AN: Ugh... I am so sick of these boys fighting... I'm not entirely sure I want to deal with them this chapter. They are here by exiled for the month! Or at least as long as it takes me to get the next chapter up. On a more personal note, I've been kind of messed up lately which is why the updates have been so late. I do apologize for that and am willing to offer myself a solution. I will not stop writing, however, I will also not be updating at the month change as I have been. It was becoming too stressful for me to have to output just under 15000 words in a single weekend - especially when it was mostly just fluff and filler - and I hope that doing this will increase both content and quality of the updates. So... I hope you aren't too mad, but bear in mind that I am not stopping nor am I going on hiatus. I hope you all enjoy Chapter 17!
Rating/Warnings: NC17/Yaoi; harsh language
Pairings: TezuRyō; Golden Pair; MoKaiMo; InuRen; KawaFu
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis.
Tezuka blinked himself awake. The bright light from the other side of the room assaulted his face and he winced into the body enveloped in his arms. His eyes widened again and he leaned back. The dark orbs rolled over the wispy green highlighted hair and he smiled recalling the encounter with Echizen from the night before. The younger man was very respectful of his weirdness and Tezuka pressed his lips into the back of that soft green hair. There was a light moan and the captain leaned back a bit. He gnawed at his lip to try and hide the smile as he watched the rookie stir. The younger man rolled over in his arms and opened his eyes. Large golden eyes stared back at the captain and he lifted his head. The soft lips pressed back against his own and Ryōma's hand slid up Tezuka's face. When he pulled back, the rookie was smiling.
"Good morning, Buchō."
Tezuka couldn't hold back and his mouth widened. "Good morning."
"Are you feeling any better?"
His eyes closed again and he kissed the smooth pale forehead gently. "I am... Thank you."
Just after noon, Kawamura was standing at the sink in the restaurant washing vegetables. He hadn't seen Fuji since that morning and he was starting to feel a little lonely... His hands moved expertly through the water and over the array of food he needed to clean. The team had agreed to have a late lunch at the shop, so Kawamura had to busy himself for the next couple of hours. He knew what everyone liked and didn't like and had become somewhat of an expert over the last year or so in preparing the appropriate amounts of the right foods. He scrubbed at several different types of tomatoes, peppers and greens then placed them in a large colander to dry a bit. Meat... the meat was still in the freezer and needed to start thawing.
What was he going to make, though? Stir fried something, onigiri and...? Maybe just an array of snacks and finger foods. That was pretty standard for the group, but it was getting a little boring. Kawamura sighed and grabbed his chopping knife. He reached for the strainer, taking out something random, and began chopping – a green pepper – so then stir-fry would be the first thing he made. With chicken? Or octopus? His hand flew over the counter and he walked the pieces of vegetables over to the skillet. As the mixture sizzled and steamed, he tossed it into the air and thought of Fuji...
It had been months since the last time Fuji wasn't there to watch him cook. The team didn't utilize their personal chef every day, but more than half the days in the week he would cook for them. Why wasn't Fuji there with him? Did he have a meeting with Tezuka-Buchō? It was doubtful because he would have said something about it... most likely. Was Fuji avoiding him? They didn't do anything other than kiss the other night. It was possible that Fuji didn't think Kawamura was worth the effort of trying to seduce. Fuji just didn't want to bother with him anymore... that had to be it. He'd spent all that time watching Kawamura cook trying to get something to happen and when it finally did, the chef had been a prude! That had to be it. There was no other explain--
Kawamura clenched his eyes when he heard the soft voice in the distance. His shoulders sagged with relief and he let out the breath he hadn't realized he was holding. The sizzle returned to his ears and the aroma of oils mixed with veggies filled his nose. He tightened his grip on the spatula and wok handle before resuming his cooking. Heat rushed to his face when the door opened and closed. He knew Fuji was heading toward him and tried desperately not to smile too widely. There was light pressure at his side, then soft lips gently brushed his cheek. Fuji's sweet words trickled into his ear and his body was set on fire.
"Good afternoon, Taka-san."
"Go—good afternoon, Fuji."
"Would you like me to help you with anything?"
"No... no thank you."
Fuji quickly retreated without any further contact and the chef was a little confused. It seemed like this would be the point where the little strategist would be all lovey dovey with him, or at least try to grope him or something. Maybe it was true... Fuji didn't think he was worth the energy... but then why be affectionate just then? Was he trying to be respectful of Kawamura's feelings? Was he not that attracted to the chef anymore since he had found out... and he was just being polite? Or was the clever little minx just trying to bait him? Kawamura's eyes shifted trying to see the smaller man from the back of his head. What should he do? If he played along the way Fuji undoubtedly wanted him to, he might give off the wrong impression of being too easy. Fuji would most certainly leave after that. But if he didn't play along... would Fuji get mad? Would he wait until Kawamura was ready? Would Fuji force himself on Kawamura if it took too long?
Kawamura snapped to attention.
"Is something wrong?"
"... No... it's nothing."
"Are you sure?"
He turned and smiled. "I'm sure. Thank you for worrying though."
Kawamura watched Fuji rest his chin in his palm – as his custom would suggest – and walked the stir-fry to the other counter. How would this play out for them? Fuji was clearly playing coy, but did Kawamura want to play into his hand? He pulled more from the strainer and began chopping again. This time, it would go with rice... or maybe noodles. The rice was in the bottom cupboard, so down went the tall chef. He smiled to himself when he thought about this game. Kawamura was not ready for something like that and Fuji didn't seem like he minded the chase. The chef knew just how sweet the conniving little genius could be, and that he didn't like showing that side of himself to anyone. He had become somewhat of an expert at not letting anyone see his kindness and generosity, but Kawamura knew.
They had spent almost as much time together over the years as Eiji and Ōishi had... but they didn't get very close like those two until the last year. Even that was a little tricky for the chef, but he'd stayed silent about his "more than friends" infatuation with Fuji. He had waited... and waited for his feelings to either clarify or subside. Neither happened very quickly and the shy man had begun to think he was going to have to just watch silently as Fuji went from person to person... breaking hearts and giving pleasure. Many nights, Kawamura had stared at his ceiling wondering when Fuji was going to be finished with his games and settle down so they could go back to being friends like normal... instead of Fuji regaling Kawamura with his most recent sexcapades – as was the case when they were in their last two years at the academy.
Fuji returned his feelings... finally. Or at least pretended to. Kawamura didn't want to give in so easily just to end up hurt by someone he'd come to lo-- What?!
Ryōma sat at the little round table in the sushi shop with some of the rest of his team. It was a rather uncomfortable affair... For starters, Momo and Kaidō were not there, again. Neither was Inui or Eiji. Momo was probably still sick from what ever had happened the day before, and – since Ōishi was with them for lunch – Eiji was probably the one looking after him. Inui and Kaidō were possibly looking over the information they had gathered on those captives, but that was unlikely when they were supposed to have a group meal. It was a strange atmosphere to say the least, especially when the captain and the medic wouldn't even look at each other.
The rookie wanted to say something... but what? What could he possibly say to anyone there that would make the unusually awkward gathering less so? He stuffed a piece of sashimi into his mouth. Maybe he should ask Ōishi-Senpai how Momo was doing... or what Kaidō-Senpai and Inui-Senpai were up to? Or if there was any new information on those prisoners, since he had not yet gone to any of the questionings. He glanced over to the strategist beside him and swallowed. That was probably the safest of the options. Ryōma had heard nothing of the mission since it ended... and he was not even there to bring them in... It pissed him off a little and he cleared his throat.
The older man tipped his head slightly with a funny little grin on his face. "What is it?"
"I was wondering what ever happened with those guys you brought back from the last mission."
Fuji looked to him quizzically, the grin never leaving his lips.
"Unless... you aren't permitted to talk about it."
The two looked to their captain who was busy chewing at the time. Fuji's eyes didn't leave that man as he spoke. "Classified...," then shifted back to the rookie.
Ryōma wasn't the least bit surprised until he heard Tezuka's voice. "It's alright, Fuji. You can tell him."
"Are you sure, Tezuka?"
They looked to each other briefly and Ryōma's brow rose in mild confusion. "I'm sure. He should have been with us on that mission anyway. We have no reason to leave him out of the loop or not trust him."
"Very well, then."
As Fuji spoke to the younger man, Ryōma tried to listen as earnestly as he could. The group was convinced that the captives were a small part of a larger group that was trying to overthrow the Universal military – of which the IAF played a large part. Their origin and training were still unclear, as was their leader and the reason behind their actions, but they were hopeful that they would find out before the next attack... not that they actually knew when that was going to be. The prisoners would be continually questioned, though, until the interrogation team was satisfied with their answers, then they would be sent to a maximum security IAF prison a few miles away.
"What do you think their motivation is, Fuji-Senpai?" the rookie asked before shoving a quesadilla into his mouth.
"Well, it could be any number of things. For example, their leader could have lost a loved one because of a military officer or a war."
"They could also be some type of extremist group that is trying to build a utopia and in order to do so, they would have to start by destroying all other military operations."
Ryōma mulled Kawamura's opinion over in his mind then he heard Ōishi.
"Another possibility is they could be trying to take over as an ultimate power of some sort and conquering all the universal military bases is one of the steps in their process."
The group nodded in agreement, then it was Tezuka's turn. "Or it could be as simple as they do not approve of organized combat. They were skilled to be sure, but they were not very coordinated with each other. It seemed like their main strategy was just to stay out of each other's way."
"You don't think it's anything more than that, Tezuka?"
Ryōma's eyes passed between the two. He wasn't really sure if the strategist was legitimately questioning Tezuka's opinion or challenging it, but he could tell from the way they looked at each other that it was nothing they weren't used to. There was something deep there between them... that no one could understand. He'd heard through the grape vine that they had never dated, which was odd because they shared so much of their lives and had always been on the same level with one another. It seemed like they had been a single entity at one point, and – through some inexplicable means – had split into a serious entity – Tezuka – and a whimsical entity – Fuji. What ever the case was, it made Ryōma a little uneasy to see such a display. It almost looked like Fuji would dive over Tezuka at any moment. There was a cold chill up his spine and he shook his head lightly.
"I think it's possible, as I said."
The voice across the table was a little cold. Colder that usual, maybe. It was strange... He only ever sounded like that when Fuji-Senpai was playing with him... but there seemed to be something more surrounding it this time. Did it have something to do with that thing that was bothering him the night before? The rookie's eyes shifted between the two dynamic men and he wondered... was it true that they had never dated? Not even during their academy days? Or even touched each other? He didn't really believe it... but it didn't matter, right? Whatever it was, it was in the past. The captain didn't seem like he was interested in Fuji that way... and Fuji seemed like he was a bit of a player too. Maybe that's what happened. Fuji played around on Tezuka-Buchō one too many times...
Ryōma dropped his head and smiled. There was nothing he could do... if he wanted to leave... If Buchō wants to stay, he'll stay. If he wants to leave, he'll leave. The captain was man enough to not stick around when he wasn't getting what he wanted. It would happen eventually, and Ryōma would just have to suck it up and deal when it did...
Fuji was aimlessly wandering around the base just after dinner. Kawamura had made the two of them a nice, simple meal at the store. He'd offered to help clean the dishes and such, but Kawamura refused. The taller man had then suggested that Fuji go out and get them something for dessert, which is where he found himself in that moment. His mind was no where near his appointed task. Instead, he found himself wondering why there was such a heavy weight on his heart about Kawamura's confession the other day.
Normally, he would have no problem waiting for his target to come to him with big pleading eyes... the eyes that yearned for Fuji to take them... the ones that needed it more than anything. Kawamura was different though. They had known each other far too long for him to fall for Fuji's usual tricks... and they both knew that. Still, it was unsettling to Fuji that his long time friend had such feelings welling up inside him. It wasn't just anyone that Fuji could suck dry – for lack of a better phrase – then throw away. This was Taka-san... they were on the same team. They lived in the same building... practically right next to each other. If Fuji was going to do anything, there was no way he could have it go the way it had gone in the past.
Besides, unlike everyone else... he actually cared about Kawamura. They had gotten so close over the last several months. Closer than Fuji had been with Tezuka, and that bothered the little genius. He didn't care about his potential targets. They were just body parts for him... lips and dicks, or twats and tits. Never had they been people to him. Never had he allowed himself to fall asleep in someone else's arms and dream for an entire night. He'd never even been able to remember a name with the correct face the morning after a hook-up. He didn't fall in love... but he didn't want to hurt Taka-san. Something was going to have to give...
It might be possible that he could seduce Kawamura and disappoint him. That would more than likely kill two birds with one orgasm. Kawamura's desire for him would be sated and Fuji wouldn't have to run the risk of hurting someone so dear to him. No... that wouldn't work at all. Lousy sex was definitely not Fuji's style. He had a reputation to uphold and – he was sorry to say – he would not permit anyone or anything to tarnish his game. Kawamura would just have to deal with...
Fuji slowed. His hands were resting in his pockets and head was lowered to the sidewalk. He heaved a sigh and looked around a bit for an answer. That was a coward's way out. Making someone else reject him instead of rejecting that person himself... that would not be permitted either. What could he do though? Should he just throw caution to the wind and be with Taka-san? Was he willing to risk losing such a good friend and teammate because he didn't want to compromise his own way of life? Kawamura was so sweet and pure... he did not deserve the things that Fuji was going to put him through.
The strategist sighed again and ran his fingers through his hair. His mind wandered back to their academy days. The faces and names returned vaguely with even vaguer recollections of the climaxes associated with them... and then there was Taka... The one who had stayed by his side no matter who he'd screwed or screwed over. The man who listened to his stories of random sex partners and never once complained about the way Fuji was with those people. The only one he could still turn to for any given thing in the whole universe. He deserved better than Fuji. He deserved someone that would love him – and only him – unconditionally. Fuji wasn't sure if he was the right person for that job.
"Taka... san..."
Kawamura placed the last dish in the strainer and rinsed his hands. He looked to the clock on the wall and grabbed the towel. Fuji hadn't been gone too long yet, but he seemed a little distracted during dinner. Maybe he was thinking about what Echizen said earlier that day...? Or something Tezuka-Buchō said... or what? He wasn't really sure, but the shorter man did not really look like he was all that into eating his favorite meal. It was a little strange and it put Kawamura's nerves on edge. Maybe it was something that happened while they were in the kitchen making lunch.
He shouldn't have confessed... It would be too much of a burden for Fuji. He was probably worried about how Kawamura would react to seeing him with all those other people. And Fuji couldn't share any of his bedroom activities with him anymore because it would probably be too awkward... for both of them. Kawamura had been listening to those stories for years and had not been bothered in the least about any of it. He was just happy that he was not the person getting their heart broken. Maybe that was the reason Fuji was acting so strangely. He was probably thinking about what happened that night they'd stayed together.
Kawamura huffed and flopped less than gracefully onto the large cushion in front of one of the tables. He had not minded at all that they had both spent a restful night in each other's arms... but Fuji... Fuji was probably regretting it. They had only kissed and then went directly to bed, even though the strategist assured the chef that it was fine with him. Kawamura was starting to think otherwise... and wondered if he should have just taken Fuji that night the way he knew Fuji normally wanted things. It would have been a lot easier that way, right? They would have had sex, and nothing more after that. It should have been an easy – and logical – next step for the pair, but that wasn't what Kawamura wanted. Was he being too selfish in wanting to be with Fuji only if the elusive playboy was only willing to be with him in return?
Willing? No... that made it sound like Kawamura was forcing Fuji into a conventionally monogamous relationship. It would ultimately be up to Fuji where they would go with their newly found feelings... if in fact Fuji actually had them. Kawamura rolled over to his back and shook his head, cradling it in his hands. He shifted his eyes to the clock and tried to read it upside down. If he was reading it properly, Fuji had been gone for over forty-five minutes. The chef reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He flipped it open and highlighted Fuji's name in his contact list. As his thumb pressed a sequence of buttons, he heard the door to the shop slide open. Was it Fuji?
He set the phone by his side and pushed himself up to see an agitated looking man. The man was short with light brown hair and very narrow eyes... a man resembling Fuji, but the guy walking toward him looked far too worried or troubled to possibly be Fuji. The strategist was never bothered or troubled by anything. He never thought too much on any matter that did not involve his job, nor did he let things penetrate him to the point where they would be continually on his mind. Who was this man that looked so much like...?
The strange man was on top of him... straddling him. Their lips were pressed together and Kawamura felt hands on his chest. They were grabbing almost frantically at his shirt and something was prodding at his mouth. Fuji's tongue slipped beyond the barrier and mingled wildly with the chef's. His mind was jumbled... his heart was racing... his body heat was rising. The body on top of his started grinding over his loins and he moaned softly into the lips attached to his. He felt gentle cold spots on his sides and they slid up under his shirt. The lips left his with a string of saliva still connecting them and moved across Kawamura's face. They brushed over his cheek and there was wet heat on his ear.
"Nnh... Fuji..."
He clenched his fists into the back of the smaller man's shirt and tried with all his will power to not rip it off. What was going on? What happened to Fuji in the short period of time that he'd been gone? Did he really want to do this, or was it just a way for him to forget what Kawamura had said and return to normal? So many questions... so much heat... Fuji nibbled at Kawamura's ear then moved down to his neck. The wet heat singed the chef's blood and went directly to his groin. Fuji must have felt it too because he started grinding harder. Kawamura's eyes clenched and he moaned again. Fuji... don't make me do this...
Kawamura's shirt was gone... snatched over his head in a single motion by a seemingly crazed Fuji and the smaller man was kissing down his chest. He lingered over a nipple and sucked generously at it. Kawamura's fingers combed up the back of Fuji's head and he groaned again. So good... it was no wonder he had such a reputation. His hands kept moving and Kawamura leaned back, propping himself on one hand while Fuji worked at his pants. Did he really want this? Was he so ready to have Fuji that it didn't matter to him anymore?
Fuji's lips enveloped Kawamura's erection with little effort and he started sucking immediately. He couldn't think... Fuji was... to his... It felt so good! Kawamura bowed his head into his chest. His jaw was locked. His lips taut over gritted teeth and his eyes were still shut tight. Fuji... he needed to stop... Kawamura couldn't take it anymore... If he kept going...
"Ah... AH!"
The chef burst inside Fuji's mouth and panted heavily. The ring sliding over him slowed and the shorter man pulled back. Kawamura felt the lips moving slowly up his body and he found his strength. Fuji's lips were on his chest and Kawamura grabbed the thin arm. He rolled the two of them over roughly and pushed between Fuji's legs. He didn't intend for their first time to be this heated and animalistic, but he needed this... right now. Their lips were joined again and Kawamura held Fuji in place with all his might. He slid his palm down the flat chest and rippled stomach and slipped it beneath the strategist's pants grabbing the firm rod.
Fuji pulled away when Kawamura began to stroke vigorously. His big hand worked quickly at the throbbing member and Fuji's body shuddered. Kawamura kept him pinned with pleasure and reached down with his other hand to free the beast – as it were. The cool air turned hot instantly over his jerking hand and he pulled the garments off easily. Fuji moaned and groaned, his pale body writhing with anticipation... and Kawamura reached into his back pocket. He pulled out his wallet and the condom inside then ripped it open with his teeth. It was hot... so hot... when he slipped the rubber sheath over his renewed excitement and Fuji started to spasm.
"Na... AH!"
"Taka... san..."
They kissed again and Kawamura inserted two fingers between Fuji's legs. He felt the small body stiffen and worked his hand a bit circling and spreading the digits. It was still so tight... after everything Fuji had done, he was still so small back there. He couldn't take it anymore... Kawamura pulled his hand away and thrust hard into that deep hot hole. Fuji wailed, arching his back impossibly high and grabbing at the pillow beside his head. Kawamura's fingers clenched around the slim waist and his eyes squeezed shut.
He thrust... hard, fast, deep... feeling only the heat of the man he was inside. It was carnal... the urge to hear this licentious little man cry out in ecstasy. Knowing he was the reason made his pounding erection throb harder and he almost came a second time. He wrapped his arms around the sweating back and pulled Fuji up to him, his rhythm never slowing. Fuji held on to his neck and Kawamura felt tingling on his shoulders. Fuji's mouth was agape... his eyes were slammed shut... his hair was matted to his face... Fuji...! Kawamura's hands slipped to the small hips and hammered them onto himself.
"Oh... GOD!"
"Ta... ka... AAAAAH!"
Finally... they have consumated their angst... That was a painful dance to watch, if I must say so myself. I'm not really sure why I decided to take so long with this pair, but now I get to start a whole new relationship with a whole new set of... (snore). See you all in a bit. Let me know what you think, and I know people are going to complain about the lack of TezuRyō action again, but there are other characters in this story. More action to come...