
The Agency Bullpen

Monday, January 30, 1989

9:00 AM

"Here are those files you wanted," Billy said. "How's Amanda doing? I know she's getting close to her time."

"Any day now, Billy," Lee said as he leafed through the file. "The doctor said that everything's looking good, the baby's healthy, the heartbeat is strong—all we can do now is wait."

"Waiting is always the hardest part. I remember when Jeanie was having our first—it felt like we were waiting forever. And we had two false alarms—" His voice broke off as the telephone rang. Billy picked up the receiver. "Melrose here. Hello Amanda, how are you this morning? You're what?" The urgency in Billy's voice caused Lee to look up from his file.


Amanda was just coming out of the vault when it happened. She'd been feeling mildly uncomfortable all morning, almost as if she had mild indigestion but hadn't really thought much about it. They had eaten at Milo's Daffy Dogs only the night before, and besides, pregnancy at this stage wasn't exactly what you'd call comfortable to begin with. So the sudden sharp pain took her completely by surprise. She bent over, gripping the edge of the nearby desk trying to breathe through the contraction until the pain passed.

'Oh my gosh,' she thought. 'This is it. This is really it.' Slowly Amanda made her way over to the other side of the desk, picking up the receiver and dialing a familiar extension.


"Billy what is it?" Lee asked, his anxiety growing. Billy waved his hand distractedly.

"Yes of course. Lee's right here—I'll put him on the line." Before Billy could hand him the phone Lee grabbed it.

"Amanda, what's going on?" he asked.

"Lee—it's time."

"Time?" Lee said, the words not registering at first. "Time for what?" Then it hit him.

"Oh my-" he said faintly, running one hand through his hair. "Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure. I've done this twice before, remember?"

"Okay," Lee said, trying desperately to think—had he forgotten anything? The stuff they needed for the hospital was already packed in the car—they'd filled out all the hospital paperwork two weeks in advance. "Amanda just stay put—try not to move—I'll be there right away."

"I'll be here. I love you, Lee."

"I love you too." With that Lee hung up the phone, running out of Billy's office into the bullpen, through the doors and towards the elevator. He nearly collided with Francine, who was carrying a stack of folders in her hand.

"Where's the fire, Scarecrow?" Francine asked.

"It's Amanda—she's in labor!" Lee practically shouted the words, not really caring who heard at that point. The elevator doors finally opened. He ducked as he entered—narrowly avoiding hitting his head and pressed the floor button. The elevator slowly rose, and Lee banged his fist on the wall in frustration. At this rate it would be next year before he got there.


"How far apart are they now?" Lee asked keeping his eyes fastened to the road as they sped down the highway.

"About ten minutes, lasting fifty seconds," Amanda said, looking at the tiny stopwatch she held. "Lee you don't have to go so fast—we have plenty of time."

"It doesn't feel like I'm going fast. This is supposed to be a shortcut, Amanda—and the traffic is terrible. I mean, the guy in front of us is acting like he's out for a Sunday drive—he's going at least five miles under the limit." Lee hit the steering wheel with his fist.

"Lee—" Amanda began, but Lee kept talking.

"I mean, what the hell does that guy think he's doing? Amanda if this keeps up too much longer our baby will be born in the car."

"Lee," Amanda raised her voice. She put her hand on his shoulder. "I know you're anxious about all this. But it really will be all right."

"I'm trying. And I know you've done this before, but this is my first time—I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous."

"I know." Suddenly Amanda's grip on his shoulder tightened.

"Another contraction?" Lee asked.

"Not exactly," Amanda told him. "My water just broke."

"Oh God," Lee said hoarsely.


Galilee General Hospital

3:30 PM

Lee wasn't sure whether the feeling in his fingers would ever return. For the past few hours his job had basically been doing whatever Amanda wanted—whether that involved getting her drinks or ice chips, walking the halls with her during early labor, helping her breathe through her contractions and afterwards—and getting her an epidural when the pain of the contractions increased. Now they were in the delivery room and all Lee could do for the moment was sit behind her, supporting her shoulders while she leaned against him and clutched his hand. Amanda was clearly exhausted; her dark curls damp and plastered to her forehead. She saw him looking at her and smiled wanly.

"I must look a sight," she said.

"Actually I was thinking that you never looked more beautiful, Mrs. Stetson."


"Almost there, Amanda," the Doctor said. "This next contraction I'm going to really need you to push as hard as you can. Now!"

Amanda grunted as she pushed and her grip on Lee's hand tightened to the point where he was sure that he could feel the bones crack.

"I can see the head," he heard the Doctor say, "it's almost out, keep pushing."

"Just keep breathing, Amanda." Lee smoothed his wife's hair with his free hand. "Keep breathing—you're doing just fine." He wasn't sure that she even heard him, whether he was trying to reassure himself or her.

"The head's out," the Doctor said. "Stop pushing." Lee watched as the doctor rotated the baby's wet head and suctioned the nose and mouth.

"One last push."

The next sound that Lee heard was a high thin wail, filling the room.

"It's a beautiful baby girl," someone said.

"A girl." Amanda's voice was full of wonder, her eyes brimming with tears as she looked at him. "Lee we have a girl."

"Would you like to cut the cord, Mr. Stetson?" a nurse asked him.

"Sure," Lee said, letting the nurse lead him over to where the doctor was holding the baby—his baby. She was screaming, her mouth wide open and her face bright red—he wondered how something so tiny could make so much noise. He took a mental note of how many fingers and toes she had—ten of them—he'd always heard that you were supposed to do that. The nurse handed him a pair of surgical scissors.

"I'll hold the cord up for you," she told him. "I need you to cut as close to the clamp as you can. Don't worry," the nurse said, seeing Lee's hesitation. "There are no nerves in the cord. It won't hurt her at all."

Lee's hands shook slightly but he managed to hold them steady enough to cut through the cord. The next few moments after that were a blur the baby was measured—19 inches—weighed—6 pounds, 12 ounces, bathed and diapered. He watched as finally they put a pink knitted cap on her head and wrapped her in a matching blanket.

"Here you are, Daddy," the nurse said, placing the tiny bundle in his arms. By this point she'd stopped crying. Lee supported her head as he held his daughter for the first time. She felt so tiny and light in his hands. When she opened her eyes and looked at him, his breath caught in his throat.

"Oh, Amanda—she's beautiful!" He brought her over and carefully placed the little pink bundle into his wife's arms.


Lee sat down on the bed behind Amanda. She laid her head against his chest. The baby was sleeping now, strands of light blond hair poking through the pink knitted cap that covered her head.

"Oh my gosh, Amanda," he whispered, his voice full of emotion. "You did it."

"No, we did it."

"Yeah, I guess we did."

"So how do you feel now?"

"Remember eight months ago and I told you all those emotions I was feeling?" Lee said. "Well I feel the same way—just intensified, but happy. Yes, very, very happy."

He looked down at his daughter and touched her soft skin, marveling at the way that her tiny fingers clutched his own and held it tightly.

"Amanda," he began to say, choosing his words carefully. "I know we have been talking about leaving the field and I understand if you choose not to return. But looking at our daughter, now. I have no doubts. I have to go back."

"I understand."

"You do?"

"Yes, Lee. You are good at what you do and you want to make the world safer. I support your decision."

"I love you," he said kissing her cheek.

"I love you, too."

There was a knock on the door. "May we come in?" asked Dotty.

"Yes, Mother," Amanda said.

Dotty, Jamie and Phillip came into the room. "It might be a little crowded but we found some friends of yours who wanted to say hello, too." Billy, Jeanie and Francine came in after Dotty opened the door for them.

"Guys," Lee said proudly, "Say hello to Jenna Leigh Stetson."