
It was the day of the princess's birth; unfortunately...the guest of honour was a no show

"Where the heck is she?" the queen sighed as she looked from behind the curtain looking at the crowd of people that had gathered.

"Who knows...probably hiding away like usual," the king smirked

"Oh shush you," she spoke playfully

"I'll keep the crowd busy, you go find her," he grinned then walked out into the crowd as the queen searched the palace.

"Tia!!" she called then knocked on the young princess's door

"I'll be right there!" a young female voice yelled

"No you won't," the queen sighed then walked in to see the young princess's green coloured arms full of oil and grease whilst she worked on something.

"I said I'd be right there mum," she frowned

"Yeah, well your party started an hour ago," the Queen sighed

"... You know I hate those things," Tia sighed as she closed the lid on the small machine

"I know honey, I did too when I was your age... but you'll have to learn how to socialize sooner or later," the queen sighed

"...Fine, but you owe me," Tia sighed and walked into her closet.

"There's a good girl," the Queen smiled softly. About 30 minutes after the young princess walked out of the closet/bathroom (kinda a mix, there's a bathroom IN the closet) wearing a long-ish dark purple dress with arm length black satin gloves "very pretty," the Queen smiled softly. Tia then tried to do her hair...which really wasn't working "c'mere," the Queen sighed then took the brush and began to brush the long sky blue locks of hair.

"It's no use mum... it's hopeless," Tia huffed

"I'm not givin up yet honey," the Queen smiled then clipped the young girls hair round the back of her head in a half pony tail then placed the tiara securely on her head "there," she grinned triumphantly

"Thanks mum..." Tia sighed then stood up and changed her boots for slightly high heeled silver shoes.

"You look beautiful honey," the Queen smiled

"Yeah... but you're not the odd one out all the time," Tia sighed

"Wanna bet," the queen winked "I know exactly what it's like to be different... but hey, you're one of a kind honey, you're special, you're mine and your fathers special little angel, now... get to that party before I teleport you there," the Queen grinned as Tia smiled then walked out the room towards the main hall where the party was.

The Queen swiftly made her way over to the king and wrapped her arms around him from behind

"She's coooming," she spoke quietly in a sing-song voice

"So you found her then?" he asked brushing the long-ish dirty blond hair out of his eyes

"Yeah, she was bein like always," the Queen smiled

"Ah, fixing/inventing something then?"

"Indeed" she nodded then looked to the stairs "ooh, look," she whispered as the crowd turned to look at the young girl walking down the stairs nervously.

"She looks beautiful," the King smiled

"I thank you," the Queen grinned as he smirked.

As Tia made it to the last step she gulped and thought about making a dash for the exit but a young boy walked over and smiled

"May I have this dance?" he asked as she looked at her parents, both nodded and mouthed 'go' whilst making the 'pushing' gestures with their hands.

"Y-yeah..." she replied and took his hand. He led her to the centre of the room as the music went on slowly. Unfortunately, the happy night came to an end rather quickly. The doors opened letting in the howling winds that blew out the candles.

"Tia!" the queen yelled making the young girl run over to her parents "Honey...Coluans..." the Queen spoke fearfully to her husband

"...EVERYONE SCATTER; GET OUT OF HERE, QUICKLY INTO THE CAVERNS BENEATH THE PALACE!" he yelled as the crowd quickly dispersed into the caverns

"What are they doing... they've stayed quiet for ages!" Tia whimpered

"Guess they were biding their time, Tia; whilst me and your father deal with them... we want you to get help," the Queen hurried as she saw the many battleships outside entering the atmosphere

"But mum..." Tia mumbled as the queen hugged her daughter

"Hurry, the past, get out of here... before it's too late," she spoke softly as her husband handed her a small device

"Use this to get back to mine and your mothers' teenager times... warn us... just don't creep us out," he winked

"...How?" Tia asked

"Warn us... tell us that the Coluans never give up... they never just sit back and watch... they'll strike when we least expect it... remember...don't creep us out," The Queen smiled sadly then the king put in the coordinates "now get going" they both hugged her as the time bubble appeared just as an explosion rocked the palace

"GO!" the king hurried as the queens outfit dematerialized and rematerialized as a lilac outfit with black boots and black arm length gloves

"That fucker wrecked my garden!" she growled as her hands flared up

"Honey, the LANGUAGE!" the King dead-panned then pushed Tia into the bubble as his own outfit changed into a dark purple outfit with three circles on his chest. "Go for it, oh... and the time I've set it for, me and your mother aren't together... just friends... so, good luck," he winked then ran out after his wife (guess who they are and you get a cookie!)

"...Ok dad..." she gulped then closed the bubble as it disappeared to the past...just as the palace exploded taking everything with it.

Well... I got this idea whilst being a lazy git lying in bed... so yeah, enjoy the randomness that is: a little girl trying to get her parents to believe that they are actually her parents XD