32 Productions Presents…

32 Productions Presents…

A Teen Titan Fan FictionThe Teen Titans in…

"Seeing Red"

Chapter Five

Lab Center

After thrashing hordes of drones to get there, the Titans (and Hellboy) all converged to the main section of the lab. …yes, I'm rushing to the end. See, I came up with a beginning and an end to this story and I just kind of work the middle along as I go…and I got nothing for this part, so I'm going to the climax. The grand finale. Herman Von Klempt watched from his booth high above as the Titans entered the room. When Hellboy followed suit, he noticeably began to react.

Herman: YOU!

Hellboy sighed, shrugging.

Hellboy: Yep. Me.

Herman: Why?! Why is it ALWAYS you?!

Hellboy: Guess you're just unlucky, Hermie.

Herman: NO! It is YOU that is unlucky! Get them!

Brutus barreled into the room, howling and grunting the way enraged apes do.

Beast Boy: Dude…that's nasty…

Herman: Ah…I see you brought me my other specimen. Well, Creature, it seems I owe you a small bit of thanks.

Hellboy: You won't be thanking me after ten minutes of hearing him talk.

Beast Boy: Dude, what the hell? What I do?

Pantha followed Brutus, but without the enraged growling. She had no reason to be angry. Raven gaped.

Raven: Oh Azar above, that's Pantha!

Robin: WHAT?!

Pantha was no longer the muscular Hispanic girl they knew. What stood before them now was a lithe feline creature covered in brown fur.

Hellboy: I take it that ain't the way she looked the last time you saw her.

Terra: No…she used to be a masked wrestler.

Hellboy: …okay, now I KNOW you're sting me.

Hellboy didn't hear the answer as the huge metal fist of Brutus slammed into him. He bounced hard off the steel wall before trying to climb to his feet. Pantha attacked the Titans, preventing them from helping Hellboy as Brutus picked him up.

Hellboy: Aw, crap…!

The Titans weren't sure what to do with her. Pantha fought them without holding back, not knowing them. At the same time, however, she wasn't angry with them like Brutus was. She had no true loyalty to Klempt. She just…didn't know what else to do. To complicate matters further, more soldiers began to file into the room.

Cyborg: Aw, c'mon! Can't we catch a break?!

Shade: It could be worse. We could be Hellboy.

Hellboy's head was slammed against the metal wall three times before he was tossed across the room.

Hellboy: …I hate monkeys…

Pantha felt a slight pang as she jumped at Cyborg, slashing at him with her claws. Like a situation such as this had occurred before. Still, there were no memories, so she dismissed it.

Raven: Damn it! If I could get some cover, I could try to bring her mind back into control, but these guys won't leave us alone!

Robin: Don't worry…back-up is coming.

Cyborg: Back-up? What the hell do you mean by…?

There was a thunderous crash as a hole formed in the ceiling. Red Star blasted a group of the soldiers into nothingness.

Red Star: Where is she?! Where is Pantha?

Pantha froze, looking up at Red Star and tilting her head.

Pantha: L…eon?

Her head felt strange. Emotions washed over her. Raven saw her chance.

Raven: Red Star, keep them off me! I'm going to save Pantha!

A little confused, Red Star attacked the remaining soldiers with the others as Hellboy started pounding on Brutus with his stone fist. Raven sent her soul self out and it engulfed Pantha who struggled at first.

Raven: Pantha! Pantha, do you recognize my voice?

Pantha: No…yes…I don't know. Who are you?

Raven: I'll show you…

Raven began to trigger emotions in Pantha's mind that prompted certain memories to certain memories to return. The Titans…Red Star…but most importantly…her kidnapping. Raven pulled her soul self back as Pantha turned and pointed at Klempt's booth.

Pantha: You! You did this to me!

Klempt: What?! How…how did you…no. No matter. There are plenty more like you. I shall…

The Nazi scientist was interrupted when he was thrown out of the booth through the reinforced glass. Hellboy leaned down, peering after him.

Hellboy: Just thought I'd come on up and tell ya you're down another monkey, Hermie.

Brutus…or what WAS Brutus laid mangled on the ground, its cybernetic parts ripped off. Herman hit the floor with a clang and Pantha pounced on him, slashing and pounding away.

Herman: (distorted) NOT AGAIN!

Finally she got to what she was looking for, ripping the container with Herman Von Klempt's head in it out of his chest.

Pantha: Gotcha!

Cyborg: Well, I'll be damned. It really is a head in a jar.

Hellboy: Told ya.

Pantha lifted the jar over her head, ready to smash it to the ground.

Robin: Pantha, what are you doing?!

Pantha: Look at me! Look what he did! I don't even know your name! I don't even know MY name! Pantha! That's all I know! He isn't getting away with it! He's NOT! Why shouldn't I smash his head into pulp?!

Starfire: Because it is not the person you are!

Pantha laughed.

Pantha: Not the person I am?! Says who? You?! I don't know you, princess!

Red Star: Pantha…please, you mustn't…

Pantha's cat like eyes widened and her arms shook.

Pantha: L…Leonid…I…I do remember you. …look what he did to me, Leonid. Look. I'm…I'm a monster.

Hellboy: Are you kidding me?

Hellboy lit a cigar, shaking his head.

Hellboy: What's so "monster" about you, huh? Take it from the guy who sands his horn nubs in the morning. You're not a monster. Being a monster ain't got nothing to do with your looks. It's how you act.

Pantha: Well…okay, but I'm ugly! I'm…I'm a freaking CAT!

Hellboy: What's wrong with cats?

Pantha looked at the head in the jar before sighing. She couldn't do it…not with Leonid watching anyway (she couldn't remember his other name).

Pantha: Whose bad guy is this?

Hellboy raised his hand.

Hellboy: Right here.

She tossed the head to him.

Pantha: You deal with it.

Hellboy: Hmm. Well, I guess you'd make a good paper weight, Hermie.

Shade cleared his throat and held his coat out to Pantha.

Pantha: …what?

Shade: …um…Pantha…you're naked.

Pantha: …I'm…OH MY GOD!

She grabbed the coat, putting it on.

Pantha: Why the hell didn't anyone SAY something?!

Beast Boy: Well…I mean, you're all furry so we don't see anything and…

Pantha: Shut up, green guy! Ugh! Perverts…

Red Star: Pantha, we should get you home…

Pantha: I…where? I don't even know where "home" is. I…I know you have another name, but I can't remember it.

Red Star: Red Star.

Pantha: …Red Star. Okay…I just…can't remember anything.

Robin: We'll help you remember, Pantha.

Pantha stared at him a moment.

Pantha: Who the f are you?

Starfire: …that could be harder then previously assumed, Robin.

Outside of the Lab

Pantha stared at the sky as if she had never seen it before. Robin sighed and turned to Red Star.

Robin: …I'm sorry we couldn't save her.

Red Star: …she is alive. That's what really counts.

Pantha: I can hear you, you know.

Pantha turned to them, smiling a little, her ears twitching.

Pantha: Good ears.

Red Star: Are you going to be alright my little snowflake?

Shade and Beast Boy began to snicker. Irritated, Raven hit their heads together.

Raven: Shut up, both of you.

Shade: How come I can't call you pet names?

Raven: How come I can't call you "Shadie"?

Shade: …fair enough…

Pantha sighed, popping her neck. Her tail twitched under the coat Shade let her borrow.

Pantha: I don't know. I need some time to think about things. Who I am…WHAT I am. …first though…I need some clothes.

Raven spotted Hellboy leaving, Herman's head in hand. She flew after him.

Raven: You don't want a ride back?

Hellboy: Nah. Why bother? One place is as good as another. 'sides, me and ol' Hermie here are going to spend some quality time. Thinking of rolling him down a hill first.

Raven: …thank you for not…you know. Ratting me on for my attempt at homicide.

Hellboy: Like I said, forget it. And if you ever do it again, I'll kick your ass. That simple.

Raven's eyes narrowed.

Raven: If the day DOES come…I won't hesitate if you actually are trying to do it.

Hellboy: …yeah. If that day comes, I wouldn't expect you to.

Hellboy continued off as Raven rejoined her friends.

Red: You will regret your weakness, Raven. I promise you that. When all you love lies dying around you, look back on this moment and despair.

Cyborg noticed the look on Raven's face.

Cyborg: Something wrong, Rae?

Raven pulled him away. She felt she just had to tell someone. Might as well be the guy she saw as a big brother of sorts. …a REALLY big brother.

Raven: Yeah…there is. I'm conflicted. The demon in me tells me something, Cy. It tells me that huge red bastard's hand is the key to destroying all we know and care for. It tells me that if I kill him while it's still attached to him, the hand will be rendered useless. It urges me to take his life before he can take all of ours. …at the same time, my human side says that I can't. I can't pass judgment on him when I was the same once. …I still could be. I had a chance to possibly save the world…and I chose not to. In all seriousness, Cyborg…did I make the right choice?

Cyborg: Raven, when you told us that you were going to be the thing that destroyed the world, did we kill you?

Raven: I'm still breathing, aren't I?

Cyborg: Exactly. And it's not JUST because you're a friend. You didn't WANT to destroy the world. …and he doesn't want to either. So until he actually tries, we don't have the right to step in and do something.

Raven was silent.

Raven: …and if that day comes and we fail?

Cyborg: We won't really be around that long to worry about it, will we? …if anything, Raven, this should be a lesson to appreciate what you got.

Raven: I do, Cyborg. I really do. …thank you. …this is where I'd hug you if I was that sort of person.

Cyborg chuckled.

Cyborg: I'll consider myself hugged.

Raven smiled softly. They rejoined the others.

Terra: Alright everybody…let's get home before some creep realizes we aren't home and blows the tower up or something.

Pantha: …if it's all the same to you, I'll just wander around for a while.

Red Star: Pantha, we are in a desert and you are…um…very furry. You could easily overheat.

Pantha: I know…but…I don't feel like riding all cramped up in a car or a plane right now.

Red Star: I could carry you…if you don't mind me doing so.

Pantha huffed, walking over to Red Star and poking his chest.

Pantha: You. Never tell. ANYONE. I did this…wait until they leave.

Robin: You two coming with us?

Pantha: Nah…my new nose can't handle the B.O. from the car and there's no way I'm going to be pent up in that ship.

Red Star: I am my own transportation, thank you.

Pantha: And tell the dog boy guy I owe him a coat…maybe one that doesn't stink so bad.

The Titans left. Grumbling a bit, Pantha pressed against Red Star.

Pantha: …well? Pick me up. I'm not going to let you armpit me all the way to Russia.

Red Star: Oh! Um…

He carefully picked Pantha up. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her. His cheeks were bright red.

Pantha: Well, hurry up. I don't want to be like this any more then…

A soft rumbling began to sound in her chest. Puzzled, she looked down at herself.

Red Star: …are you purring, Snowflake?

Pantha: …okay…so maybe I am enjoying this a little bit.

She nuzzled him.

Pantha: But if you tell, I'll break your legs.

Red Star: …fair enough.

He took off into the night. Hellboy watched them fly off before shaking his head.

Hellboy: …bunch of weirdos…


Raven sat in the back, her head resting on Shade's shoulder.

Beast Boy: Dude, what's this one do?

Cyborg: You touch one more button and I'm going to break your finger, man!

Sighing, Raven turned her head slightly. She spoke very softly, knowing Shade's ears would hear it.

Raven: Shade?

Shade: Hmm?

Raven: …tomorrow, you need to do me a favor.

Shade: Um…okay?

Raven: Train me.

Shade: …huh?

Raven lifted her head up.

Raven: I want you to train me. Well, coach me is more the proper term, I guess. I don't think I can make myself work out enough…I need someone who knows how to push themselves to the limit and beyond it. Like you.

Shade: Robin's better suited…

Raven: I want you to do it.

Shade looked at her strangely.

Shade: Why? Raven, I have no idea how hard to push you…I could hurt you.

Raven: You won't. I just want to spend time with you.

Shade: …you notice a lot of our adventures end with you saying something along those lines?

Raven: ...Shade…

Shade: What? You really do.

Raven: Let me rephrase. You're going to help me train so that I'm not a useless pile of flesh if my powers are taken from me.

Shade: …yes ma'am…

Raven returned her head to Shade's shoulder.