"I don't know what to do Kiba! He's so annoying".

Naruto Uzumaki stood behind the counter of the hardware store; he checked the price on the paint the man opposite him was purchasing, "Wow; no way I would ever pay that amount for paint" he mumbled. He gave the man his receipt, "I know it's only been two weeks but still! …I know I know" -sigh-

"Hey Uzumaki, get back on the job please. There's things that need to be moved and stacking to be done", one of the nameless managers called out to Naruto. Kiba nodded and pushed the blonde towards the manager.

"Uh, yes sir", Naruto said. He ran over to him, "Ok what do you want me to do?"

He spent the next three hours shifting boxes, stacking shelves and re-pricing items. Kiba was going twice as fast as him, Chouji offering to help them out also, whilst he was off in a daydream and couldn't keep his mind off of that 'Bastard Sasuke'. He kept running through trial situations but even then he kept losing; Kiba noticed Naruto's 'away with the fairies' attitude and glomped him from behind; Naruto dropped a box of bubble wrap he was carrying.

"What's bugging you?" Naruto looked straight through him and off into the distance; Kiba screwed up his nose at this. "Sasuke again?.. Ugh your obsessed!"

"Who's this Sasuke?" Chouji asked respectfully.

"Am not! I'm just concerned for the rest of the world that in this generation we will know Damien the son of the devil himself", Naruto turned to Chouji, "He's one of my new housemates and he's the son of the devil; I've moved house recently after a…situation and now I'm stuck with him", Naruto glared at nothing reproachfully.

"And I guess he's annoying you then?" Chouji added.

"What the heck are you spewing?" Kiba muttered, "Damien?"

"Well if I never see him again it will be way too soon."

"And that's not a very nice thing to say is it dobe?" Naruto whipped round to see Sasuke, the familiar expression on his face.


"So this is where you work then, how…quaint".

Naruto fumed. So this must be Sasuke then Chouji thought. He watched as Kiba muttered a quiet greeting to Sasuke before excusing himself to a few metres away, stacking other boxes. Chouji decided to stay and oversee the situation in case it turned ugly.

"Get out of here! What's your problem? Not only do you bug me at home but you have to come to my work to piss me off too! Looks like you're the one obsessed not me!"

"Obsessed? I don't think I said anything about being obsessed?" He smirked and Naruto grimaced. "Nice place you work Naru-chan." Sasuke looked round the hardware store, looking as if he was about to laugh.

"Well at least I don't just mooch all my money off my parents like someone stood here".

Sasuke clearly wasn't phased by this remark. He turned his attention to Chouji who he hadn't really noticed till then, he looked him up and down briefly. "Is this your boyfriend?" he asked. Chouji was a fairly large guy, with auburn hair in a scruffy style, small piggy eyes and pale-ish skin.

"W-what! NO! Don't say things like that with a straight face!" Naruto yelled; Chouji's eyes darkened - he didn't like it when his friends were made fun of, especially in front of him. Sasuke laughed a little.

"So you're the guy that's been harassing my friend?" Chouji asked.

"…hmn" he looked back at Chouji, who he had already forgotten to have been there.

"It bugs me with you making fun of him, so you should just leave him alone okay? Or at least try to get on because you are living together after all".

Sasuke sighed "You're right."

Chouji nodded and Naruto looked shocked.

"What?! He's right? What!?" Am I hearing things?"

"Lets see if we can get on Naruto." Sasuke smiled at him and held out a hand. Naruto looked at it as if he was being offered a dead badger; but took his hand anyway and shook it. Sasuke was up to something, or maybe he really just wanted to be friends; he didn't really know but he felt something wasn't right. It was bastard-Sasuke, he didn't believe a word out of the bastards mouth. Kiba also came back over when he realised that no one was going to die.

"So I was wondering Naruto", Sasuke started, "Would you like to hang out tomorrow?" he was still smiling.

Naruto was starting to get a little freaked out. This was totally out of character. Who are you and what have you done with that bastard!?

"Oh don't worry, Naru-chan, you can bring your boyfriends too."

Ok no it's still Sasuke…

"Che.. I wouldn't want to be a third wheel on your date", Kiba said


"What the fuck!? date!?" Naruto hit Kiba who couldn't help himself laughing at his own joke; Chouji grinned.

"I can't, I'm working", Chouji said; Sasuke didn't seem to care either way. Sasuke watched their childish display. "Well whatever, Naruto and Kiba, both of you meet me outside the front of the house round about noon-ish if you want to come. I'll see you then I guess. It would be bad for my reputation to stay talking to you two any longer."

Naruto scowled at him.

"Later Dobe"

"See…SEE WHAT I MEAN", Naruto said rounding on Chouji. Chouji just grinned.

"Heh…" Chouji smiled.

"He's so annoying!!"

Naruto hung his head; Kiba placed his hands firmly on his shoulders and gave him a good shake.

"Wake up okay". He picked up the box Naruto had dropped and handed it to him, "We've got to get back to work".

For Naruto's remaining few hours he ended up just messing about with the bubble wrap in the boxes; he wrapped Kiba in it and Kiba did the same for Naruto and they fought in the bubble wrap; Chouji laughing at the pair as he continued to work. "We get paid virtually nothing, so we might as well have some fun" said Naruto as he always did when it was a choice between work and play.


When Naruto got home that evening he was approached by Tenten asking him if Sasuke had actually gone to tell them about them all meeting up the next day.

… So they had asked him to ask him - Naruto was a little disappointed but shrugged it off with a thought of 'why should it matter who asked me anyway.'

He declined her offer claming he had an appointment with the doctor. She looked disappointed but understood.

He dropped into an armchair next to the fire, Tenten and Sai were sat on the sofa and Hinata was knelt on the floor. Deidara came in from the hall.

"Hey guys".

"Hey", Tenten said, everyone else just nodded except Hinata who made a small noise in greeting.

Deidara lent over the back of the sofa between Tenten and Sai and reached for the remote, he switched on the TV.

News. Oh joy.

Naruto prepared himself for much boredom

"I need to check the weather!!" Deidara said happily as many of them looked at him disapprovingly.

At this point Sasuke walked in the room, Naruto stared at him, Sasuke met his gaze. Naruto hurriedly looked away and turned his attention back to TV. Sasuke smiled a little.

"..Today at 4:20 this morning four known crown court convicted criminals ensued a break out from Sharingan state prison, one criminal was already caught but there are still believed to be three left on the loose; those in the close vicinity should be on their guard at all times…' the voice came from the TV.

"Hey that isn't anywhere near us right?" Naruto asked side glancing at Deidara. Deidara stood up slowly and looked completely serious, something that was very unusual.

"..If any civilians have any information about the whereabouts of the three then they are to contact the police immediately…" Three pictures flashed up on the screen, and the names were read out below them "…Hoshigake Kisame, Sasori and Uchiha Itachi…"

Deidara immediately looked at Sasuke. Tenten, Sai and Hinata all turned their heads slowly to look at him also.

Naruto, who hadn't noticed the others continued to watch the television.

"Hey", he said, "This Uchiha dude looks a lot like you Sasuke; sure it's not you we should be wary of?" He finally looked over to him, however the smug look on his face was soon wiped off by the sound of the television being clicked off and the remote hurtling into a mirror.

"Sasuke-kun…!" Deidara started.

"That's seven years bad luck bastard", Naruto yelled after him. Sasuke didn't even look at him as he stormed out of the room, he slammed the door behind him. "Hmn?" Naruto was puzzled. The whole room fell silent

Deidara was the first to speak.

"Eeeeeeee…my mirror!!" He ran into the kitchen and soon came back holding a dustpan and brush.

"Oh dear."

Tenten exchanged looks with Sai silently. Neither of them wanted to fill Naruto in.

"What's up with him? I didn't mean it", Naruto said suddenly feeling guilty.

"Ah, Naruto, so, what are you going to the doctors for tomorrow?" Tenten asked.

"Something to do with your penis?"



"I'm just going to get a prescription, nothing major."

"W-would you like me to come with you Naruto?" Hinata was stood behind Sai, he jumped.

"You scared me".


"Yeah yeah! You can come, I wont be long though".

"Okay", she smiled back at him.

Deidara finished cleaning up the glass.

"Everyone please be nice to Sasuke-kun, I don't want any more of my mirrors broken". .

Naruto huffed.

"Why should I be…He's never nice to me", he mumbled.

Naruto came onto the fourth floor and into his room; no noise heard from the room opposite for the rest of the night.