Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight Stephenie Meyer does.
This was just a random thought I got please review thanks!
Chapter 1
Edwards's point of view
Bella and I were sitting in my room looking through the glass wall witch gave the beautiful view of moutons. "Eddie, Bellaaaaaa come down stairs" Shouted Emmet "What" I shouted back "Do you want?" But Emmet had all ready come up stairs to get us. He swiftly walked into my room and over to Bella when he lifted here up and started caring her down stairs. "Emmet put her down" I said as he continued down with Bella struggling with all her might. "Ah come on Eddie I just want to play truth or dare and you wouldn't come so I prefer carry Bella than you down stairs." I growled but he just grinned back and dumped Bella upside down on the couch. I ran vampire speed down to check she was ok .The rest of my siblings were sitting together apart from Emmet who was standing in the centre of the room. My parents had gone out so we were safe. "Good" Emmet started "Now everyone's here let's play. I'll start." He turned to Alice "Truth or dare?" Alice didn't blink before she answered, "Dare" Emmet smirked "Alice I dare you to repaint Carlisle car bright pink with 'hot stuff' written on the side.' Alice looked a little bit scared "Fine" she sniffed and stalked out to the garage. She returned a couple of minuets later said "Do you want to see it?" We all nodded and followed her to the garage. Standing in the centre was Carlisle car but it was no longer plain black it was a stunning bright pint with flowers over the wheels. Then on the back it said 'Hot stuff' in white bubble writing. Bella giggled and Emmet grinned. Alice them turned to me and said "Edward truth or dare?" I paled in it was possible as Alice was none to pull very mean Dares so I stuck to the safe option. "Truth" I said She walked back into the other room and again we all followed. "Ok Edward tell would you snogg Emmet or walk naked through the school hall?" I didn't know witch would be worse I decided with option one. "Snogg Emmet" I said everyone burst out laughing and if I could blush I would have. "Ok ok" I said dieing to change the subject "Rosalie truth or dare?" "Dare" she responded without hesitation. I thought for a second them I got it "I dare you to wear Emmets clothes and have a shower in them then walk around town saying 'it's just rained did you see it?'" "What?" She said staring at me. I just nodded she ran off to Emmets room. She came down a couple of minutes later soaking wet. We decided to run to town, as it would be faster. I sung Bella over my back and started running. I was the first there and helped Bella off my back just as the other arrived. "What took you so long?" I asked with mock innocence they all just glared at me apart from Bella how slid her small hand into mine. We all walked apart from Rosalie to a park bench where we could watch her. Alice brought out a video camera with a wicked grin. Jasper disappeared then came back with a bucket full of cold water and poured it all over Rosalie making her scream. "What?" he said, "You dried off a bit" He grinned sheepishly. And I thought Emmet was the main evil dude "Ok Rosalie go" She sniff and started walking over to strangers says "I just rained did you see it?" She managed to scare ten people and make one run away screaming! We were all in hysterics when she came back to us. "Fine I did it now lets go home" We all agreed and Bella climbed on my back and we were home in to human heartbeats. As soon as Rosalie came in she ran straight to her room and changed. She came down in a completely new outfit. "Bella" She said "Truth or dare?"