Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN CRISS ANGEL OR HIS TV SHOW, MINDFREAK! . i only own the characters I made up thank you.

P.S: I'm taking down Kagome's Surprise everyone. Sorry. Its not going anywhere and stuff. I'm just stuck on it.

Thank you to all the loya viewers who read and reviewed. You guys were wonderful. If I do another chapter, I'll dedicate it to you all, but then its all over.

Thanks again for the support on the story. You guys were a wonderful audiance.

Vittoria sat on the couch and her best friend Ali sat in the recliner, typing furiously away at a laptop. The two girls had been best friends since kindergarten and even went to college together. Graduating, they each got separate jobs, Kristin, as a full time College Music theory teacher, and Ali, as a college Drama theatre director.

Vittoria, with pale skin, black eyes and black hair, was the most sane one of them both, while Ali, who was fair skinned with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, was the most adventurous and optimistic of them both.

And now, seeing as it was summer, they had time off to just hang out, and do what they do best. Watch T.V., go on vacation, and argue.

They're latest argument however, was one they had been having for quite a while now. Over one of the most infamous Illusionist of his time, Criss Angel.

"Vittoria, you got to admit, the man's got skills", Ali fawned, staring wide eyed at their flat screen T.V. to which, said man, was occupying.

"I don't really care for him at all Ali. Really. He's nothing but a fake magician, like the rest of them. I'm not impressed", Vittoria said plainly, flipping the page of one of her books.

Ali looked over at Vittoria and frowned. "You're not open enough Vittoria. Really. Why be so narrow minded? And besides, most of it is fake. That's the point. Its an "illusion" Vittoria. ",

"I'm not being narrow minded Ali. I'm being realistic", was her simple answer.

Ali sighed, knowing it was a losing battle and continued on with her ogling of the hunk on the screen. Finally, when it went to commercial, Ali stood up and was preparing to head into the kitchen for something to drink.

"Vittoria? You want something?"

"A sprite."

Ali snorted, "No please or thank you??"

"Nope", and Vittoria chuckled, "Now go slave! Go forth and fetch me a beverage…"

Ali rolled her eyes and entered the kitchen and grabbed two sodas. Just as she re-entered the living room, a commercial came on.

Hi I'm Criss Angel. Most of you know me from Mindfreak, my T.V. show on A&E. Well I'm here to let you know I'm doing an around the world tour of my show and I'm picking two very lucky people to join me on my adventure. And the catch is, you have from now until this time tomorrow to enter. Just check out my website, , to enter. The winners will not be announced, however. They will be surprised by a visit from yours truly. And to the lucky winners, are YOU ready?

There was silence in the room. Complete silence until there was a sudden clatter as Ali made a mad dash for the stairs, dropping the sodas all together. Vittoria hopped over the back of the couch and chased after her.

"Ali don't you dare!! So help me god I'll throw you out the window if you do!!"

But Ali didn't hear a word of it. She was so close her own bed room, she could see her red laptop, sitting open on her desk. She could hear Vittoria closing in on her and with one mad leap, she made in into her room, shoving her door shut and locking it.

Immediately the pounding commenced.

"Ali let me in!!"

Ali jumped into her chair and prayed hard that it would be a while before Vittoria remember that she had a key to all the doors. And so, she proceeded to log onto the website, but only to have a screen pop up with a password to get to it.

"Argh!!", Ali shouted. "You've got to be kidding me!"

Ali's fingers danced over the keyboards quickly, typing in everything she could think of. Finally stopping to think, she realized something.

"She's not at the door anymore……"

There was the sound of someone jiggling a key into her door and she knew if she didn't come up with something now, they were not entering the contest.

Ali turned back to her computer and began to type once more.

"Luxor. No. MindFreak. No. Believe. No. Criss Angel. No!! FOR CHRIST SAKE!", she yelled.

The door to her room began to unlock. Her mind went into over drive and suddenly it hit her.

Ali keyed in the word, "Parapsychology", and instantaneously another screen came up.

Information has already been researched from your computer.

Thank you for entering the Criss Angel: Around the World Tour Sweepstakes.

Subject: Ali Smith and Vittoria Williams.

Ali crowed in triumph, punching her fists in the air, but her victory wasn't celebrated for long.

Slowly yet surely the door creaked open, and there stood a very angry Vittoria.

"You didn't," Vittoria seethed.

Ali could only chuckle nervously. "C-Come on V…its not like…it'll kill you….I mean seriously…what's the chance we'll win?", she tried to argue.

Vittoria's lip twitched realizing she got all out of hand for nothing. Sighing, she shook her head and scowled in Ali's direction.

"You better be right Ali."

Ali just gave her a nervous grin before Vittoria spoke again. "I'm going down stairs to turn off everything. Then bed."

Ali grinned really hard and gave her an innocent wave, "Good night Vittoria!"

Vittoria grumbled before shutting the door. She went down stairs, the T.V. still housing the magician himself.


She cut the T.V. off and headed back up stairs. Ready for a much wanted sleep.