Lessons in Love
Well what can I say. We are doing yet ANOTHER story together. Also we have lots more to come :D:D. This is about the gang being in school with the usual characters causing trouble, smirking and as always chatting up the girls. Hope you like it. :D:D
Marian took a deep breath as she took one last look in the mirror. Today was her first day at the new school. She fiddled with her hair once more convinced that it wasn't sitting right. She had decided not to wear to much make up seeing as it was her first day, so she had just mascara and eye liner on with a bit of gloss. She was wearing a white t-shirt with denim jeans and a white star belt. She grabbed her light blue side bag and walked down stairs where her father had left some toast and a note for her.
Had to go into the office early. Have a good first day.
See you tonight.
Dad x
Marian smiled and grabbed the piece of toast and walked out the door locking it and pocketing the key. She walked towards the direction of the school hoping she would be able to find her way. She walked down many streets some of which she was sure was the same street as before. She pulled out the piece of paper where she had roughly drawn a map on. She frowned studying it and looking for the name of the street which was no where to be found. She groaned as she scrunched the piece of paper up and threw it in the bin. She glanced at her surroundings and shivered. Her father had told her to stay out of some streets as they held notorious characters. Marian believed this to be one of those streets. The houses were no longer nice and tan coloured, but dull and grey. Some had boarded windows whereas others were covered in graffiti. There were alley ways that reeked of alcohol and urine. In one Marian could make out a dark huddled shape which she believed to be a body, but she was in no way going to see if her assumptions were true.
'Excuse me.'
Marian jumped and turned sharply when she heard the voice come from behind her.
'Its OK. I'm not going to hurt you.' The Stranger laughed smirking.
'I didn't think you were. You just startled me that's all.' Marian said holding her head high even though inside she was screaming and had to cement herself to the ground to stop from running away. Her mouth almost dropped open at the sight of the intruder. He was a bit taller than her. With brown hair and mesmerising eyes. His smile was hypnotising.
'Are you lost.' The stranger said raising his eyes brows and smirking.
'I am not lost. Just..taking a diversion.' Marian stated. Even though she knew she would find her way to school better from the middle of the Gobi Desert.
'You're lost.' The man nodded smiling.
'And what makes you so sure?' Marian asked raising her eyebrows.
'I live in this street. I know everyone around here, and I have never seen you before. Which means you are new. Also taking a detour through this neighbour hood could end you up in hospital.'
Marian moved from foot to foot uncomfortably. He had sussed her out.
'Fine. I am lost.' Marian sighed giving in.
He smirked even wider if that was possible at the fact he had finally managed to get her to admit that she was lost.
'Now, was that so hard?' He smirked.
If this guy wasn't so hot she would have pummelled him with her bag by now.
'Would you like me to take you to school?'
'What makes you think that I am going to school?' Marian asked stubbornly.
'Well you are my age. You have a book bag with you. And you are as stubborn as any other late teenage girl.'
Marian starred in disbelief. This boy didn't know who she was. How dare he speak to her this way.
'So. Do you want me to take you to school?' He asked again.
'I am not a child and I do not even know your name.' Marian said.
'Well I never said you were a child. And my name is Robin.' Robin smiled.
'I'm Marian.' Marian stated.
'Come on. I'll take you to school.' Robin smirked nodding his head behind him as he turned and walked in that direction.
Marian stood for a few moments watching as he walked away. She was unsure on whether or not to follow him. After all she had just met him. But he seemed so...nice. Well she sure wasn't going to find her way to school on her own. She sighed and ran after him.
Robin walked her through many streets and passage ways before coming to a stop at a wall,
'This is the school.' Marian said as she leaned one leg against the hard stone wall.
Robin looked at her and smiled. 'Well you are far to intelligent to be going to school.'
'Oh is sarcasim your only trait?' Marian said rolling her eyes.
'No. I have my striking good looks.' He smirked.
'Really.' Marian turned and looked him up and down. 'Where have you been hiding those.'
'Haha very funny. We are waiting on the rest of the gang. They'll be here any minute.' Robin said as he watched down the road for the others.
'Others?' Marian asked turning to him.
'Yea. Allan, Much, John, Will and Djaq.' Robin said not looking at her.
All boys. Marian thought. What if they attacked her? What if Robin had just been acting nice all along so he could share me with his friends. A thousand terifying thoughts charged Marian's head. She thought about turning and running. But she would never find her way back now. But it wasn't just that. Something deep down told her she could trust this boy. She looked at him once more, but he was still looking down the road. He was very handsome. But this year it was about her studies, she wasn't going to fall for him or even get in any sort of relationship. And to be honest from past experience she would rather leave boys on the floor at the moment.
Marian turned at the sound of a new voice calling Robin's name. She turned and saw a shorter boy than Robin walk up the street eating a packet of crisps with lighter brown hair.
'Hey Much.' Robin said standing off of the wall. 'Much this is Marian.' Robin said turning to face her. 'Marian this is Much.'
'Hello.' Much said before scramming another handful of crisps in his mouth.
'Hi.' Marian smiled back.
'Hey Guys.' A tall boy said as he walked up to them with a short woman by his side.
'Hey Will, Djaq.' Robin said. 'This is Marian.'
'Hey.' Marian smiled.
'I'm Will.' Will smiled.
'And i'm Djaq.'
'But your a girl? Marian asked confused.
Everyone burst into laughter.
'Its short for my indian name which none of these brainless losers could pronounce.' Djaq smiled.
'Oh sorry.' Marian said shyly.
'Aww waiting for me. I'm honored.' Came another voice.
Marian turned to see a brown haired boy walk up to them with his arms open.
'And last but not least Alan.' Robin said to Marian.
'Hey.' Allan smirked at her looking her up and down.
'That's right. Take a long look at something you'll never get.' Marian smirked.
Much nearly choked on his crisps as everyone burst out laughing and Allan's face fell.
'Nice one Marian.' Robin laughed as he began walking to school with the others following. Allan last as he had to get over the shock of being rejected.
Robin looked at Marian out of the corner of his eye as they walked along together. He liked her. There had never been a girl to so easily dismiss his charm and even Allan aswell and all in the same morning. She might be a lesbien. Robin thought to himself. She would be interesting to get to know.
They finally reached the chaoticness that was school. Robin walked closer to Marian so they didn't get seperated as they walked through crowds of people to get into the building. Robin put his arm around her waist and led her forward once they were inside the building as students ran around frantically trying to get the alcohol off their breath or hide what ever drugs or weopnary they had before going through the barrier. Marian'sn eyes opened in shock as she saw the large walk through metal detectors with police standing at the other sides with small hand held ones searching through peoples bags.
'Come on. You'll be fine.' Robin said in her ear as he walked her forward.
Marian was incredibly thankful for his arm sround her waist. She felt a lot more safe and protected in this stampeed on students. Robin went first and walked through the barrier and collected his bag on the other side on they had checked it. Now it was Marian's turn. She looked at Robin on the other side.
'Come on.' He smiled nodding her to him on the other of the barrier.
Marian walked forward slowly and put her bag on the table as one of the officer's began checking it for anything dangerous. She then began to walk slowly through the metal detector. She looked around it like it was going to close in around her. She hated these things. Especially at the airports. She always felt so guilty going through one, that she was surprised that they hadn't suspected her as a terrorist the last time she went through one. She sighed in relief when when there was no noise. She smiled as she collected her bag and walked over to Robin who smiled and held his hand out for her, which she took without even thinking.
Robin walked her to her locker and helped her figure out how to open it. Which she appeared to be useless at. Marian was relieved to find that she was in the same form room as him and the others. Robin walked her again to the form room and sat down at the back with her.
'Sorry.' Marian smiled.
'What for?' Robin asked looking at her confused.
'Well today you've had to be my kind of baby sitter. First I get lost. Then would barely walk through the barrier's, couldn't open my locker and then you've had to bring me to form.' Marian laughed.
'Its fine.' Robin smiled. 'Your one of the gang now. If you need anything or if anyone bothers you then you can come to me.' Robin smiled. 'Here give me your mobile number so you have someone to call.' Robin said as he and Marian swapted phone numbers.
Then the class erupted with laughter as the other piled into the class room and sat in front and to the next row of Robin.
'So what do you have first?' Robin asked turning to Marian who was gazing at her timetable.
'Er..P.E' Marian answered.
'Thats what we all have. Looks like i'm your babysitter once again.' Robin smirked. 'Here let me see your timetable.'
Marian smiled and handed it to him. Robin took it and studied it nodding every so often.
'You seem to be in a most of my classes but the ones that we're not in together Djaq is.' Robin stated. 'Djaq.' He said turning to his left where Djaq was sat in the other row with Will. 'Will you take Marian to the classes you two are in togther?'
'Of course.' Djaq smiled.
'There sorted.' Robin smiled handing the timetable back.
'Thanks.' Marian smiled.
'Anytime.' Robin winked causing Marian to blush.
'I ain't bein funny. But where's John?' Allan asked.
'He's got something on. Won't be in until tomorrow.' Much answered now eating skittles.
The bell went and they all left and made their way to the P.E department. Robin staying close to Marian. She liked the fact that he stayed close. She felt secure when he was with her.
'Right class for you two hours of P.E. We will be doing two different sports. For the first hour, gymnastics and for the second swimming.' The teacher announced as the boys and girls split to go into their changers.
'Marian go with Djaq.' Robin said.
'Come on.' Djaq smiled leading Marian away into the girls changers as Robin went into the boys.
Djaq and Marian both got changed and headed out towards the gymnastic hall. They spotted the boys in their tracky bottoms and t-shirt. Marian and Djaq made their way over to them.
'Did you manage to get changed alright without me?' Robin asked smirking as Marian walked over to him.
'I managed just fine.' Marian laughed.
'Right. Girls get a boy partner and start climbing the ropes.' The teacher shouted out to the class.
Robin turned to Marian smiled and took her hand and led her over to one of the ropes.
'Well up you go.' Robin smirked as he held the bottom of the rope steady for her.
Marian smiled and began climbing. They did this for almost half an hour before they were to move onto the beams. Soon both were knacked and only had a five minute break before swimming.
Soon they found themselves in trunks and swim suits and heading out to the pool. Robin and the lads were already waiting by the pool. Marian and Djaq walked over to them.
'So how about this time. Manage to get changed without me again?' Robin asked again.
'Nah. I had trouble getting my bra off.' Marian winked.
Robin starred at her in shock and almost fell in the pool when she replied. It was then that he took her in. She looked extremly sexy in her black bathing suit It stuck to her round curves and made her legs look extremely long and sexy.
'Right once again team up and practice your strokes.' The teacher called.
Before Marian could turn back to Robin she felt two arms wrap around her waist and before she knew it, her body was crashing against the water. She gasped as she came to the surface and realised she was still in Robin's arms holding onto his wet torso tightly as he laughed at her. Marian smirked and began splashing water at him laughing.
The rest day went much the same. She spent her time with Djaq in her lessons if Robin was not there. He took her to the lunch hall then outside to where the gang sat at dinner time. He watched her back all day and even offered to walk her home. She found them to be nice people. They were a very close group and made her feel very welcome. Djaq was nothing like what she had expected. She was funny, friendly and had even arranged to come to her house one night and help her study.
'So how is your day so far Marian?' Allan asked as he annoyed Much by flicking his ear.
'Its been good so far.' Marian smiled from her sitting position next to Robin at the bottom of the tree.
'Yeah. The only bad point so far is being stuck with Rob.' Allan smirked.
'Hey.' Robin shouted offended.
'No Robin's been a great help.' Marian laughed as she looked at Robin's expression.
Robin smiled at her. Who was this girl? She seemed to make everything perfect.
The bell went and they all began walking to their classes.
'So. Did you enjoy your first day?' Robin asked as he walked Marian to her door.
'Yes. And thank you so much for taking care of me.' Marian smiled as she stopped at her garden fence. 'It meant a lot.'
'Like I said, anytime. Tell you what. How about I get you here tomorrow so you don't go down any dodgy neighbour hoods again.' Robin laughed.
'That would be great.' Marian smiled.
'Well. See you tomorrow.' Robin smiled.
'Yeah see you tomorrow.' Marian replied blushing.
'Bye.' Robin said as he turned and walked away heading down to his street.
Marian stood and watched him walk away and couldn't help the smile that remained on her face. She was going to enjoy being at this school.