Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of that...But if i did, just think how rich i'd be!

This chapter is dedicated to my friend Lu! I LOVE YOU HUN, Thanks for the Help!

"TWO HOURS?" Ellen exclaimed at full volume for the fifth time since you had told her about Sirius' little sulk. "It's True" Lily confermed, laughing loudly at either Ellen's shock or your annoyance at repeated shouting of the same phrase right next to your ear.

"But…." She gasped, "TWO HOURS?"

"Yes" you snapped irritably, "Two hours. Just because you were to busy flirting to sit with us on the train, doesn't mean that Sirius didn't sit silent for two hours straight". She gasped at your tone, before smiling apologetically at you, knowing that she had pushed you into snapping.

"Sorry" she murmured softly, "I just can't believe that Sirius-I-think-I'm-all-that-Black actually was capable of being quiet for two minutes, never mind two hours. What snapped him out of it?"

"Take a guess" Lily laughed, resting her head on your shoulder. All three of you turned to look a couple of people down the table, to where Sirius was currently sat, before grinning in a knowing way.

"Food" you all exclaimed together, giggling like silly school girls, which arguably you were.

"What's so funny?" Elizabeth asked, sitting down beside Ellen, and looking over at you and Lily in a questioning manner.

"Where were you young lady?" you asked suddenly, as if she hadn't asked a question before, raising an eyebrow at him, "We were waiting for you to show all train ride, we thought you might of actually missed it. Where were you?" The three of you burst out laughing as a scarlet blush descended on Elizabeth's face and she dropped her gaze to her hands in an embarrassed sort of way. "Well?" you pushed, beginning to work out exactly where she was but not actually believing her luck.

"I was with Evan" she murmured softly, giggling a little as she thought about her long term boyfriend, the former captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Evan Wood.

"But I thought Evan Graduated" Lily asked, a little confused, "I was sure he had gotten all his NEWTs and wasn't held back. Why was he on the train?" Following Elizabeth's gaze, you looked up at the teachers table, only to notice Evan sat beside a young woman, probably a few years his senior.

"Flying teacher?" you asked, regarding him in a puzzled manner.

"Sort of" Elizabeth sighed softly, "The woman beside him is the new flying teacher. Her names Hooch or something. Evan was just employed as her assistant this year so she can get the hang of things". She almost spat the new teachers name in disgust, and you had a feeling that no matter how long her and Evan had been together, she still carried a bit of insecurity when it came to him being around other witches.

"Aw" Ellen sighed dreamily, "That's so sweet. Coming back here so he can see you everyday". Looking over at her, you couldn't help but laugh at her dreamy expression or Elizabeth's confused expression.

"I didn't say he took the job to be with me" Elizabeth scolded looking even more forlorn as she looked back at the teachers table where Evan was laughing with Hooch, not even noticing his girlfriends eyes on him.

"Then why did he take it?" Lily asked, seeming to be following the same line of logic that Ellen was.

"I don't know" Elizabeth sighed, resting her head against the table, "He just said it was what he was looking for, and accepted it".

"I agree with these two idiots" you told her softly, "I think that he didn't like the idea of being apart from you for almost a year, so took this job as an way to always see you". Sighing deeply, she looked up at you with a hopeful expression.

"I hope so" she murmured, "I just can't imagine my life without him, I'm just so afraid he took it because of Her". As she spat out the word, she shot a evil look at the new flying teacher, so bad that you wouldn't have been surprised if she had fallen off her chair dead that instant.

"He's not that stupid" Lily told her soothingly, "Firstly he's head over heels for you, has been since our third year remember"

"He stuttered so bad when he asked you to Hogsmeade" Ellen added, squeezing Elizebeths shoulder in a reassuring way, "He was so scared you'd say no. Not that we really helped, standing around and not letting him ask you in private".

"Exactly" agreed Lily before continuing with her list, "And Secondly, he knows he wouldn't last 5 seconds if he dared cheat on you. All of us girls, Joules and Lia included would tear him to shreds. He wouldn't dare coming back here if he was even thinking of cheating on you, especially with her".

"Agreed" you declared, pointing your finger in the air, "And anyway, she looks like a toad with very bad hair". Rolling her eyes, Elizabeth sat back up, shaking her head at your stupid insult. "Oooo but if she tried to get him, we would get her, and I know the boys would help" you continued, bouncing in your chair, "What Larks we'll have, hey Pip"

"Oh dear" sighed a quiet voice, "Pip's back" Looking over your shoulder, you noticed the last 2 of your friends, stood behind you in their yellow and black uniforms.

"MY BUMBLE BEES" you exclaimed, jumping up and hugging them, "Oh how I have missed you, fore sooth I feared I may go mad without your company". All of the girls rolled their eyes at this.

"Sure you're not already mad Kat?" Judith asked, standing on her toes so she could pat the top of your head condescendingly. Grinning the most manic grin you could muster, you titled your head to the side slightly, pulling yourself to your full height so she could no longer reach your head.

"Takes one to know one" you informed her cheekily, "Oooo guess what happened earlier?" You were bouncing again, hoping that you would be able to inform your friends before the feast began.

"What?" asked Amelia, watching you wearily, although she knew you well enough to know that she didn't have to worry about your behaviour, which was just one of your quirky traits.

"The Boys met my brothers" you informed them in the most serious tone you could before cracking up, "Lex almost had a heart attack"

"His baby sister having Male Friends?" gasped Elizabeth in a shocked tone, "What were you thinking Kat, being friends with Boys, it's shocking". Smirking at her, you stuck your tongue out.

"Gets funnier" you pointed out, "On the train Sirius was asking me about them. Seems he has forgotten everything I've told him about my family, and even forgotten who my guardians are"

"But he's met them tones of time" Amelia said, looking rather amused by the situation, "Last time I saw Lynne she was telling me what a charming boy he was and that I should encourage you to date a boy like him".

"I remember that" Joules added with a smirk, "He had been flirting with her when she picked us up from the station". Laughing at the memory, you shook your head a little, wondering why most females, Lynne included were suckers to Sirius' charms.

"We all were teasing him about forgetting" you continued after you had all calmed your laughter a little, "He had a drama queen fit, and…"

"Didn't talk for two hours" Ellen finished, seeming to once again be shocked by the fact, "Not that I was there, and if it wasn't for those two and James and Remus all telling me the same thing, I'd say it was bull"

"I still say it's bull" Judith informed you bluntly, before looking down at Sirius, who was now watching your group warily.

"Could every please take a seat at their respective house table" a loud voice instructed before any of you could think of a response to give Judith. Almost reluctantly both Amelia and Judith walked away, sitting down amongst their house mates and starting up a quiet conversation with them. Turning back to your other friends, you sighed deeply.

"Another year" you mused, "I always love the Welcome Feast and seeing all the little midgets being sorted. I can't believe this will be the last time".

"Stop calling them Midgets" Lily ordered firmly, looking annoyed that her lectures of the last few years about the naming of first years still hadn't sunk in, "You were once that small after all"

"I was never that small" you responded instantly, used to this line of reasoning, "I would rather Die than be that small"

"That can be arranged" she muttered under her breath with a roll of the eyes.

"I can't believe they're cutting the number of Hogsmeade visits" Ellen wailed dramatically, throwing herself down on her bed and promptly beating up her pillow as if it had something to do with the cancelled trips.

"We'll have dances though" Elizabeth supplied, trying to ease her friends tantrum, "That should be fun".

"You're only saying that cause you want to dance with Evan" Ellen moaned back, "I won't have anyone to dance with, I'll just have to sit at the side all night and be a total loser". Sighing deeply, you looked at Lily in despair. You weren't exactly thrilled by the idea of Hogsmeade visits being cut, or having dances to replace them, but Ellen was just being stupid.

"Remind me how many boys asked you out last year?" Lily asked in a firm tone, fixing Ellen with a stare which meant business. You knew that she was probably tired and her temper was getting worn thin by your hyperactiveness, James Attention seeking, and Ellen's tantrums, but were a bit afraid of getting the famous head girl temper turned on you.

"42" Ellen sighed, rolling over and meeting Lily's eyes, an apologetic gleam in them, "and another 4 this evening, not that any of them were at all interesting". Sniggering a little, you began rummaging through your trunk, hunting for the scarlet ball which were your favourite pyjamas.

"Do you really think you'd be alone at a dance?" Lily asked softly, "Put that down Kat". Looking up from your trunk, you dropped the chocolate bar you had just found in a guilty manner. "You have had quite enough sugar this evening" she informed you strictly, "Go and have a shower and go to bed". Getting up, you grabbed your night clothes, tucking the chocolate within them. "Give me it" she snapped holding out her hand, looking at her you tried to look confused, "Don't play stupid, give me the bar which you put in your PJ's now". Groaning, you handed it other, muttering about evil red heads ruining everything. "I'll return it in the morning" she told you softly, giggling a little at your petulant attitude.

"Honestly Kat" laughed Ellen, "You're as bad as Black with your amateur dramatics. At least he has the excuse of being a ill bred brat, you don't even have that as a defence". Sticking out your tongue at her, you closed the bathroom door. A second later you heard your three friends distinctive laughter at your childishness.

"Poopsickles" you yelled at them, stamping your feet in annoyance. You already knew that your childish episodes were very similar to Sirius', but that was because you had taught each other all you knew on being big babies. He was also the only one of your friends who had discovered the truth about your feelings towards a certain bookworm, who always seemed so alouth these last few years whenever you tried to talk to him. If Lily was your best female friend, then Sirius was your best male. When he could be bothered to think, he probably knew as much about you as Lily did, more in some aspects, but no matter your friends teasing, you knew neither of you would ever date the other. It would be like dating your brother, and you already knew he had feelings for another of your combined friends.

Yawning deeply, you managed to catch yourself before you fell asleep in your cereal. Why the school day had to start so early in the morning you'd never know. In your fourth year you had written a rather long essay on why lessons should start at 11 and then finish at 5. You had thought it all out fully, including when meals should be, and why this would be a benefit to all the students. Proffessor Dumbledore had even read it, and informed you that he felt exactly the same as you, but all the other teachers were stick in the mud's, liking to obey tradition which said classes started at 9 and finished at 3. So here you were at 7.30am, being forced to eat and socialize, when all you wanted was an extra hour or two in bed. The thing which made it even more unbearable was how upbeat and awake Lily currently was. So was sat there, talking at you, and happily eating some toast. How she could even be half as awake as she was, was a mystery to you. Half heartedly you lifted a spoonful of soggy mush to your lips, managing to spill half of it down your front without realizing.

"How is she still asleep?" Ellen asked with a giggle, leaning her head on Elizabeth's shoulder, "She was asleep before us, and woke up after us, yet she is still dead to the world"

"She's a lazy bitch" Lily stated matter of factly, "And I know you're not listening to me Maxwell". Lifting another spoonful of mush, you didn't even notice that none of it reached your mouth. There was a roar of laughter from your little group.

"What?" you asked, raising your half closed eyes from the table and looking around at them all, "When did you two get here?" Judith and Amelia both shook their heads in amusement at you.

"10 minutes ago" Judith informed you, patting your arm lightly from across the table, "You said hello to us and then said Lily had made you leave the warm heaven". Crossing your eyes, you tried to think back, but quickly gave up with a large yawn. Rubbing your eyes a little you smiled tiredly before going for a head first dive into the table.

"Amen to that" yawned Sirius, from down the table, not even laughing at your breakfast soaked face. Sitting back up, a lot more alert now you were covered in ice cold milk, you smirked at him.

"Should be a law against getting up before 10" you joked with him, downing a mug of black coffee Lily had just placed in front of you, "How we're meant to learn anything at this time, I'll never know".

"Like you learn anything anyway" Lily muttered darkly, before shooting you a innocent grin. "Oh hi Remus" she suddenly greeted, looking at the boy entering the Great Hall, seeming very glad of a distraction.

"Hi" he greeted happily, sitting down and staring at you, "Do you realize you have a bit of food….well everywhere?". Smirking at him, you rolled you eyes dramatically, trying to fight the urge to wipe your face.

"It's all Sirius' fault" you stated, "His yawning sent me to sleep in my breakfast. Then again if Lily had been a true friend, she'd of moved it so I didn't almost drown in it". Sending her a mock glare you sighed, grabbing a napkin and beginning to clean off the mush.

"Still the wonderful morning person I see" he joked, before turning to his breakfast and timetable. It was rare for Remus to have these talkative moments when it came to you, so you were always thankful when you had them. He was fine with talking as part of a group, but when it came to one on one with you, he seemed to shy away.

"Aren't I always" you giggled, trying to not feel your heart drop as he once again shied away from you. Although you always pitied Lily with how persistent James had been when he realized he had feelings for her, you just wished Remus could be that way at least once in a while when it came to you. It was obvious how he felt towards you, and you were always catching him staring longingly at you when he fought no one was watching, but still he never acted on his feelings. When you had first noticed his attention you weren't sure what you felt, but as the years passed you knew you returned his feelings.

"Just ask him out" whispered Lily's voice from beside you, noticing where your eyes and mind had wandered, "He's never going to get the balls to do it, so it's up to you". Sighing deeply, you turned back to your breakfast, managing to swallow a slice of toast before Breakfast came to an end. Dragging yourself out of your seat, you followed Elizabeth, Ellen, Judith and Amelia out of the Great Hall, your head resting on Lily's shoulder.

"So what you guys got first?" James bubbly voice asked a second before you found yourself being pushed away from Lily's side and James taking your place, kissing her lightly on the cheek when she looked on the verge of telling him of for pushing you. Muttering under your breath, you dropped back, a plan beginning to form in your sleepy mind.

"Don't!" hissed Remus, seemingly reading your mind. Sending him a mischievous grin, you put your plan into action. Running as fast as you could, you pounced, locking your legs around James' waist and your arms around his neck.

"Wha" he squealed in an oddly feminine manner, struggling to dislodge you from his back with no success.

"You won't shift her Prongs" Remus chuckled, coming up beside the pair of you, "No one ever can when she decides she wants a piggy back ride". Thanks to Remus' words, James finally fell still, muttering something about lazy blondes.

"Defence time" you yawned deeply, risking letting go with one hand to pat him on the head, "Giddy up Horsie".

"OOOOOO" the over excited tones of Sirius suddenly echoed through the hallway, "PILE ON".

"NO!!" screeched James a second to late. A pile of tangled limbs were all that remained of your piggy back ride. Laughing loudly, you pushed Sirius from on top of you, managing to elbow James in the face as you did.

"Great lump" you teased, "Are you trying to crush me? I'm only delicate". Snorting, Sirius and James both managed to stand, pulling you to your feet as well.

"Did you just describe yourself as Delicate Kat?" giggled a fellow Seventh year Ravenclaw who had been watching your antics, "I doubt you've ever been delicate, next thing you'll be saying is that your weak or sensitive". There was a general round of laughter at this from everyone watching.

"Jello Tegan" you greeted, pretending to have not heard her previous comment, "Fancy seeing you here! Anyone would think we shared the next class!". Rolling her eyes, she laughed at you, before walking down the hall and into the Defence against the Dark Arts class room along with two of her friends, all joking about you, James and Sirius.

"Have you finished?" Lily asked softly, smiling at the three of you, "Because we're going to be late Kat". Grinning at her, you picked up your bag, before realizing what she had said.

"Aren't you two in Defence?" you asked, tilting your head a little, "I thought you had taken it for NEWT". Thinking back to the previous year you tried to remember if they had been in Defence Against the Dark Arts with you.

"They've broken it into Sets remember?" Sirius chuckled, ruffling your hair, "Dumbledore told us last night". James laughed along with Sirius, shaking his head at your air headedness.

"Why?" you asked, still confused and wondering why you had missed this little announcement.

"The original class was to large, and the new teacher is more hands on than the last" Remus informed you kindly, "FYI, you were having a knife fight with Peter when they told us". Grinning, you remembered your great victory against Peter the night before.

"Thanks Remie" you beamed, "Are you with us or them?" Tilting your head, you indicated the two sniggering morons who were beside you.

"You" he blushed, looking down subconsciously, "Thank goodness".

"OYE" James interjected, but wasn't allowed to start his rant, as Lily kissed him goodbye before linking arms with you and Remus, dragging you down the corridor and into the classroom. Flopping down in your seat, you yawned deeply, wondering how you would last the morning without a nap. Resting your head on the table, you ignored Lily's orders about unpacking before the new professor arrived, just rolling over so you were facing away from her.

"KAT" she snapped in an rather peeved tone, before the door to the teachers quarters opened, cutting her off and causing all eyes to turn to it. Whatever you had expected, this wasn't it. The man stood in the doorway, surveying the classroom as you all watched him, was probably only a couple of years older than you, his attire was conservative, more than all of the other professor's put together. He looked more like someone destined to be a pencil pusher, not a teacher. Tilting your head a little you worked out that it was probably his stuffy outfit and his thick glasses which made him seem such a nerd, and would have probably be rather hot if he decided to dress differently.

"Good Morning class" he greeted in a rich American accent. Pushing a golden curl out off his face, and back into his harsh hair style, he slowly walked into the classroom. "I am Professor Lank. You shall call me Professor, Sir or Professor Lank. That is Lank, Not Rank, so don't even start thinking that you are funny for saying that. It is not funny or clever, and will lead to an instant detention, be warned". As he spoke he gave of the persona that his name had been a teasing point throughout his schooling, and you felt sorry for him. "Today we shall be looking at Werewolves" he continued, and for a second you were sure his eyes had landed on your table. A second later he had passed your table and was talking again. Yawning deeply, you rested your head back on your desk, closing your eyes slowly.

"Kat" Lily whispered, nudging you a little, "Listen". Struggling to remain conscious you cracked an eye open and smiled at her.

"I know about werewolves" you whispered back, "Probably more than he does, you know that". With that you closed your eye again and promptly fell asleep…BANG. Shooting up, you managed to over balance on your chair, landing on the floor with an undignified squeak.

"How Kind of you to join us Miss Maxwell" a caustic American accent growled from the other side of your desk, "Would you be so kind as to summarise for the class what I have just said?" Standing up slowly, you knew you were in trouble, so decided to push it to the limit. What the worse he could do after all? Give you a detention.

"Well basically, Professor Lank thanked me for waking up" you informed everyone with a cheeky smile, before turning back to the now fuming professor sending him your most innocent expression you could muster, "Oh wasn't that what you meant Sir? I am sorry".

"I would of thought that you would of had more sense than your parents!" he slowly growled, loud enough for everyone's curiosity to be raised whilst allowing them all to hear his words, "If it had been me, I would have wanted to know how to defend myself against the monsters which killed them". His lip curled as he saw your face freeze in shook. You were sure that no one other than your family, friends and Dumbledore had known about what had occurred to your parents when you were five. "I guess i was wrong" he spat, "You're just as stupid as they were, and will probably die in the same, if not a worse manner. Now sit down". Your body obeyed the order instantly, your eyes unfocused as his words ran through your head, bringing images you had tried to suppress with them. "Now class, as I was saying" the professor continued, stepping away from your desk, "There is very little anyone can do to defend against a werewolf attack". The class didn't start taking notes again, their eyes still flicking between you and the professor. "Isn't that true Miss Maxwell?" he continued, not even turning to look at you, his voice sounding almost kind as he kept pushing at the psychological wound he shouldn't of known about. "Poison Ivy is a good defence" he was saying, "Isn't that what your parents used to save you?". Suddenly he was in front of your again. "Well?" he hissed, pushing and pushing. Meeting his eyes, you opened and closed your mouth like a fish. Slowly your eyes began to fill with tears you didn't want him to see, and he grinned evilly at you, knowing he had won. "It seems that Miss Maxwell is unable to remember" he chuckled, moving away again, "But she was only five when they died, so is it really a surprise". Slowly a lone tear ran down your face. "Crying?" he spat from across the room, his eyes suddenly locked on you again, "I thought you couldn't remember. What is it? If you can remember then you had better answer my question". Rubbing away the tear, you locked your jaw, staring ahead and trying to block all the memories which were flooding your mind. "10 Points from Gryffindor" he spat, "Answer me, How did your parents protect you when they were torn to pieces?"

"STOP IT" bellowed Remus' voice suddenly, "JUST LEAVE HER ALONE YOU SADISTIC BASTARD". There was a collective gasp of breath at his words. Turning slowly, you finally noticed something that your own nightmares. Remus was stood, leaning against the desk and glowering at the shocked professor. "You have no right to speak to her like that" he continued, a little quieter, breathing deeply, "Just because you didn't like her disrespecting you, doesn't give you the right to bully her".

"50 points from Gryffindor for swearing" the Professor said almost calmly, "Now resume your seat Mr Lupin, unless you wish to find yourself in detention tonight". Remus twitched slightly, but didn't move.

"Will you return to teaching instead of Bullying?" Remus finally asked, looking a lot calmer that the professor had lost his obsession with you. Professor Lank regarded Remus carefully, seemingly taking him in in detail.

"You're protection of your little girlfriend is honourable" the professor finally said, "It's nice to see you both know everything about the other and accept it so readily. I must admit I am rather surprised." Remus growled at this, and you wondered what the professor could mean. Remus, along with all of your close friends knew about your parents and how you came to live with your guardian, there wasn't anything to really accept about it. But Remus' growl showed that there was. "It seems we have run out of time" Lank suddenly announced, regarding the shocked class in a off hand way, "I expect you all to write 2ft on the natural defence powers of Poison Ivy for next week. Mr Lupin, Miss Maxwell, yours shall be 4ft. Class Dismissed". There was an eerie silence as the class slowly came to terms with what had happened. Gryffindor had lost 60 points, but no one had gotten a detention.

"Are you alright?" Lily whispered, quickly shoving her stuff back into her bag, before pulling your pale form out of the classroom, by passing several questioning faces. When you were once more in the corridor, she allowed you to lean against the wall, as the tears began to fall. "How dare he say all that" Lily growled, "He has no right to bring up your past, even if you were being rather rude. That's what Detentions are for". Tuning out her rant, you looked across the hall, ignoring the questioning gazes from your class mates. Finally your eyes landed on the person you were looking for, meeting his gaze you smiled weakly.

"Thank you!" you breathed as he reached your side. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you tried to pass all your thanks through a mere hug.