed and went straight up to his room.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked, optimistically.

"Bella, he feels guilty about what he did, so do Rose and I. I shouldn't have suggested we play that stupid game." Alice said. This got me so irritated.

"ALICE SHUT UP! I said I was okay, I'm not hurt! It wasn't you or Rose's or Edward's fault! It was mine! I was stupid enough to run outside with only a two-piece on, I was the one who ran into James, I was the one running out of the party because of some stupid dare! It was my own damn fault, no one else's—mine!" I stood up, glared at her and Rose, then walked upstairs to Edward.

I knocked on his door. When he didn't answer, I just went inside without permission.

"It wasn't your fault." Were his words, right when I came in.

"Oh shut up Edward." I said, causing him to look up my way. "It was mine. I was the stupid one."

"Stop blaming yourself for my sake." Edward said stiffly.

I walked to his dressers and got a one of his t-shirts, I out it on, and then turned to face him again. He was looking at me, it made me blush. I sat down on the bed, next to him, and turned his head to look at me when he turned away.

"Edward, I don't blame you. It wasn't your fault Lauren dared you to do that, it wasn't Lauren's fault for wanting it either. Who would be crazy enough to not want it?" I said with a giggle. He looked at me suspiciously, and then bowed his head back down.

"Did he hurt you?" he asked, pain sounding clear in his voice.

"No, I think I hurt him." That caused him to look up again.

"What'd you do?" he asked curious.

"I bit him." I said proudly.

An hour later I told him everything that had happened, from beginning to end. He winced when I said James had pulled me close to him and when I said James inhaled me. Edward kept muttering things like, "I'm gonna kill him." I knew Edward was a killer, so I let that slide.

I didn't think it would be this easy to recall what had happened so soon, but after I did I felt much better. By this time, Edward was holding my hand, and we were leaning against each other. This moment would've felt perfect if not for the reason why.

Then, someone knocked on the door.

"Alice." I said, he nodded in confirmation.

After a few more knocks, Edward said, "Come in."

Alice came in, and right behind her, was Rose. No surprise there. They looked around cautiously, and stood by the doorway. They both looked so sad and sorry, I almost forgave them.

"Bells, we're sorry." Rose said. I hadn't expected her to apologize first, so they caught me off guard.

"Well I'm sorry you're sorry." I said, sourly.

They both flinched, then were about to walk out the door. Rose went out first, and when Alice started going out, she looked back. Tears were brimming in her eyes, and her cheeks were flushed.

'Crap.' I thought to myself.

I ran out the door after them, hearing Edward sigh behind me. Apparently they expected me, because they stood just right next to his door, waiting. I stood in front of them, in only my two-piece, arms folded across my chest. I think I rather looked disconcerting, I smiled inwardly. Then, sooner than I thought I would hold, I had my arms around them tightly, and they the same with me.

Soon we were all back in Edward's room, probably annoying the crap out of him.

"Did you call Charlie?" I asked Alice.

"Yeah, I told him you were going to sleepover for the whole weekend. Isn't that great?" She asked, excitedly.

"Yeah, we'll just have us a jolly good time." We looked at each other, and started laughing again.

"Alice, this is going to be a once in a lifetime offer." I began, catching her attention. "I'm going to go take a shower and since I didn't bring any clothes, I was hoping you could—

"Don't say anything more, I'm on it." Grabbing Rose's hand, they headed to Alice's room. I chuckled watching them go.

It wasn't long before I realized I was in Edward's room, alone. I got up, smiling at him, and then left. I went into the bathroom, stripped off my clothes, and started taking a bath. I wanted to take as long as possible, but a shower can only take so long.

I came out, dried myself off, and wrapped my towel around me. Once I stepped out of the bathroom, the cold air washed over me, and goose bumps started showing on my skin. I shivered. Suddenly someone's hands were rubbing my arms, I started feeling warm. I turned around half-expecting to see Edward, but instead it was Esme. I smiled, hiding my disappointment.

"Thanks Esme." I said.

"Bella, you need to take care. You might freeze to death, and I won't have that in my house." She replied firmly.

I nodded my head then turned and walked into Alice's room. I looked around for my clothes, and couldn't find them. Then I saw a note on her bed.

Your clothes are in Edward's room. 

I scowled. I decided I would just get my clothes and come back in here.

I walked into Edward's room, he wasn't in there, and so I grabbed my clothes, and quickly went out. I went back to Alice's room, the door was locked. I knocked.

"Yes?" was Alice's reply.

"Alice if you don't open this door right now, you'll have hell to pay!" I said angrily.

"What?" Alice asked.

I suddenly got the most fantastic idea; I walked back to the bathroom. That door was locked as well.

"Hello? Who's in there?" I asked.

"Edward!" was the reply. I blushed.

I decided against my better judgment, I would change in Edward's room. He was in the shower anyway, it doesn't matter.

I went into his room, and changed as fast as I could. Luckily, I was dressed before Edward came out of the shower. He didn't look surprised, when he saw me in his room. He went straight to his closet and grabbed out an outfit.

"Are you gonna stay there and watch me dress or will you leave me to my privacy?" he asked, amused.

I didn't know what to say, partly because he started changing in front of me like he did it all the time. I'm sure I was blushing real bad; I felt the heat from my face spread throughout my whole body. He threw his towel on his bed, and bent over to pick up his boxers, I gasped. He stopped mid-way and looked up at me. He smiled smugly and started walking closer.

"You like what you see Swan?" he asked pleased with himself.

I gathered myself and met his gaze.

"What's there to see?" I answered his question with a question, he he.

"Oh… a lot." He replied suggestively.

"You don't faze me." I said confidently.

He started coming closer.

"You sure?" he asked, his smile widening.

I won't let him faze me; he's an insignificant being in my not so insignificant life. I don't care how he looks; he's not that great anyway.

Oh who am I kidding? He's looked so delicious, standing there, water dripping from his hair, following the contours of his body, smiling that sexy, crooked smile. This is only physical attraction though, so it doesn't matter. It doesn't count.

He stepped closer; he was now only an inch away from me.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I said, making sure my voice doesn't waver. The steam coming off of him, made it even harder than it already was.

He was leaning in towards me, and then Alice burst in. She was about to say something, then saw our position, and then she walked back out.

Edward sighed.

"You better go over there." He said, running his hand through his hair.

"Yeah." I cleared me throat, and walked stiffly outside.

"Oh Bella I'm sorry!" Alice said right when I walked into her room.

"About what?" I asked, my voice wavering.

"Oh you know what." She said, exasperated.

"What happened?" Rose asked.

"IburstintoEdward'sroomandIinterruptedthemwhentheywerejustabouttokiss!" She explained.

"WHAT?!" Rose yelled. "You weren't supposed to go in there! You were supposed to wait for Bella until she came in here or if she came in here!"

"You guys are setting us up?" I asked, getting angry.

"Smooth." Alice said accusingly at Rose.

We all glared at each other for a few minutes, then I got up and left them to work it out themselves.

I went downstairs and found Emmett playing Guitar Hero. Finally, someone who won't get in my face.

"Hey Em." I said, cheerfully. He looked up, and then snapped his head back down when he missed a note.

"Hey. You wanna play?" he asked, still rockin' out.

I wasn't sure, but then I thought of the other things I could do, "Sure."

Thirty minutes later it was a tied game. We both had one two games, we had a deal that whomever won the most out of five would get paid two-hundred bucks from the loser. This game was the tie-breaker. It was my turn to decide which song, we should play. I picked 'Miss Murder' by AFI. He pepped talked himself, while I massaged my thumbs. We had to get ready before playing. Although I kept giggling, because of the things Emmett was saying to himself.

"C'mon man, you are a winner. You are strong. She is weak. You can do this. You are strong. You are strong. You're a winner no matter what. I love you… and so on.

The doorbell rang, and I stood up to answer it. I opened the door, it was Jasper. He joined us on the couch, telling us that he was going to make sure it was a fair game.

Right before we began to play, Alice and Rose came down, and they looked apologetically at me, and then they sat down. Then, Emmett and I started rockin' out. He missed two notes, three minutes into the game, I had missed three. The song was almost finished, and then Rose stood up causing Emmett to look her way, causing him to miss the last two notes. I had won.

"That game was bogus!" Emmett cried. "I got distracted! Do over, do over!"

"Sorry man, it was a fair game. She won." Jasper said.

"Pay up Em." I said happily. He reached into his pocket and took out his wallet. He took out four fifty dollar bills and handed them to me, reluctantly. I smiled and gave him fifty back.

"Keep it. It's yours and besides I'd feel like an even bigger loser if I took it." I shrugged.

"Good game though." I said, trying to cheer him up.

"Verse again tomorrow?" he asked hopefully.


I went upstairs, not wanting to be a fifth wheel, as Alice and Jasper, and Rose and Emmett sucked face. I went into Alice's room, and lay down on her couch. I lay there for a few moments, when Edward came in.

"Want company?" he asked.

"Sure." I said, sitting up. He sat himself next to me, and leaned his head back.

"So what's up?" I asked, not wanting it to get awkward.

"Nothing much." He answered, Then he suddenly asked, "You have a boyfriend in Phoenix?"

"Yeah, but it didn't work out in the end." I said.

"What was his name?"

"Jacob. Jacob Black." I said. "He and I are still really good friends. We figured that we're more like brother—sister, instead of boyfriend—girlfriend."

"Oh. That's cool." He said. "Am I like a brother to you?"

"No…" I said trailing off. "Am I a sister to you?"

"No." he replied, sighing.

Our conversation continued, he asked about my life in Phoenix, and I, in turn, asked about his life without me. Then he asked me random questions about my favorite things, like colors, flowers, animals, subjects, music, teachers, people, random things… And I asked him the same things.

Before I knew it, we were both asleep on Alice's couch, me leaning on his shoulders, and he with his arms around me. It felt comfortable, right, like it was supposed to be that way.

The next day, I woke up, and I was alone. Typical. But then, I saw a note lying next to my head, and picked it up.

Morning, downstairs, when you're ready, come over. Don't trip on the stairs 

I smiled after I read the note, and then went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and took a shower. Then I went back into Alice's room, and grabbed a t-shirt and shorts.

I headed downstairs; I was on the fifth step when I started to fall. I remembered Edward's note, and as I was falling, I smiled widely. I closed my eyes as I fell down the stairs, and when I landed I opened them, and saw Alice, Rose, Jasper, Esme, Emmett, and Edward running over to me.

Esme helped me up, and after she made sure I could stand, she asked, "Are you okay Bella?"

"Yeah." I replied, groggily.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Esme asked, holding up four fingers.

"Four." I said.

"Good. Now—

"Why the hell are you smiling?" Edward asked. "You fell down a flight of stairs! Do you know what could've happened?"

"Oh, well you wrote that note, and when I started to fall, I remembered it." I said, still smiling.

"Well, I'm happy you could still smile." Edward replied, sourly.

"Oh Bella, you're so funny!" Emmett said, his laugh booming. I didn't realize he was laughing. He laughing made me laugh even more.

"Do you think you need to go to the doctor? We could have Carlisle take care of you." Esme said, worried.

"Thanks Esme, but I am really fine." I said, trying to reassure her.

"Okay, call me if you need anything." Esme said, worry and concern still in her eyes. She seemed reluctant to go, but when I kept telling her I was okay and when I urged her to don't make such a fuss, she finally went.

Everyone was quiet, then as to break the tension, I asked, "What's for breakfast?" Everybody besides Edward laughed, of course.

We all went to sit at the counter, while Esme made blueberry pancakes, bacon, and eggs. She passed us plates, we all got a plate, except, of course, the Grinch.

"What is you problem Edward?" I asked, causing everybody to look at me. I didn't care. "You're so tense all the time, and when you're not you're apologizing for something. Why can't you just forget about your self pity for just a moment and be normal? God!"

"What about you?" he replied. "Why can't you forget about everyone else for a moment and take care of yourself, at this rate you'll probably die before you turn thirty. That's not normal, you have no sense of self-preservation, and you don't even see yourself clearly! You have no idea how beautiful you are, and you're not even trying. You think so low of your self as well, especially when a guy compliments you, you're always wondering, 'Why is he talking to me?' it's so frustrating because there are buckets full of guys out there who would do anything to go out with you but you're so, AAAGH! You annoy the crap outta me!!"

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. I guess I didn't—

"Wait did you say I was beautiful?" I asked, confused.

"Well, yeah." He said, blushing.

"Oh, well thanks." I said, blushing as well.

We were staring at each other until Esme said, "Just make up and kiss already. You guys are so oblivious!" I wasn't the only one shocked by Esme's outburst, she surprised us all.

Edward grabbed my hand, and then led me outside. He turned to me, and smiled. I smiled back.

"How are you?" he asked, probably still referring to my fall from earlier.

"Fine." I said, truthfully. "And you?"

"Fine." He replied. "You wanna dance?" What!? Is he crazy?

"Are you crazy? There's no music." I replied, stating the obvious.

"So? Who says we need music to dance?" he asked.

"Um…well okay." I said, not sure of what I just did.

He took my hands and suddenly we heard music from the inside of the house.

Lets dance in style, lets dance for a while
Heaven can wait were only watching the skies
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst
Are you going to drop the bomb or not?

We looked over there, and saw Alice smiling holding a stereo. We both smiled and started dancing.

Let us die young or let us live forever
We don't have the power but we never say never
Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
The music's for the sad men

Can you imagine when this race is won
Turn our golden faces into the sun
Praising our leaders were getting in tune
The music's played by the madmen

"Do you love me?" he asked.

"Forever." I replied, hugging him tighter.

"I love you too. Forever."

Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever

Some are like water, some are like the heat
Some are a melody and some are the beat
Sooner or later they all will be gone
Why don't they stay young

Rose and Emmett started dancing as well as Alice and Jasper. Edward twirled me around, and held me tight, I sighed.

It's so hard to get old without a cause
I don't want to perish like a fading horse
Youth is like diamonds in the sun
And diamonds are forever

"I don't want this to end." I said, sadly.

"Me too, love, me too." He agreed.

He leaned in to kiss me, and I leaned forward. Just then, at that moment, as we shared our first kiss with each other, I realized, this was it.

So many adventures couldn't happen today
So many songs we forgot to play
So many dreams are swinging out of the blue
We let them come true

We swayed from side to side, and held onto each other. There was no one else in the world besides us, no one will ruin this moment.

"I love you." He said again.

"And I love you." I told him.

"Forever." He whipered in my ear.

The End

Author's Note: i'm sorry i had to cut this short, i'm not going to have enough time to finish the story exactly how i wanted, so i had to pace it up. thanks!

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