Disclaimer: I do not own Bokkun or any of the Sonic gang featured in this story. I do own a few new characters though... who they are you'll have to wait and see.

Note: Because I consider Bokkun to be a dark chao (for lack of a better term, I know he doesn't look like a dark chao in the slightest, but I highly doubt he's truly a robot either), I'm calling him as such in this story. If you don't like this, you don't have to read it...

Special Note: This story is based off a fanfic by Bokkun Fan Girl that never got finished called "the eater of the emeralds/additive craving". There was a great storyline and now I'm gonna try and make her proud by beginning her story anew... with some twists of my own thrown in, hee hee.

Second Special Note: This story is dedicated to a good friend of mine and a very talented authoress, Mable. She helped rekindle my interest in Bokkun when it had at one point waned... Thank you, Mable. Rock on!


The cold voice echoed in the head of the little messenger chao as he tossed and turned in his bed on Eggman's ship.

"Wake up, Bokkun..."

Unable to take the voice ringing in his head, Bokkun sat up in his bed and looked around the dark room. As his yellow-green eyes began to better focus, he found himself staring at what appeared to be a misty, shadowy white form in the shape of, from what he could tell, an angel.

"Who... who are you?", he asked nervously.

"It is not who I am that is of concern to you, little one, it is of the danger that is hiding in this world."

"I think you're looking for Sonic...", Bokkun yawned, still sleepy from the rude awakening, "He's the one that's saved the world from Chaos, Biolizard, the Metarex, and all those other loons who tried to conquer the world."

"I'm afraid this is a mission far too big for Sonic..."

This caught the chao's attention and he threw the covers off and sat on the edge of his mattress, listening intently

"Go on..."

"A new dark evil has awakened, one that seeks to use the powers of the 7 chaos emeralds to eradicate the planet. With each emerald it gets, it'll grow stronger... and with all 7... it'll have the power to destroy humanity. That is where you come in, Bokkun..."

"How do you know my name?", Bokkun asked, more than a little frightened.

"Again, that is of no concern to you..."

"But if I'm this hero you're looking for, don't I have the right to know some basic information, like what the heck your name is and how do you know mine?"

"If you wish... you may simply call me "Aerisa"."

"Fine... Aerisa, what do you need me for that Sonic can't do on his own?"

Aerisa lifted a shadowy hand and, as Bokkun watched in amazement, a large red jewel formed in it's palm

"That's... that's a Chaos emerald!", Bokkun yelled softly

"That is correct, Bokkun. I found this after the emeralds were scattered across the planet. I need you to take it..."

Bokkun reached out and gently took the red emerald into his own hands

"Now I want you to eat it..."

This made Bokkun nearly drop the emerald in shock as he sputtered trying to comprehend what Aerisa had just said

"EAT IT?", Bokkun gasped, "But... why?"

"I fear that simply hiding these emeralds will not work anymore... The only way to be able to keep them out of this evil's grasp is to consume them, keeping their essences and powers inside you..."

Bokkun looked at the emerald he now held in his hands and winced, not sure how he'd be able to eat something so big.

"Don't worry, Bokkun. The second you take your first bite of the emerald, you'll feel your appetite grow. When you've finished it, you'll find yourself craving more emeralds and more food to help enlarge your stomach and make room for the incoming jewels."

"But what about..."

"If you're worried about becoming some sort of cannibal, don't worry... These cravings do not apply to flesh or fur... Can you do this, Bokkun? Can you be the hero?"

Bokkun took one last glance at the emerald he now held before he raised it to his mouth and bit down into the powerful jewel. To his amazement, he found the emerald to be far less glassy than he thought, the inside tasting kind of like a hard rock candy. As he slowly chewed the rocky part of the emerald in his mouth and swallowed it down, he felt a small wave of nausea hit him and he closed his eyes tight, trying to keep the jewel inside his tummy.

"That queasy feeling... that's the power of the emeralds coarsing within your body and enlarging your stomach. Go ahead and open your eyes..."

The chao slowly opened his yellow-green orbs and found, as he looked at the emerald with a chunk taken out of it, that he was no longer nauseous... in fact he was starving! Shoving the rest of the emerald into his mouth, Bokkun chewed up the jewel and swallowed it, allowing the power to surge through his little body.

"So... good!", Bokkun laughed happily as he patted his tummy, "All I have to do is eat all 7 of these emeralds and I'll stop this dark evil from spreading?"

"That is correct... I fear I can no longer guide you to the emeralds as I risk the evil finding me... the rest is up to you..."

With that, the shadowy angel disappeared, leaving Bokkun sitting on the bed and patting his belly. But even though he felt refreshed by the snack, he still felt hungry and now a little scared too. He knew then what he needed to do and as he left his bedroom, making sure not to wake up Decoe and Bocoe, he whispered only 5 words... 5 which he never thought he'd hear himself say.

"I need to find Sonic..."

I know it's a very short first chapter, but trust me, this is gonna be a very long fanfic by the time it's all said and done