A special thanks to , my job, and all the Youtube videos that have Frollo doing Rasputin's "In The Dark of The Night"! Without them, this story wouldn't be possible.
A/N: Alright, this idea came into my head a few days ago. Basically it's a Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame spin on 20th Century Fox's animated movie Anastasia. Yet some people still think that Anastasia is Disney just because it's a cartoon, which makes me angry. Furthermore, I am trying to do this story based in the 15th century yet make this close to the movie version of Anastasia. I'll try my best to keep this story as historically accurate as possible. But seeing how the movie wasn't historically accurate, that'll prove to be a challenge. But I'll try my best!
It was a fine day in the Court of Miracles. Preperations were being made for the 300th anniversary of the rule of the Romanai family. There was to be plenty of music, dancing, and whatever food they could supply. Esmeralda, who was the youngest daughter of the Romanai family, was especially excited. She had recently turned eight and couldn't wait for the celebration! But she knew towards the end of the night she'd be sad. Her Grandmother Maite would be returning to Bucharest, which was a city far away from Paris. And as she was so close to her, she knew it'd be one of the toughest things she'd have to deal with. But at least she had other members of her family she could count on! She smiled at the thought. There was her father Niklaus and Alondra. Then she had her older sisters Olya, Tariana, and Malia. And then there was her younger brother Alawi. Even the family goat held a special place in her heart.
"Esmeralda! We have to get ready for tonight's celebration!" cried a girl, picking her up and swinging her around.
"Malia, put me down!" Esmeralda giggled. Her elder sister, who was fourteen, simply smiled at her. Like their ages, their appearances were polar opposites. While Esmeralda's eyes glittered like the emerald of her namesake, Tariana's were blue. And while Esmeralda's hair was black, her sister's was brown.
"Alright, I'll set you down. But we have to get back to the tent. Mama said that the dancing should be starting soon."
And with that, the two sisters set off. Their tent, like the others in the Romanai family, had been set up on the outskirts or the court. Their elder sisters, Olya and Tatiana shared one tent. Their parents shared one, and Alawi was allowed his own. As they entered their tent, Esmeralda couldn't help but gasp in surprise. Her dress was red and the purple sleeves rested below her shoulder. A gold tiara accompanied it as well. Malia's dress was quite similar to hers as far as the style. However, her sleeves were green and the dress was blue. After quickly changing and arranging the tiara's in their hair, the sound of a horn blared throughout the Court of Miracles.
"Do you know what that means?" Malia asked in delight. Esmeralda nodded. At last, the celebration was to begin!
Disclaimer: I know that Maria and Anastasia barely had that much of an age difference between them. But as there is a big age gap between them in the movie, I decided to do just that.
A/N: If you had a hard time picturing Esmeralda's dress for the 300th Anniversary, its exactly like the FoF dress, but smaller. Anywhoo, I know this is short. But I hope you like it! Reviews are appreciated!