Secret of Two Heroes


The streets of Metropolis were filled with the sounds of explosions and screams of the many citizens as the fled for their lives

The streets of Metropolis were filled with the sounds of explosions and screams of the many citizens as the fled for their lives. Only two stood determined—one determined; the other bound by friendship, even as he tried to talk the other out of it--to see the events through and fulfill their duties.

The lithe figure of a wavy haired brunette standing from the sidelines of the latest disaster; clad in knee length, slate skirt adorn by the long sleeved, lilac shirt under a black, low-cut vest. Microphone in hand as she tucked her chestnut locks behind her ears, careful to avoid the shock waves from the constant weapon fire.

Chocolate eyes shifted towards her shaky companion as another explosion illuminated their hiding spot, ready to comfort him if he should succumb to his fears. Her sandy blond friend's hair now a mop of curl instead of it's usually combed down form due the constant urge to clutch his head at each new sound that floated their way. Dressed in a simple red tee and blue jeans, equally brown eyes met the other's as the man pulled out the Daily Bugle camcorder and nodded in confirmation.

Letting out a long sigh to prepare herself, a tiny red light blinked to life as the carnage became known to all of America. "Im Lois Lane, standing outside Metropolis Bank as several gunmen in ski masks have a shoot off with the local law informant." A brief pause as she turns her sight to the unfolding scene, gesturing for Jimmy to turn the camera in the same direction before continuing.

"This being the seventh month that these events have occurred, unstopped buy our local savior in red and blue tights. And we have to ask, just where has Superman gone off to this time?"

"Easy Superman, you're almost there," the soothing voice of the elderly man calmed him slightly, being the doctor he's known for several years now. Wrinkles and graying hair hidden beneath the lime green scrubs and a face mask, as he continued the procedure at the foot of the bed.

When he first learned just way the supposed 'Man of Steel' had begun puking his lungs out into his toilet every morning, surprised would have been a massive understatement. Weeks had been wasted on the pure shock of it all, that he had to get an IV put in to make sure he got the proper nutrients. IV only going through due to his current state.

More shock came when he had started to round in new places, places that no man should have to have round in such short time. Which lead to this final moment, as he clung to this one hope of not being the only one any more that he had himself in isolation with the doctor, parents, and the few nurses sworn to secrecy about the whole event.

"Breath, honey," this time being his mother to speak as she held his hand as one of the nurses wiped at his sweaty brows with a wash cloth.

"Just a one more push."

"You're doing great."

Exhausted, once the first cry filled the air, the raven haired man collapsed on the makeshift bed, tears of pain, relief, and joy made themselves known as they slipped from bistre brown, almost onyx, eyes. Mind reeling at all that was happening around him and for the past two years since he met the father of the bundle currently in his arms, no memory of how the fragile infant came to be there.

He barely registered the gentle call of his mother to his father seated outside the room, earlier too disturbed by the situation to bare witness to the birth of his grandchild, "It's a boy! We have a grandson!"

(A/N): Well, then, the reason behind this. Simply I found a fake slash, mpreg movie trailer on youtube and showed it to my friend on here, Oni-chan. She complained about it not being a real movie and want it to be made a into a fanfiction. Due to the lack of story and her lacking knowledge of superheroes--me being the one raised with two older brothers to get me into them--here is the end result.

Warnings: Mpreg, slash, definitely lots of fight scenes later on.

Disclaimer: I dont own any of the charracters that may appear in this story. HOLY SARDINE!