I hope you like this story

I hope you like this story. Remember to review the more you all review the faster I

will update.

It was a bright shining day in the meadow I was with my Edward and I couldn't

be happier.

Our skin sparkling and the warmth felt so good. I felt like we the only two in the

whole world. Nothing and no one would ever ruin this for me.

"How are you, my love," Edward whispered to me.

"Do you even have to ask? Hehe," I answered back.

I mean does he really have to ask. Nothing could be better. Edward is mine and all mine,

and Bella is in Arizona with her mom.



"I love you"

I looked into his alluring onyx eyes and that crooked smile that I love so much

and knew that he was mine and always will be mine.

I stared into her eyes and I knew I loved Rosalie, but I always know that she will

be on my mind. No matter what I do she will always be there. The one I gave up.

That day in the woods where I told her I didn't love her anymore was the end of us.

She believed me so easily. I was so angry that Bella my Bella could really believe

that I truly did not love her anymore after all time I told her I did. So that's how I got

here. I am now with Rose which is what she truly wanted, and I love her. Or at least

I think I do, but I will never love her like I did Bella. Oh I should say like I do love


It turned cloudy all of a sudden and started to sprinkle.

"Hon, I think we should get back home," Rose said to me, "Edward are you okay?

You've been acting a little weird."

"Huh oh yeah we should get going. I'm fine love. No need to worry.

I wonder if he still misses her. I mean it has been 2 years. He should've gotten over her

by now. I mean am I not good enough for him.

And then she stopped, or I stopped listening I wasn't sure on which one. I don't really

focus on that stuff any more. All I think about is making it through each day without

wanting to find a way to get her back. On wondering what she is thinking every moment.

I missed that about her. Even though it annoyed me that I couldn't know that is what

made her special. At least to me.

Rose just thinks that she is there with her mom, but really she is there with Jasper. That

no good little bastard,…ugh I always thought ill of Jasper when I thought of him with

Bella. I am glad that she is back in Arizona she really did always want the sun back.

We got home in a matter of minutes. Rose told me that she would be in my

room, and I watched her leave.

I went off to talk to Emmett. I had to talk to someone and Carlisle was at the hospital.

"Hey lil bro"

"Hey can we talk?"

"Sure what about?" He seemed a little nervous when he said this.

"Bella," I barely whispered, but I knew he still heard me.

"Oh… okay."

"Emmett, I don't know what to do anymore. I'm absolutely in love with her still, but

then again I love Rose," he winced at that last part, "I'm sorry."

"Oh it's okay," he said rather happy, but I knew he was just hiding it.

"I know you loved her."

Yeah and that lil bastard took her away from me.

"It's okay, Edward."

Of course I heard every word that he was thinking, and all of it should be said.

After Bella left with Jasper I needed someone, and Rose and Emmett had been

fighting at the time and…ugh I'm such a horrible person for doing this to my

brother. I mean he is my brother for crying out loud, and I always thought of

Rose as a sister…

"Edward, where are you? Are you coming?" Rosalie said from my room.

"I'm coming."

I needed Rose to be here for me because if she wasn't I'm afraid that I would've

went to the Volturi as soon as she left. I merely needed Rose as a distraction. Ugh,

what am I thinking I love her. The more I say that the more it will seem real.

I love Rose, I love Rose, I love Rose.

Everything went so very wrong. Rose left Emmett for me while he sulked and no

soon after Esme and Carlisle called it quits. Esme was so torn. So that much be

how Esme and Emmett got together. Alice was furious when Jasper left so now

there is just Carlisle and Alice alone. What really happened to us?

Oooh cliff hanger. Sorry guys review me and tell me what you would want to

happen next, and tell me what you think so far. Thanks! D.