Disclaimer: Don't own and never will, understand?

AN: Yeah, long overdue update is here. Sorry, real life and writers block is a cuss.

AN2: The lines copied from the comics are in italics as to make it clear.

"You think my daughter was involved with the events surrounding the school fire?" Chen asked in a low growl and Dean nodded. "And those events were magical in nature?" Dean nodded and Joan sighed, bringing her hands to her face. Chen simply sat back and his face remained stony.

"If it's any consolation, she was not the only person I saw in my visions," Dean said and he turned to look at Susan Vandom, who shrugged.

"I was told a long time ago that Will was destined to become a powerful magic user. What exactly is she? What has she gotten herself sucked into?" she asked, resigned to the fact that her daughter was caught up in something she couldn't change. Dean sighed and for a tense few moments, there was nothing but silence.

"I don't know," he finally admitted, slightly embarrassed by his failure. Joan raised an eyebrow and disbelief and Susan glared. "Something powerful, more powerful than I thought possible, actually kicked me out."

"WHAT!?" Susan practically screamed as she stood up, knocking her chair to the ground. "WAIT, WHAT!?"

"Mrs Vandom-"

"DON'T MRS VANDOM ME!" she yelled and Dean recoiled slightly at the expression on her face. A couple of dead insects on the windowsill twitched and Joan stood up. "MY DAUGHTER HAS A DANGEROUS MAGICAL ARTIFACT IN HER HANDS!"

"This involves my daughter as well as yours," Joan said as she placed a hand on Susan's shoulder. "I know that you're worried, but Dean is a powerful Seer and I trust him to find what is happening. We cannot do that if we don't let him finish speaking."

Susan growled and without another word, she righted her chair and sat back down. The dead insects stilled once more and Dean continued.

"While I do not know precisely what your daughter holds, I believe that neither of you have reason for concern yet," he said, before exhaling slightly. "I believe that the artefact is some kind of transformative item, something that allows others to change into something else," he paused for a moment, before looking Susan in the eye. "The fact that Will and Hay Lin are both still human demonstrates that this is not a permanent change. Indeed, were it not for the fact that the item was powerful enough to kick me out, I would regard this as something small."

"But it's not small. You said it yourself; it was powerful enough to kick you out of your psychometric vision. That alone should be cause for concern," Joan Lin pointed out and Dean sighed.

"Yes…but I think that there may be more to this than just that. I have been able to put together a possible theory as to why magic is so strong here and I think that your daughters may well be involved," he paused and took a deep breath. "It appears that Heatherfield is connected to another world directly. I'm not entirely sure how the two are connected yet, but…" he paused for a moment and took a deep breath. "My psychometric trance showed me a world unlike any I have ever seen. Like…something out of a fairy tale, or a dream.

This was a lot more solid than either of those would be though. What I saw was a world beyond our own and last night, a gateway between the two opened. And it's leaking."

Susan swore and Joan frowned. Chen however simply looked puzzled.

"What exactly do you mean by leaking?" he asked, more than a little puzzled. And slightly concerned.

"Well…kind of think of the separation between our two worlds as a sort of slightly leaky water pipe. Drips drop out between the two sides, but otherwise there's virtually no sign of anything more," he paused once more and took a deep breath. "What we have is something a bit more substantial, rather like a cracked pipe, steadily flooding the area."

"And our daughter's are caught up in the middle of it," Chen added with a slight frown. "Why? What do teenage girls, children, have to do with this leaking magic of yours?"

Dean resisted the urge to point out that it wasn't 'his' magic and instead decided to simply answer the question.

"Well, magic typically manifests itself with puberty. With all the changes that happen during puberty, the ability to connect to magic is simply another aspect of the maturing brain," he paused for a moment and looked at Joan and Susan. "For those of us with the gift of magic at any rate. Because their magic is new, it's uncontrolled. Unpredictable." Joan chuckled and Chen smirked as they recalled some of Joan's early blunders and even Susan smiled. Dean pressed on. "Raw magic like this can pull at the leaking magic, pulling the two together like a pair of magnets. It can happen with adults as well, but it's far less likely. Adult magics tend to be more tamed, more comfortable. Wild leaking magic is less drawn to this."

"Is this dangerous?" Chen asked and Dean frowned.


"It is. It's very dangerous," Susan cut in, a stony expression on her face. "It can obliterate those at the centre; literally suck them into the void between worlds."

"Mostly true. There are…rare instances where the epicentre of such events is the only safe place for a maturing magical user to be. Furthermore…" Dean hesitated, unsure as to how to continue. "Furthermore, my own magic suggests that if you were to remove them from Heatherfield, the results would be fatal for all concerned."

"So leaving Heatherfield is not an option then?" Susan asked and Dean nodded.

"No. Will is inextricably linked to the magical events happening in this town. As is Hay Lin. And there are others linked to this, I'm certain of that. Had I not been forced out of my psychometric trance, I would say that I knew how as well. Without further details, leaving could easily be fatal."

"So what do we do?" Joan asked as she sat back down heavily. "Do we tell them that we know about magic? Show them what we can do? Do we need to introduce them to the Company?"

"For now, we say nothing and keep a close eye on them. There's nothing to be gained by rushing them and everything to lose," he paused and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Ordinarily we would bring them in, but…" he sighed in exasperation. "Every time I examine the possible outcomes for this action, I am met with disaster. The time to reveal what we are will come, but for now…for now we keep our eyes open and try to coax them into revealing themselves to us."

"I hate operating in the dark like this," Joan said with a look of distaste on her face. "If Hay Lin's going to talk to anyone about magic, it would be Irma I think. I think it would be a good idea to keep an eye on her as well."

"Well Irma was with Will and Hay Lin, or at least she was meant to be. Will said they were meeting up, along with the missing girl Elyon," Susan added and Dean nodded.

"I agree. And as Elyon is involved, I would hazard a guess that her friend Cornelia is also probably worth keeping an eye on. Especially considering that she is also a friend of Will."


Taranee frowned slightly as she looked down at her bitten nails. She'd been chewing them virtually all day on and off as she tried to find the time and nerve to talk about the magic with the others. But the right time had simply never arrived. Between classes and busy playgrounds, they never seemed to be alone enough for her to talk to them about magic.

Cornelia was still refusing to accept it and Taranee's worries were hardly likely to help. The whole situation with the Heart of Candracar and the Veil and…well everything really was stressful enough as it was. If it wasn't so important, Taranee would find herself a nice cosy spot at home with a fireplace.

"Okay," Will said, breaking Taranee's musings. "Don't laugh you guys, but every time I try unlock my front door, I seem to use the wrong key."

"Well, that IS a lot of keys," Irma paused and giggled for a moment as she pointed at Will's huge collection of keys. "Is this a home or a jail?"

Will muttered something that Taranee couldn't hear as she fumbled about with the keys. Picking one, she slipped the key into the lock and opened the door. It looks like Will managed to get lucky today.

"Hello" Taranee called as she entered the still dark apartment. Outside, a storm darkened the skies and the apartment was in the dark.

"Come on in," Will told them as she glanced at her watch. "No one's here. My mother will be back in about an hour."

A few moments later, light flooded the apartment as Will switched the lights on (not before stubbing her foot in the process though) The place was still something of a mess and clearly Will and her mother had yet to finish unpacking. Taranee however didn't really pay any attention to it. They had an hour and Taranee was determined not to waste it.

"Man, I'm beat!" Irma said as she flopped back onto the couch. "I wonder what's on tv?"

Will stared at Irma and even Taranee stopped as Irma made herself comfortable. TV. Irma was worrying about what was on tv of all things in light of recent events…it was bizarre. Taranee was still freaking out about pretty much everything that had happened and Irma was acting like it was normal. Like it was something casual. An after school club or a new game instead of scary as hell, life threatening and incredibly dangerous. To say it struck Taranee as bizarre would be something of an understatement. She was about to say something, at least as soon as she could figure out what she wanted to actually say. In the end however, it was Will who beat her too it.

"You know, with all we're going through, I'm not surprised you're tired. But aren't we all taking this a bit lightly?"

I'm too busy freaking out to be worried, Taranee thought to herself as Irma looked at Will with one eye. Will however pressed on.

I mean…we should be terrified. We have magical powers. Don't you realise that?"

Cornelia glared at Will for bringing up the m word. She was rather obviously still in denial, although Taranee suspected that she did indeed believe in magic. However, she also clearly didn't WANT to acknowledge it. Far too outside her comfort zone no doubt.

"I think my mom might suspect something!" Taranee blurted out before Irma could reply and Irma frowned. So did Will and Taranee pressed on. "I had a very…weird conversation with her. She…seemed to think that there might be something unusual going on. I don't know what she was hinting at, but it felt like…like she suspected something."

"You know…my mom was being a bit weird as well," Will said thoughtfully as she sat down. "I think it was because of moving and everything, but she did seem…I don't know. Off maybe? Probably reading too much into it, but…she DID say that it didn't matter how strange it sounded."

"Eh, I just had dad asking me about whether I saw anything unusual when I was out," Irma said lazily. "He might think that I might have saw something related to the fire, but that's it really."

"Well my parents have been normal so far. Nothing out of the ordinary at all," Cornelia said dismissively with a sneer. "Of course, I am not the one stupid enough to think that it's magic."

"Well that's the answer to our problems. Just stick our heads in the sand and pretend that this is normal! Why didn't WE think of that?" Irma asked sarcastically, earning a glare from Cornelia. "I know you're blond Corny, but it's in our face! Magic is real and we're dealing with it."

"Don't call me Corny," Cornelia growled. "I'm not saying that we haven't had strange things happening. I'm just saying that there's got to be an explanation. A reasonable explanation that doesn't involve…you know."

"Can we call it magic for now?" Will suggested, her hands held open. "Cause I'm kind of struggling for ideas for what else to call it right now," Cornelia continued to glare, but Will pressed on. "I think we need to concentrate on how we're going to deal with…this weirdness. We haven't a clue how to use our powers. We got lucky in the gym, we might not next time. Elyon, whether we like it or not, is-"

"Not a bad person!" Cornelia snapped angrily and a wave of green energy shot out in all directions. "There's no way she's turned evil! I know her, she's my best friend."

Will closed her eyes, trying to decide what to say next. Taranee licked her lips and looked over sympathetically. This was hardly the easiest of scenarios to say the least.

Oh who was she kidding? Taranee had no idea whatsoever what to say to this. Fortunately, Will didn't seem to have that problem.

"Look, whatever's happened to Elyon, whether she's being used or forced or gone full evil-" Cornelia glared at Will for that. "we have to deal with the fact that she's on the other side of this fight."

Cornelia continued to glare, her anger rolling off of her in waves and Taranee almost felt the urge to step back. Will however did not and simply looked Cornelia in the eye.

"She's my best friend," Cornelia practically growled. "I know her better than anyone and espe-"

"Did the whole, luring us into a trap not sink in or something Corny? Cause right now, I'm thinking that all that blond has gone to your head," Irma cut in and Cornelia growled.

"I haven't forgotten, but-"

"But nothing Cornelia! We could have died there and mister snake-man would be off to destroy the world with Will's necklace. So don't act like Elyon's this parag-"

"YOU DON'T KNOW HER LIKE I DO!" Cornelia shouted back angrily, tears beginning to stream from her eyes. "You don't know any-"

A sudden crash of thunder interrupted her and the lights suddenly went out.

"Wow, Corny, I didn't know you could take out the lights," Irma said and Cornelia growled.

"I'm sure it's just a power cut," Will called out. "Don't move. Somewhere around here should be some candles or a flashlight."

"Don't bother Will," Taranee said from behind her. I'll take care of it."

Light danced through the air from Taranee's direction and Will spun around to see a fireball gently dancing in her hand. A fireball was dancing in Taranee's hand. Will's brain wasn't entirely sure it was still keeping up. It was Irma's response that broke through her disbelief.

"Yeow!" Irma shouted in alarm, while Cornelia just stared and Will gulped.

Taranee however was smiling, her expression at ease. Tipping the fireball onto her head, she formed another fireball. And another, until soon the whole loft was lit up. Irma even touched one with her finger to discover that it didn't burn.

"Wow," Irma stared in surprise. "It doesn't burn."

"Okay," Will said as she walked back into the kitchen. 2Now it's my turn to show you guys something. Anybody want a snack?"

The others followed her, with Irma leading the way.

"Yeah, I do," Irma readily admitted. "Have you learned some new recipes?"

"What can you offer my friends, James?" she asked casually as she leaned against the fridge.

"James?" Irma exclaimed, clearly puzzled as she looked around the kitchen. "You have a butler and you never told us?"

A rather haughty British voice emerged from the refrigerator, making Irma scream in surprise.

"There's a rather meagre selection Miss Will. Unless someone would be so kind as to restock me."

"The refrigerator! The refrigerator is talking!" she screamed as she pointed at the item in question. Will just laughed and laughed.

"Ahem," the fridge continued without paying attention to Irma. "I should bring your attention to the fact that the cream cheese next to the pickles has long since expired."

With a quick apology to James (Her FRIDGE was NAMED JAMES and it was TALKING to her! Irma's mind kept flashing at her.) Will removed the offending mouldy cheese. (Taranee was pretty sure that cheese wasn't supposed to be green and fuzzy)

"James has very refined tastes you see," she explained with a whisper.

"The refrigerator is talking!"

"Bizarre," Cornelia added in a whisper. Irma grabbed her by the shoulders friend and shrieked once more.

"The refrigerator is talking!" she exclaimed, shaking Cornelia. Cornelia glared at the brunette.

"All right, already. I'm not deaf!" she angrily snapped, calming Irma down. "Aren't you the one who's supposed to be cool with this magic stuff?"

"Hah! She admits it!" Irma crowed triumphantly and Cornelia glared.

"I did not. It's just-"

"Magic Corny, you just admitted that it's magic!" Irma said with a smirk as she sat down on the sofa.

"It's just convenient!" she snapped back. "Until we figure out what it really is."

"I discovered it the other day," Will said before they could argue any further. I can talk to all the electrical appliances! I've given them each a name and they do what I tell them to do. They even work without electricity."

"Now that's what I call cost effective!" Irma said with a grin as she turned to talk to the television (and managed to get into an argument with it over her choice of programme. She wanted to watch Boy Comet and the television refused.) Taranee meanwhile, used the opportunity to print out her science paper (The laptop and printer arguing a keen reminder that this was far from normal.) It wasn't until they went into the kitchen to get drinks that Cornelia brought up the elephant in the room.

"So what do you think Candracar is?" she asked. "I mean, what do you think this place 'in the middle of infinity' is like?"

"You got me," Taranee replied with a slight shrug. "But I'm more worried about the dangers we'll have to face. What is out there beyond the Veil? And what if our parents know…something? I don't know, I have a bad feeling about this."

"I think that maybe we should save worrying about our parents for when we have something more…solid to go on," Will said as she sat down with them. "I'm hoping that it's just nothing. And we have more pressing issues. Who were those monsters we fought? What if our parents knew what they were? We need answers and I think the best place to go is to Hay Lin's grandma as soon as she's well enough to talk."

"I have an idea," Cornelia said. "While we're waiting, how about doing a little training? Something for us to get used to our powers over the next few days? We have powers, but we have no idea how to use them."

"I agree," Will said with a nod. "It would be terrible if we created some disaster just because we were inexperienced!"

"Speaking of which," Irma finally turned away from the television to talk"I wanted to tell you guys something-"

"Oh no!" Will exclaimed as she looked out the window and was met by a clearly terrifying sight. Taranee felt a trickle of fear run down her spine. Clearly they were facing a serious threat, something big and fearsome and definitely magical.

"My mum's home!"

Taranee froze. Know anything or not, coming into this place would pretty much give away their magical powers. Fortunately, Will reacted fast.

"The fire spheres. Taranee! Hurry!"

"Right away!" Taranee replied nervously as Irma flapped away at the fireballs with a tv guide.

"Do something!" Irma hissed, her voice stressed. The trouble was, Taranee had no idea WHAT she needed to do. Conjuring them up had been easy enough, something that had happened virtually on instinct. Putting them out was clearly harder, as Irma's ongoing attempts demonstrated.

"Oh what to do, what to do?" she chanted nervously as she wrung her hands.

"Television off!" Will barked and the machine went quiet. Taking a hint from Will's approach, Taranee spoke.

"Fire out!"

The fireball remained unmoved, almost mocking in it's refusal to go out.

"Out! Come on…extinguish! Go out! Poof!"

The fireballs remained unmoved. This was fast becoming a serious problem. Taking a deep breath, she stomped up to one and blew. The fireball disappeared with barely a hiss.

"Cool," Taranee said with a breath. While Will argued with the printer, she ran from room to room putting out the fireballs, including two above Will's head.

"I think the coast is clear," Taranee told Will as she pulled her onto the sofa.

"Wait a minute. This looks weird, doesn't it? All of us sitting here in the dark?" Cornelia said, pointing out what should of occurred to the rest of them. Taranee quickly lit the fragrant candle on the coffee table, while the printer went silent just as the door opened.

"Will?" Susan asked as she poked her head through the doorway. She could practically taste the magic in the air and realised that at least one of them was a Pyrokinetic of some kind. Still, she gave them no sign of what she knew.

"Hi mum!" Will said, sounding exactly the same as Susan used to when she was first experimenting with magic and Susan resisted the urge to laugh. It was almost a form of karma really.

"Hiya, Mrs Vandom," Irma added with a big smile. If it wasn't for the magic on the air, Susan would have simply believed that they were a group of normal teenagers gabbing away. She mentally approved of how effective they were at covering up the obvious traces.

"Some storm, huh?" she asked, before giving the little group a friendly wave and she walked away to stash her raincoat away. She was going to have to tell the others this of course, but that would wait. Clearly their Pyrokinetic had a lot of control and was, at least for now, not in any real danger from her powers.