A/N: Wow, to think that it's been two whole years since I have updated this story.. I can't apologize enough. I'll just say that I'm first off, SORRY for not updating as I should have. I am keeping up with Ben 10 but I've been more than busy with a bunch of things. After the second chapter, I've had some family business and after that, some more complications. But I'm BACK, and I'm promising to update at a fair pace. Enjoy, and thank you for all the reviews!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


"Ruptured vessels vital to blood flow, to the extent that a blood clot occurred. Not a good thing. If this keeps up, she might just collapse one day… and by 'collapse', I'm sure you know what I mean."

Both the Omnitrix yielder and the Osmosian said nothing. Both pairs of eyes were glued to the medical report the doctor was holding for Gwen Tennyson. Guilt ran through both team members. Ruptured blood vessels? Probably from the number of falls and hits she'd taken from the many missions she'd been on.

The doctor hesitated before continuing, "I'll apologize for the harsh talk. But I'm only being this way because this really is not a light situation. She's a very young girl and it'd break my heart to see her go at the young age as she is. I'm suggesting that she undergo the necessary procedures in an orderly fashion and prepare for an operation in a month's time."

Green eyes darted up, "I'm her cousin, is there really no other way? The way you're making this sound, it scares me, will it be successful?"

"It's like all procedures son. Fifty fifty chance. I'm sorry I can't offer some more optimism but the truth hurts."

Kevin looked up, "Could we just see her first?" The doctor hesitated yet again but then bowed his head and turned away to his next patient. Kevin and Ben entered the room and couldn't help but gasp.

She was alive, that was for sure. She was smiling and breathing, her breaths left a steamy mark on the mask she was wearing. On her left arm, countless needles and what not, on the right, more needles, and an IV.

Gwen smiled lightly. "Hey guys. Sorry for the scare. I'm okay now."

Ben walked over and gave his cousin a tight hug. "You scared us. You're not leaving our sights ever again. And as for missions, you're taking a break."

Gwen's eyes widened. "Why would this affect me and missions? I'll be fine after some rest. Besides, you guys can't make it without me and my mana tracking."

Her cousin's stoic expression did not change. "True, but I'm not taking any chances. I'll go get you something to drink."

After Ben left the room, Gwen turned to Kevin who was sitting silently next to her bed. "Kevin? You alright?"

He looked up. "…You know I love you right?"

Her eyes widened slightly but then gazed back with a soft expression. "Yeah. I do. And you know I feel the same towards you. Why bring that up though? Something wrong..?"

Kevin got up and hugged her, tight. "You scared me. I don't ever want you to do that again. I don't want to see you fall, get hurt, cry, none of that. I want you to be safe, always. I… want to protect you."

He kneeled down to her eye level. "Gwen, let's get married."

Gwen's mouth opened slightly as he continued, "I mean.. We don't need to get married married.. Err, I guess I'm saying.. I want you to be mine. No one else's. I want to protect you, with all this rougish charm." He smiled as he heard her chuckle.

"I don't want any flittering glittery Michael Morningstar trying to take you away, and I most definitely do not want guys at your school trying to get with you. We don't need the craziest reception but.. Gwen Levin does sound nice, don't you think?" Kevin cocked his head with his infamous smirk plastered on his face.

Gwen smiled and stared back for a few seconds before she smirked as well. "So where's my ring?"


Bet you didn't see this coming! Lots of love in this chapter but.. Don't worry my tragic-fic loving readers, there will be much angst coming VERY soon.


"I know she's part Anodite. And I also know that she's not in the greatest health as of right now."

Kevin hesitated. The cloaked figure continued, "I can take her power from her, dead or alive. Dead would save me a lot of trouble to be quite honest. But there's more that I want. Do not follow us or I'll kill her easily. I will contact you in 48 hours' time. "

And with that the figure disappeared with Gwen still unconscious in its arms.