Things I'll Never Say

A quick oneshot to a favorite song of mine from long ago. Avril Lavigne opened for the Jonas Brothers and she sang this. Me being, well, me, I started thinking of how I could turn this to a fanfiction. Enjoy!

Mitchie stood in front of her mirror, expertly applying mascara with one hand and glossing her lips over with the other. She stepped back and studied herself. It was an important night; she could feel it. Shane was waiting patiently on her bed, watching her with a smile. "You look amazing." He declared, watching as she blushed.

She turned and smiled at him. "Thank you. I'm ready whenever you are." She said softly, feeling her whole body tingle as Shane took her hand. She shivered, beaming up at him. "I think it's amazing that we've been dating for 7 years and you still manage to make me feel like a giggling fan-girl." Mitchie stated, lacing their fingers together. Shane laughed and raised their linked hands to press a kiss to the back of her hand.

"I love you." He whispered, holding open the door to the limo for her. She smiled at him, stepping in carefully. Heels were not her thing; but it was a big night. Shane closed the door after he had sat down beside her. "This is a really big night you know. I've got something important to ask you. A proposal of sorts." He mumbled in her ear. She shivered happily.

"I can't wait." She said breathlessly, shifting nervously. This was so it, she thought, grinning happily. Shane glanced towards the front of the limo and raised the divider.

"I'd hate to mess up your make-up, but I'm willing to risk it." He mumbled 10 minutes later, kissing her slowly. Mitchie smiled into the embrace, cupping his face in her hands and bringing him closer.

"I don't mind." She breathed, letting out a small whine as he pulled away. "Oh." She glanced out her window. He had stopped because they had arrived. He opened the door and stepped out, bending down and extending his hand to her.

Shane watched, smiling as she took his hand and one leg appeared then the other, Mitchie stepping out gracefully; just before she tripped slightly, grabbing onto his hand. "I love how poised you are." He teased, pretending to be hurt as she hit him on the arm playfully.

"Shut up." She laughed, smiling brightly as the cameras flashed and questions flew. "Ahh, the life of dating a pop star." She sighed, grinning at him adoringly.

"Rock star!" Shane protested. Mitchie shook her head, giggling again. "I am the rock star, you are the pop star, and you know it." He stated, laughing as well. She shook her head again, biting her lip. Shane, ignoring the cameras, kissed her fervently, letting his hands run down the back of her dress. The questions came at them faster and louder. He pulled Mitchie into him, exploring her mouth. He pulled away after a moment, grinning at her.

"Okay. You're a rock star. But you're my rock star." She breathed, running one finger around her mouth to fix any lip gloss damage that had been done. "So you get to explain to your publicist why we were making out outside a restaurant." She grinned triumphantly, taking his hand and walking inside.

Shane looked nervous. Mitchie wriggled eagerly. 7 years in the making, and he was finally going to propose. Why else would he look so nervous, and tell her to dress nicely? He had practically told her in the car! He glanced up at her, smiling.

"You look excited." He commented late into the meal, reaching across the table for her hand. She instinctively put out her right hand, but, hesitating, gave Shane her left hand instead. He looked confused for a moment but brushed it off. "Okay. So I'm kind of nervous about this, and I just want you to know even if you say no, I'm still going to love you." He stated. Mitchie nodded, trying not to laugh. Why would she say no? He was Shane freaking Grey! "I was wondering..." He began, and Mitchie tilted her head to the side. This was not how she had pictured him beginning his heartfelt proposal. Oh well. He'd work up to it.

"I was wondering if...well you know how you're working on your new album?" He asked, and she nodded, very confused. She didn't know what this had to do with marriage, but maybe he was stalling because he was nervous. "Well, Connect 3 is going on tour again soon..." Mitchie smiled, encouraging him. "And we thought maybe you could open for us, promoting your album." Shane finished. Mitchie choked on her water, blinking a few times.

"You want me to come on tour with you? As your opening act?" She asked, dumbfounded. Shane nodded. Mitchie closed her eyes, willing herself not to cry. "That sounds...great Shane." She stated, giving him an excellent forced smile. His whole face lit up and he leaned across the table to kiss her happily. She couldn't move and Shane pulled away. "I'm sorry, everything is just really overwhelming right now. Can you take me home?" Her voice was tight, and she kept blinking back tears. Shane nodded, signaling for the check. He paid quickly and rose to take her hand.

"Are you okay?" He asked, examining her closely. She nodded as they left. The limo was still in the same place and Shane held the door open for her. The ride home was silent, Mitchie curled against Shane, breathing slowly to calm herself down.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled, kissing him softly and going up the stairs to her apartment. Shane sat back in the limo, very confused. She hadn't been nearly as excited as he had hoped.

Mitchie stormed into her apartment, slamming the door shut. "What the hell was that!" She screamed, stomping around the living room. Turning on her heel she grabbed the phone and dialed an all too familiar number.

Caitlyn flipped on the light, yawning. Nate sat up next to her and watched as she grabbed the phone. "Hello?" She mumbled, yawning again.

Mitchie had flung herself into her couch. "It's Mitchie. Shane is so stupid!" She announced, kicking her heels off and curling her feet under herself.

Caitlyn groaned. "What did he do this time?" She asked, giving Nate a look that clearly said it would be a while before either of them got back to sleep. Mitchie shrieked in frustration.

"Well, for starters, when we got in the limo, he told me it was a big night. He also said he had a proposal of sorts for me." Caitlyn squealed, clutching the phone tightly to her ear.

"He asked you to marry him?" She screamed and Nate raised one eyebrow. Mitchie shook her head, before realizing her friend couldn't see her.

"No. He asked me to consider being the opening act on Connect 3's new tour!" Mitchie yelled, standing up again. Caitlyn stared at the phone in horror. "I mean, what the hell is that? We've been dating for 7 years now! You'd think he'd be ready to marry me!"

"Mitchie, I don't know. I mean, Nate and I dated for 2 years before we got married. Seriously, Shane should know by now you guys are perfect for each other. I don't know what to tell you." Caitlyn admitted. "Do you want to talk to Nate?" He shook his head, eyes wide, groaning silently as his wife passed him the phone.

"Hey Mitchie." He sighed. "Look, I can talk to him, but I don't know either. Maybe he thinks you guys are practically married already that he doesn't see the point."

"Don't talk to him. I think I have a plan. We're still meeting in the recording studio tomorrow right? To work on my album that I'm apparently debuting as your opening act?" Mitchie asked, sighing.

Nate shrugged. "I guess so. I mean, that's what Shane told me." Mitchie sighed once more, burying her face in a throw pillow.

"Okay. I've got a long night ahead of me. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Sorry for waking you up." She apologized, clicking the phone off. Caitlyn and Nate looked at each other and groaned.

"Your friend is an idiot." Caitlyn declared, kissing her husband gently before shutting the light off and snuggling back down under the blankets. Nate rolled his eyes in the darkness.

"That's not exactly news to me babe."

Mitchie sat cross-legged on her bed, notebook in her lap. Humming to herself, she scribbled something down, sat back and looked at it. "Yes." She cheered softly, pumping her fist. This would send the right message. Her cell phone rang. She glanced at it. The display read 'Rock star Boyfriend' and she laughed. He had changed his name in her phone; again. She stopped laughing, remembering she was frustrated at him. Picking it up slowly, she flipped it open. "Hello?" Her voice was neutral.

Shane paused. Hadn't she checked the display? "Hey baby, it's me." He offered, grinning though he knew she couldn't see. Mitchie bit her lip.

"Oh hey." Shane stared at his phone. Was she sick? "I was actually about to go to sleep." She faked a yawn. Shane rolled his eyes.

"Oh okay. I just wanted to tell you I love you. And that you make me really happy." He added, and Mitchie sighed happily.

"Right back atcha pop star." She teased. "Goodnight." She shut the phone and buried her face in a pillow, screaming loudly. "If he really loved me, and knew I made him really happy, why hasn't he asked me to marry him?" She shrieked, tears starting to form.

Shane sat on the other line, staring at the phone. She had hung up on him. "Maybe she's packing for the tour," he thought dumbly.

Mitchie danced down the steps to the limo where she knew Shane sat waiting for her. She flung open the door and launched herself at him. "Good morning." She squealed, kissing him passionately. Shane eagerly returned the kiss, pulling her onto his lap and running his hands over her body. Caitlyn and Nate sat on the other side of the limo, watching, only slightly horrified.

"I thought she was mad at him." Nate muttered through the corner of his mouth. Caitlyn nodded, wrinkling her nose in distaste.

"I thought she was too." She whispered as the couple continued to make out on the seat of the limo. Jason glanced up from his book.

"Oh. Mitchie's here." He smiled, and quickly pulled his book back over his eyes. "And Shane knows this too." He groaned, sliding down in his seat. Mitchie pulled away breathlessly, grinning stupidly at her boyfriend.

"Did I mention it was a good morning?" She asked softly, fixing her hair. Shane nodded, wincing as he shifted. He loved Mitchie, but not so much the effect she had on him. It was times like these he hated his purity ring.

Mitchie turned to climb off his lap. "Nuh uh." Shane chided, pulling her back so she sat nestled against him. She turned over her shoulder to look at him, smirking. "It's your fault." He hissed, glaring at her playfully. "So you get to be my cover-up. Quite literally." Mitchie rolled her eyes and pressed herself down into him. "Mitchie, don't you dare." He groaned quietly into her hair.

Caitlyn and Nate hadn't noticed; they were both working at something on a shared laptop. Jason was reading again, ignoring the couple. "I can't wait for you to hear this song." Mitchie whispered, leaning her head back against Shane's shoulder. "I wrote it last night."

Caitlyn pulled Mitchie aside. "Girl, I know you're trying to make a point, but let's try to be subtle with this song, okay?" Mitchie grinned.

"Caitlyn, have those boys ever known us to be subtle?" She asked rhetorically. "No. They haven't." Mitchie answered herself, opening the door to the studio and stepping through. "Let's do this!" She announced happily, greeting her manager.

Moments later, she was set up behind the glass. Caitlyn had taken her place in the sound booth, ready. Shane, Nate and Jason stood at the back of the room. Mitchie smiled eagerly.

"I'm tuggin' at my hair
I'm pullin' at my clothes
I'm tryin' to keep my cool
I know it shows

Mitchie held the headphones to one ear, singing with a smile across her face.

I'm staring at my feet
My cheeks are turning red
And i'm searching for the words inside my head

Cuz I'm feeling nervous
Tryin' to be so perfect
'Cause I know you're worth it, you're worth it

Jason elbowed Shane with a grin. Shane gave him a dirty look and mouthed something indistinguishable.


If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I want to blow you--away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight?
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down--on one knee
Marry me today
Guess I'm wishing my life away
With these things I'll never say

Shane blinked a few times. This was why she was so upset last night, he realized. He instantly went into planning mode. He had a lot of ground to make up.

It don't do me any good it's just a waste of time
What use is it to you what's on my mind?
If it ain't comin' out, we're not going anywhere
So why can't I just tell you that I care?

'Cause I'm feeling nervous
Tryin' to be so perfect
'Cause I know you're worth it, you're worth it

If I could say what I wanna say
I'd say I want to blow you--away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight?
If I could see what I wanna see
I want to see you go down--on one knee
Marry me today
Guess I'm wishing my life away
With these things I'll never say

(What is)What's wrong with my tongue?
These words keep slipping away
I stutter I stumble like I've got nothing to say

'Cause I'm feeling nervous
Trying to be so perfect
'Cause I know you're worth it, you're worth it, you're worth it

Nate glanced at Caitlyn in the sound booth. She gave him a thumbs up. He nudged his head at Shane and nodded. "It's so working." He mouthed, smiling.

I guess I'm wishing my life away
With these things I'll never say

If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I want to blow you--away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight?
If I could see what I want to see
I want to see you go down--on one knee
Marry me today
Guess I'm wishing my life away
With these things I'll never say

These things I'll never say..."

"I love you." Mitchie mouthed, wiping away a tear and smiling at Shane. He stood there, stupefied. He had no idea that Mitchie wanted to marry him. He bent down to Nate, whispering something in his ear. Nate looked confused, then nodded, grinning.

"Good luck man." Nate offered, stepping out and pulling out his cellphone. Shane nodded, and stepped through the glass door.

"Hey." He whispered, holding Mitchie close. She rested her head on his chest, sniffling slightly. "I have a surprise for you." He told her, taking her hand and leading her back to the other room. "Caitlyn, are you okay if she leaves?" He asked. She nodded, smiling softly.

"Where are we going Shane?" Mitchie asked, tugging at his hand. He smiled down at her, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"It's a surprise." He said in a teasingly stern voice. Glancing around the studio lobby, he scooped her into his arms and out to where the limo waited. Opening the door and setting her down, he climbed in after her. "I love you. Now I'm going to blindfold you, and you need to at least try and sleep." He told her. Mitchie rolled her eyes and nodded.

"I'm not even going to protest because it would be pointless." She sighed, not moving as Shane tied a bright yellow blindfold over her eyes.

"How many fingers?" He asked, waving three fingers in front of her eyes. She shrugged. "Good." He kissed her slowly, splaying one hand against her back as he lowered her down so she was laying on the seat. Her hands played at the back of his neck as he continued to tease her mouth.

"Shane..." She moaned, biting her lip as he slid his hands up over her body, resting just below her breasts. He kissed her neck softly. Mitchie tipped her head back, giving him more access. "We can just take off that purity ring and pretend it didn't happen." She offered, her voice thick with emotion. Shane laughed.

"As great as that sounds, we're going to do this right." He whispered, laying down beside her and closing his eyes. "Go to sleep pop star."

Hours later, he picked up his head. "Mitchie, honey, we're here." She shifted slightly. "Wake up pop star." He whispered, connecting their mouths once more. She sat up.

"Does this mean I can take off this blindfold?" She tugged at it impatiently. Shane laughed, batting away her hands.

"No, just a little bit longer, you'll be fine. Besides, you make it look so good." He added, grinning. "Come on, I'm going to carry you." He helped her out of the limo and scooped her up bridal style. He glanced up at the sign overhead. "Welcome home baby." He said quietly. Walking slowly towards the lake he glanced around. Technically, they were trespassing.

Brown looked through the window. Smiling to himself, he waved at Shane, who nodded happily. He gestured to the lake with a questioning look. Brown nodded, giving him a thumbs up.

Shane approached the canoes tentatively. "I'm going to set you down now. Don't move." He whispered in Mitchie's ear. She nodded, resigned to whatever he had planned. Shane quickly placed her down in a canoe, untying it and joining her. Mitchie shifted uneasily.

"Where are we?" She asked, grabbing Shane's hand. He laughed, grabbing the paddles and pushing off from the shore.

"Don't you worry." He chuckled, waiting until they were a ways out from shore. He leaned forward carefully, not wanting them to flip. Quietly, he untied the blindfold, letting it fall away from her eyes.

Mitchie blinked a few times. "Shane...are we..." He nodded silently. Mitchie screamed, hugging him tightly. He had taken her back to Camp Rock, where they had first met; first kissed; and first gotten together. And even better, he had gotten her here a few minutes before sunset.

She stood up carefully, facing the lake. Shane stood behind her, his hands linked over her stomach, letting her rest against him. Sighing happily, he buried his face in her hair, breathing deeply. "I love you." He whispered. She turned and beamed up at him; her eyes sparkling brightly.

"I love you too." She breathed, turning back to watch the sky. Shane removed one hand and reached into his pocket. He had this sitting in a box on his dresser since he had gotten home from Camp Rock all those years ago. Flipping it open, he pulled the ring inside from its casing and held it carefully. Wrapping his arms around her again, he quietly slid the ring onto her left hand and dropped to one knee. Mitchie turned, feeling his absence.

Shane smiled up at her, taking both her hands in his.

"Marry me?"

Ahhh. Smitchie. So much fun to write. I might do a follow up to this, just the wedding scene and possibly the honeymoon. Thoughts? The song is "Things I'll Never Say" by Avril Lavigne.