Breaking the Rules - Discovery

Breaking the Rules - Discovery

This idea has been killing me ever since I saw Kimmimaro on Naruto.

Title is for DeviantArt themes (link is on my profile) 50. Breaking the Rules. Now, enough ranting.

Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto

Jun and Masumi belong to me.

Breaking the Rules - Discovery


'I'm sorry…?'

'You asked, "who the hell are you?!" My name is Jun.'

The girl stared at his face for a moment, noting the clear features making his identity apparent: red markings just below the eyes and nearing his hairline and the silky, white flow of hair.

She had spent most of her time in the deserted training ground for many years now and not once did she ever catch sight of his kind nearby.

Masumi clutched her kunai at her side, not allowing any sign of fear overcome her. She knew the rules that applied to kekkai gengkai users and remembered them well. Have a weapon ready at your side and don't hesitate to strike. Her kage's exact words which she tended to follow without question.

But this boy was…harmless. If what she was taught the day she attended the academy was true, she would've been nothing but a corpse at this very moment. Or at least should have.

'You can put away your weapon, I won't hurt you.' He assured. His tone was irritatingly mocking, with a smirk present in his voice. If she weren't in her present situation, she would have thought it was sexy.

She retracted the kunai hesitantly, blue eyes remained fixed on green ones. She recognized it was her queue to say something, or anything to escape the awkward situation at hand.

'You shouldn't be here, leave now while you still can.' Surprisingly, he remained in his position.

'Not until you tell me why I'm not dead yet. You should've killed me by now. You are a ninja aren't you?' A smirk crawled to his face which she found terribly annoying.

'Being a ninja doesn't make me reckless, much to your dismay. Now either you leave now or-

'One of us dies? Sorry. Not in the mood for a fight right now. Besides, it's not like you can beat me. Heh, I've been watching you, kunoichi. Here I am thinking kiri ninja actually possessed talent.'

Before he could blink, she was already charging towards him with anger in her eyes. Not that he didn't know it was coming. He'd observed from a distance how ninja reacted to insults and the outcome wasn't pleasant.

Kunai locked with bone as she threw a kick towards his stomach, which he dodged with ease. She spun around only to find sharpened bone pointing at her throat.

'Heh, too slow kunoichi.' He whispered to himself. Before she could lay a punch on him he managed to leap backwards and disappear into a puff of smoke.

The dark haired girl squinted her eyes, before looking around to find…Jun was it?


Her heart was racing and she was breathing heavily, overwhelmed by her brief episode.

She deliberated for a moment her course of action. She could report the previous incident to ANBU who would track the Kaguya down and without demur, kill him. Although in doing so, they would've been curious why she didn't attempt to dispose of him immediately.

Either that or she could pretend their encounter never happened. She decided to stay on the safe side and chose the latter.

She hadn't thought that her first encounter with the Kaguya boy wouldn't be her last.


If there was one thing Hayashi Masumi hated the most, it was winter in Mizu no Kuni. She had crabbily trudged through the heavy snow with a scowl on her face before she arrived at the cabin she called home.

She had long forgotten the last time someone actually waited for her to return from missions or whatever it was that kept her from home. She had been living alone for a while now, and ever since the flee of Hoshigaki Kisame, things were hectic and she was needed on duty. She liked it that way, it kept her occupied. Staying at home reminded her how lonely she was, a feeling which she tried to ignore every now and then.

Just before she could slump on the worn out couch, a loud knock on the door disturbed the peace.

'Hello? Anybody home?'

'Go away Haku…' Masumi groaned, recognising the high, feminine voice she had gotten used to and anyone else would be at her door at this time of the evening.

'Masumi Chan! Zabuza San sent me to come and get you!'


She didn't know what irritated her more: Zabuza thinking he can just sending his messenger to rock up at her house every so often, or him thinking that she gives a shit about anything he says. Of course, she didn't make her hatred for him obvious. Considering his history, that'd be the last thing she'd ever do.

There were downsides to being part of ANBU, and not being able to speak your mind was one of them.

'Masumi Chan!'

'Alright I'm coming!' She yelled, before lazily making her way towards the door.

This had better be good.


A tall, lean man groggily made his way to the rural compound he resided in. His green eyes had slowly adjusted to the dim, dark hallways. Very little light was shed in the Kaguya residence, something Jun still had difficulty getting used to.

Jun noticed a built, dark man leaning on his doorway. He smiled.


'Where were you?' The man questioned harshly. Judging by immediate reaction to his presence, he had been waiting there for a while. Jun's expression turned foul.

'I was out. You can't expect me to be cooped up in here forever,'

'Somebody could've seen you; you would've been killed,'

Jun's knuckles turned white, struggling to keep his mouth shut. Clearly he wasn't in the mood to argue. He regained his composure and fixed his gaze on his superior.

'I'm touched by your concern,' he replied flatly. 'But I assure you, the chances of getting killed by one of them are highly unlikely.'

The man shot a sharp glare at him, remaining in his position for a moment before taking off down the hallway, muttering something to himself.

'That'll be the last thing you'd be thinking, boy.'


So…? How was it? I hope it's not too short. Please give me some feedback. If not, well that's probably a sign that no one's interested XD so I'll probably delete this piece of crap XD