Present Love and Passed Love Memories
Hi there! I'm happy to present you my first KakaHina! IDK why I started to like this pairing but I think is because the whole gap thing! Yeah, I love Kevin Jonas (The Jonas Brothers) and he's 4 years older than me! So maybe that's it!
Disclaimer: I'll just put it once on the first chap. Since I'm sick of them! Well, everybody knows I don't own Naruto and yeah… I don't make any profit out of this!
Chapter 1
Hinata Hyuga, the shyest girl you ever met. The type of girl that you know will never be mean to you. The type of girl that will blush at everything she does. The type of girl that will never ever- EVER spy on someone, but what is she doing on top of a tree trying to hide?
Ohhh my goodness!
Hinata Hyuga, the girl in love with Naruto Uzumaki. The type of girl that never even looked at her crush's eyes. The type of girl that blushed when her crush talked to her. The type of girl that never even liked to be next to her crush because she'll get embarrass, but what is he doing on her side on top of the tree and trying to hide?
"Hinata… are you ready?" Naruto asked her when he looked at her in the eyes and she just blushed.
"Y-yes…" she managed to answer and she hung her head down to hide her blush.
He put his hand on her chin and turned her head up so he can look at her. Then he started to put his head closer to hers and he pucker up his lips and kissed her in the forehead.
"For good luck!" He grinned at her as he let go off her chin and climb off the tree. When he got off, he put his arms up to the air and Hinata blushed even more.
"Jump, I'll catch you!" He called her. She blushed even more. She doesn't know what she's doing here, but she feel determine. She must do this for her sake.
She closes her eyes and before she knew it, she fell on Naruto's arms. When she opened her eyes, she looked straight to those beautiful eyes that she used to love.
"Ready?" he asked her as he carried her bridal style and she just nodded. He then stopped holding her and let her on her feet. She shyly looked at him as a second shade of read covered her face.
"A-are y-you g-going f-first….?" She couldn't help to stutter. She was really nervous as she was. She really didn't want to do this but she has to. She really wants this and her shyness is not going to stop her.
"Okay but don't get read Hinata…" He started to walk straight to the familiar small house her ones went when he was young, "You are already 20 years old and you are still shy!?" as Naruto said that, Hinata couldn't help to fell more heat coming to her face in embarrassment. She couldn't help being shy.
She only nodded.
"I'm just playing Hinata!" Naruto walked back to her, "I know you have always been like that!" she turned to him with a smile and she saw the smile she used to love.
"T-thanks N-Naruto!" she warmly smiled at him and he stopped his smile and started at her.
"You're really pretty Hinata…" as he said that in a serious tone, she blushed. "If I liked you when you told me you liked me, I'll totally would said yes… but guess it's already to late besides now I love Ino!" when he said that she happily smile at him and hugged him. Now she knew it was going to be easy telling what she feels.
"I'm ready!" this time she didn't stutter as she now was confident of herself.
Naruto realize what he did and he smiled to himself, "RIGHT! Let's do it Hinata!" he cheerfully said that and they walk up to the familiar house.
—8 years ago—
Hinata Hyuga was standing in back of a tree with tree shades of red as she saw her crush training with a raven haired boy. She was spying on him. She examined ever move her crush made as he trained with the boy. Though, she noticed that they didn't look like they were training.
"I'm better than you teme!" her crush screamed with a grin on his face as he attack the raven haired boy.
The raven haired boy smirked, "You wish!" and the raven disappeared before her crush's eyes and hers too. She quickly activated her Byakugan and saw that the raven haired suddenly appeared in back of her crush.
"I win!" he then stab her crush in the back with a kunai knife and Hinata gasped loud enough for them to hear. As they turned to were she is, she quickly hid herself before they find her.
"Who's there!?" the raven haired boy said as he throw a kunai knife to the tree were Hinata was.
Hinata closed her eyes as she showed herself.
"Hinata! What are you doing here?" Her crush said as he got up from the floor and 'urgh' as he holds his back. He was in pain.
"Naruto!" she quickly runs up to him and before she knew it, she was really close to him and turned three shades of red. Her impulses took the best of her.
The raven haired boy noticed the blushed and he smirked. "See you later dove!" he waved his hand as he said bye and Naruto turned to him.
"Bye teme!" then he turn to Hinata, "So what brings you here?" he happily asked her as she hung her head down, she was red like a tomato now.
"I-I w-wanted t-to s-see y-you t-train…" her blush turned deeper.
"Ohhh…" Naruto definitely blushed but tried to act normal, "so how was it?" he quickly asked.
When he asked her this, she totally snapped out of it. "DID HE HURT YOU!?" Naruto's eyes turned wide. I didn't know she cared about me!
"Yes!" her eyes turned wide, "but…" he cut off, "It's part of the training!" He put his hand on his back and grins at her. She totally loves his smile.
"Ohhh…" she shyly put her head down. "I-I m-must g-go n-now…" she was about to walk away but then he grabbed her arm.
"Hinata…?" she turns to look at him and blushed at the sudden skin contact, "Do you have feelings for me?" he asked her as he looked at her eyes in concern. She totally blushed at his question.
"Y-yes…" She didn't know why she said that. She commanded her mind to say no but guess her heart responded first. She wanted to let it out for the longest time and now she finally lets it out. Her face was now million shades of red.
"I'm sorry…" Naruto whispered as he turn to the left side and back at her. Tears wanted to get out of her eyes but she held them back, "I only like you as a friend…"
A tear fell form her left eye like a stream of water.
Naruto wanted to cry too, but he couldn't. He knows boys don't cry and they are tough. "Can we still be friends?" his tone was a little shaky.
Hinata instantly nodded and Naruto extended his arms to hug her. She then broke the hug as more tears fell from her eyes and left the training grounds with a sad Naruto.
Author's Note
So… what you thought on my first try!? Just throw it at me! I DON'T CARE! But of course, be nice! I want to know what you thought! Come on! Reviews make me happy and I'll surely up-date faster! COME ON! Press the 'go' bottom… I know you want to!
Ja Ne!