Author's note: Alright you guys well this is it! I have worked extremely hard on this last chapter and I really hope that you guys will be able to see that! I've enjoyed writing this story immensely! I love Lody! Thank-you so much to the people who reviewed for the last chapter: ColeSprouseFan, Lodylodylody, radda.radda, spedclass, NoBarbieDoll, Rainbow-Monster, and IHavEBOD! I absolutely loved reading your reviews! Again, thank-you to all of you who have been reading the story! Now, without further ado, chapter 3! Enjoy!
Chapter 3 (Part 1)
"Oh. Well if you mean talking to your "little boyfriend", he seems a little occupied right now." Michael replied, pointing in Cody's direction.
London turned around and looked in the direction Michael was pointing in as her eyes landed on Cody who was talking to Kelsey who was basically the hugest flirt in the entire school.
London watched the two as an unsettling feeling came to her stomach. She didn't like what she was seeing. She didn't like it at all. Her heart clenched at the sight and her jaw set. No. She did not like this.
She turned back around, facing Michael, a look of incredulous shock marring her features at what she had just seen.
"Now that I finally have your attention, I want to talk about this chump you're flirting with or going out with or……. whatever the hell it is you're doing with him!" Michael said, looking at the brunette.
While Kelsey was in the midst of another sentence, Cody found his eyes wondering over to London. She was talking to Michael.
Cody sighed angrily before chewing on the inside of his cheek. He couldn't understand why London would be talking to the guy. She was done with him; or at least Cody thought she was.
Cody downright despised the basketball player. He'd cheated on London after all! Cody thought he had to be certifiably insane to do such a thing. He didn't deserve London and he never had……Cody deserved London and he wanted to be with her so badly.
He sighed once more turning his attention back to the red head before him. He wasn't going to let himself get down in the dumps. He was talking to a beautiful girl right now she might not be the beautiful woman he wanted nor was she even in the seem league as London to Cody, but she was someone, and she didn't deserve to be ignored because he was thinking about someone else who didn't even want him.
Yeah, he was going to give this girl his utmost attention. Maybe she could actually help him get his mind off of London cause it hurt way too much to think about her and then to see her talking to Michael. It hurt way too much.
London listened, well pretended, to listen to Michael ramble on about his distaste for her flirting with other men. But her mind was in a different place entirely. Her mind was on Cody and the "bimbo" that was talking to him.
She tried to focus her attention back on Michael but that only made her angrier. She knew the guy was crazy but he was downright maniacal if he thought that she would be separated from him and yet refrain from talking to other guys. She was a free woman! He had moved on and she was going to move on too!
London looked up in Cody's direction once more. She was met by the unpleasant sight of him and Kelsey still talking. What made her angriest was that Cody was actually smiling; that plus the way that Kelsey was looking at him. She looked like a hungry lioness just waiting for the kill. No one was supposed to look at her Cody like that…….except her!
London watched as Cody laughed at something the red head had said and wondered begrudgingly what Kelsey could possibly say that would be even remotely funny. She rolled her eyes in annoyance of the entire situation.
She really did want to hurt Kelsey; I mean actually cause bodily harm to the girl. (Not a lot though….just a little) She was incredibly rude after all, moving in on Cody the way that she was. Of course they had been putting on a show earlier with all their flirting, but only they knew that, and yet still, here was Kelsey trying to move in on Cody. It made London sick.
London scoffed in disbelief of the other girl's antics as she watched her touch and squeeze Cody's muscular arms. She was, however more surprised when the girl moved her hand to Cody's stomach and caressed his abs while smiling up at him. London was fuming at the sight and it took everything she had in her not to run over there and slap the girl across the face.
Michael looked down at her, finally ceasing in his heinous ranting. He smirked at the girl's obvious immensely bothered state before following her gaze over to Cody and Kelsey.
"Uh oh. Looks like someone's moving in on your man. Tsk Tsk. I guess you just can't find any loyal guys these days." He said in mock sympathy.
London cut her eyes to the guy and swiftly slapped him across the face.
"Shut up! Just shut the hell up!" she snapped. She was completely tired of the boastful, evil, selfish guy that stood before her. "You know you have a lot of nerve telling me "you don't like me flirting with other guys." She said, mocking him. "Well tough freaking cookies! You cheated on me! I broke up with you and I'm going to flirt with whoever the hell I want to!" she exclaimed poking him in the chest. "Got it?!" she said, but she was not done with her piece yet.
Cody was oblivious to the entire interaction for he was on the other side of the huge gym.
"I don't know what kind of candy land, fantasy island;…..cartoon town it is that you live in, but this is planet earth and down here you don't have control of other people and anything they do." She said, enunciating "anything. " I'm not your girlfriend anymore Michael! Britney is! You wanted it that way now you got it that way; now get the hell out of my face!" London exclaimed heatedly.
Michael looked at the girl before him but knew better than to disobey her when she was angry like this. He slowly backed away from her, too scared to turn his back on her, before making his way back to his teammates.
London took a deep calming breath. That felt good. That had felt very good! She sighed turning her attention back to Cody who was still talking to Kelsey.
'Stupid disrespectful slut!' London thought angrily but then she watched in complete shock as Cody slowly worked his arm around Kelsey's waist.
What the hell was he doing?! London wondered. Cody had been right. This was a simple gesture that could really set someone off, and that is exactly what it did to London. She was livid. Now she was mad at both Cody and Kelsey. He had some nerve! She was, however more disappointed than anything…well let's not forget jealous.
She quickly marched over to the two, almost mirroring the way Michael had looked earlier. That darn Karma sure was something, and man it worked fast!
She stormed up to the two looking almost as angry as she felt. She had toned it down some, but both of the teenagers could see that Ms. London Tipton was not happy.
"Cody I need to talk to you!" London said, well kind of demanded, looking at him before acknowledging the other girl with an eye roll.
Cody was startled by London's sudden entrance but could tell by her angry state that it was best not to disobey or question her. He slowly and cautiously started to get up; only to be pulled back down by Kelsey. He looked between the girls, one angry and the other annoyed, looking like a deer caught in headlights.
"We're busy." Kelsey spat out to London giving her a stern look that said "go away!"
"Well go get busy with some other fool okay?! Cause I've got to talk to this one." London said before grabbing Cody's arm, pulling him up, and walking away dragging him behind her.
Once the two had reached the other side of the gym, London released Cody's arm and ran a hand through her hair in frustration.
Cody watched the petite girl with a look of bewilderment and curiosity on his face. 'What the heck had her so angry?!'
"What was that all about?" Cody asked her, referring to her rude actions from earlier. She turned around to face him completely.
"What was that all about?!" she asked incredulously, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise at his question. "I should be asking you the same question!" she scoffed. She was obviously mad at him, although Cody couldn't imagine why, but then he realized it.
London thought that something was going on between him and Kelsey. She actually thought that! Cody was in shock. Didn't she know him better than that? 'Well I guess it did kind of look like that.' He thought to himself.
Still Cody wondered how London could be so blind as to insinuate something so crazy and yet be completely oblivious to how he truly felt about her. Then another thought occurred to him. If London was bothered by him talking to Kelsey, that meant she was…….jealous. Wow. Was that really possible? 'Was it possible that London was jealous because he was flirting with another girl?' Cody thought.
"Are you talking about Kelsey?" Cody asked, putting his thoughts into words. "We were just talking!" he exclaimed, not waiting for her to answer his first question.
It was kind of true. He was just talking; besides the brief moment when he'd wrapped his arm around her waist. Kelsey was basically the one who was flirting with him.
"It looked like a whole lot more than talking Cody!" London exclaimed.
Cody looked at London, his mouth open in shock.
"You're jealous." He said, his shocked look turning into a small smile.
"Am not!" London argued stubbornly, looking away from him. "I just don't like it when people throw themselves at other people!" she exclaimed.
"Oh well what about you?! Talking to "Mr. Star Quarterback"; "Mr……. B-Ball man" what about that?!" Cody threw back and London scoffed.
"Oh I'm the one who's jealous am I?" she asked sarcastically giving Cody a pointed look.
Cody sighed in defeat.
"Whatever London! You know can we just drop it cause I don't want to argue with you right now!" Cody exclaimed in frustration.
London looked away stubbornly, still angry at the guy. Cody sighed once more.
"Look I'm sorry London; even though I don't know what I'm sorry for since you're not jealous, I'm sorry." Cody in a calmer voice and London's angry look slowly disappeared from her face but she was still silent.
"You know," Cody started, gently grabbing London's chin and turning her head so that she was facing him. She refused, however to look in his eyes and focused instead on his nose. "Your top lip quivers when you get angry……It's really cute." He told her, earning a small smile from the girl.
"There's that smile I love!" Cody grinned and London finally looked up, meeting his eyes.
"Let's walk and talk?" Cody suggested and London simply nodded shyly in response, embarrassed by her outburst from earlier. The two turned and began to walk around the gym.
They walked for a while in comfortable silence. Both were content just by being close to one another.
They both silently played the events of the gym class over in their heads. So much had happened that block. They had held hands, Cody had wrapped his arm around London's waist, he had held her in his arms, they had kissed, Cody had gotten into a brief fight with Michael over the entire ordeal, and the green monster of jealousy had decided to pay them both a visit. Wow; so much indeed had happened in that gym class.
"You're a good kisser." Cody spoke, breaking the silence.
London blushed at his words before smiling.
"Thanks" she said softly. "You're not so bad yourself." She said, bumping into him playfully.
Cody chuckled at the movement, looking down at the girl as he flashed her one of his million dollar grins that melted all the girl's hearts.
"Thanks" he replied. "It helps when you have a good partner." He whispered.
London smiled at his words, looking up into his eyes before she found her gaze landing on his lips. Oh how she wished he would kiss her again. She longed to feel his lips against hers again. She silently prayed and wished with everything that was in her that their first kiss wouldn't also be their last, and just as she finished her prayer, Kelsey's voice was heard coming from the other side of the gym.
"Cody! Oh Cody! I have something to ask you!" she called.
London rolled her eyes in annoyance of the persistent red head.
Cody sighed before motioning in Kelsey's direction.
"I better go see what she wants." He said moving to go to the other side of the gym but London reached out, grabbing his arm, and stopping him in his tracks.
"Don't go." She said, looking at him with pleading eyes. She didn't want him to talk to her because she knew that Kelsey was only going to flirt with him and she couldn't take it.
Cody looked into her brown eyes and felt himself turn into mush. He didn't want to disappoint her. He'd do anything for her, but at the same time he didn't want to be rude to Kelsey.
"Why not?" he questioned her.
London was silent as she tried to think up an excuse but was unsuccessful. Cody sighed.
"Sorry London but you don't even have a reason and I don't want to be disrespectful to Kelsey…." Cody started before London abruptly grabbed the back of his head, bringing him down to her as her lips crashed into his in a steamy kiss.
They broke apart and Cody was standing there with a dazed look on his face and a very silly grin. London smiled, thinking it was absolutely adorable.
"There's your reason." She whispered, wiping off some of her lip gloss from Cody's lips.
"Cody!" Kelsey yelled out again.
Cody immediately looked up at the girl, awoken from his temporary shock.
"Um I'm I'm gonna stay um stay here right now!" He shouted, pointing down at where he was standing as he painfully stumbled over his words. London thought it was just too cute.
He took a deep calming breath before turning back to London. She had such an effect on him.
"What was that for?" he asked softly.
"Oh so I have to have a reason now?" London asked, arching an eyebrow playfully. "I did it because I wanted to." She told him, her face now serious.
"Oh" Cody said nodding his head in understanding before moving suddenly and capturing London's lips in another hot kiss. He tried to put all his pent up feelings for London into the kiss.
They broke apart and London panted, looking at Cody with a look of utter shock on her face.
Cody smiled at the heiress's facial expression.
"Because I wanted to." Cody replied, answering London's unasked question.
Part 2
I felt that this chapter needed to be broken down into parts because it's so incredibly long!! Anyways now is the time to take a bathroom break, pop some popcorn, eat dinner, take a bath, walk the dog, rob a bank, go skydiving, get married, whatever it is you want to do! Hope you guys are enjoying it so far and here goes part 2!
He looked down at the beautiful girl before him, just staring at her and admiring her beauty. He gulped as he contemplated what he was about to do. Cody was just feeling extra confident at the moment; maybe it was due to London having just kissed him. Cody didn't know. All he knew was that so much had happened that day, during that gym class, and he just felt like maybe one more thing could happen; at lease he hoped.
He said a silent prayer before finally speaking to London who had been shocked into silence.
"Can we talk over there?" he asked her, pointing over to a relatively secluded corner.
London nodded her head.
"Sure" she whispered before she felt Cody's hand on the small of her back as he led her to the area.
The two stood leaning against the wall in silence for a while.
'I can't believe he just kissed me!" London thought to herself. Cody had kissed her, and it wasn't some act either, it was because he wanted to. She closed her eyes, wishing and praying that Cody wasn't just playing with her emotions and maybe, just maybe he did have feelings for her.
London had so much self doubt though. She didn't know how in the world it could be possible for Cody, smart; loveable Cody, to be interested in her. She just wasn't good enough for him. She was dense and often selfish, although she was trying and succeeding at getting better at that. But he could never like someone like her. She was sure of it.
Cody twiddled his fingers nervously contemplating his words. Could he really do it? Could he tell London Tipton, the London Tipton, how he truly felt about her? Could he tell her that his heart always sped up whenever she was around him? Could he tell her that when she smiled the whole entire room lit up? Could he tell her that he loved her?
He didn't know if he could. After all he was just a little boy to her right? He would always be young, innocent Cody right? He would always be the smart lame twin to her. It almost seemed completely hopeless, but still Cody felt as if he should at least try. He'd never be satisfied if he didn't even get his feelings out and on the table. Of course she could refuse him, laugh in his face even, but at least he'd know, and then maybe he could finally move on.
He took a deep breath.
"Cody" London spoke. Crap! He had taken to long. Crap!
He looked into the girl's awaiting eyes.
"Yeah?" he answered.
She looked extremely nervous and vulnerable at that moment and Cody noticed. He couldn't help but think that she looked adorable but at the same time he wondered what had her so nervous.
She bit her lip before finally replying.
"What do you think of me?" she asked him.
'Wow.' That question had completely taken Cody off guard.
"Um what do you mean?" he asked nervously, stalling for an answer.
"I mean what do you think about me?" she reiterated.
"Oh. Well um, I think a lot of things…'re nice……Very nice…and fun to be around definitely………" he said contemplating if he should go on.
"That's all you think?!" London exclaimed in disappointment before turning her back to him and thinking over his hurtful reply. She had hoped that maybe he thought more.
Cody sighed in frustration.
"Gosh I'm a spaz." He muttered before finally gathering the courage to speak.
"No that's not all that I think!" he started, talking to London's back. "I think you're great London. I mean your funny, caring, real; not to mention beautiful." He said reaching out and caressing the upper part of both London's arms with his hands. She leaned into his touch before turning around to face him.
She was met with his intense and sincere gaze.
"And I think a whole lot more…but it's way too much to mention." He told her.
His answer was so touching. He thought all that about her? London was on cloud nine right now.
"You mean it?" she asked. "You don't think I'm just a materialistic, mean, rich girl?" she asked softly.
"No!" Cody exclaimed. "I could never think that about you." He told her sincerely and she smiled, extremely happy with his answer.
'She was doing it once more.' Cody thought. Cody really believed that the room really did get brighter when London smiled. It really did. He smiled back at her.
"While we're on the subject," he started. "What do you think about me?" he asked cautiously.
She studied him closely for a moment, in thought, before finally speaking.
"I think you're great Cody. You're smart. You're one of the kindest guys I know. Your handsome and… you said there's just way to much to mention." She sighed, looking up at him.
Cody grinned hugely at London's answer.
"So you don't think of me as just a boy, a geek, or anything?!" he asked incredulously.
"Of course not!" London exclaimed. "I know you're a man Cody! You prove it every day by the things that you do. You are so mature and kind….And I like the fact that you're smart. You teach me so many things, and you're not a geek; don't ever call yourself that." London told him.
He nodded, completely blown away by what London had just said about him. He then shook his head in disbelief of it all. He couldn't believe that London thought all that about him. 'Wow'
"And you were right Cody." London sighed. "I was jealous of Kelsey…She was just all over you! She was touching you and all and it just made me so angry." London admitted.
Although Cody had suspected it or was sure of it, it was amazing to actually hear London admit her jealousy.
"Nothing happened between us London." Cody assured her. "I mean I was sort of flirting with her. But only because I was hurt because you were talking to Michael! I guess I was jealous too." He explained.
London was surprised by his reply but then bought her head down in shame.
"I'm sorry for being so rude and jealous earlier." She said softly.
"Hey it's okay." He comforted. "Besides…you're sexy as hell when you're jealous." He said looking at her with lustful eyes. He'd meant that in all honesty.
She blushed under his gaze before speaking.
"So let me get this straight." London started. "We were both jealous? Gosh what is wrong with us? Why couldn't we just admit that in the first place?!" she asked more so to herself then to him.
"Cause we were scared!" Cody answered for her. "I like you a lot London. I've had a crush on you for like ever, but I didn't know how you felt how me!' he told her.
London looked up at him in shock.
"I like you too Cody; very much. But I had no idea that you liked me." She told him.
"Yeah! Who wouldn't? " Cody asked. "And I always wondered what it would be like to go out with you, to hold you, or to kiss you and now I finally know and I just want to do it over and over again."
London mentally fanned herself at his words.
"Well you can." She told him.
"Oh thank-you!" he exclaimed before swiftly capturing her lips in a fierce, chaste kiss. He'd been wanting to do that ever since he last kissed her.
The two broke apart, both looking at each other intensely.
"So what now? Where do we go from here?" London asked in slight bewilderment.
"Well hopefully you'll let me be your boyfriend. I'm tired of seeing you on other guy's arms. I want you on my arm." He answered before kissing her again.
"I would love to be your girlfriend." London answered once they'd broken apart. Cody smiled really big before kissing London again.
"Damn you're so sexy baby." He said huskily as they broke apart. London's heart quickened at the term of endearment. She immediately liked the sound of it.
"Wait till we tell Maddie and Zack!" she said excitedly.
"Oh yeah! And I'm just going to tell everyone! The guys are going to be so jealous of me! I'm with the most beautiful woman in the world!" Cody exclaimed excited. London was very flattered as well as touched by his words. She smiled at the boyish twinkle in his eye before moving in and capturing his lips.
Cody wrapped his arms around her waist and she his neck as they kissed passionately, overcome with happiness as they did so.
"Hey break it up you bone-headed oxes! No PDA!" came the loud voice of Coach Turner.
The two reluctantly broke apart, sighing at the lost contact as well as the Coaches bad timing.
"I see ya'll doing that again and you're both going to the office!" he yelled, giving the two a stern and disgusted look before returning his attention to the basketball players.
Cody sighed, looking over at London before holding his hand out to her with a small smile on his face.
London smiled back before grabbing his hand and the two began walking around the gym again.
Wow. So much had changed in just one day, no just one block! And it had all happened in gym. London couldn't believe it. The class that she had loathed with everything in her, was the class that had led to her and Cody finally getting together. She knew one thing for sure; it was now her favorite class!
As they walked around the gym Cody's little "saying" popped into London's head. "Think of the glass as being half full instead of empty." He had sure been right about that. Out of this horrible situation called gym class, something wonderful had happened. It was true. You could always find something good in a bad situation. Cody had been the good thing in her bad. "The glass is either half empty or half full. It depends on how you look at it."
London smiled as she thought, 'My glass is all the way full.'
She gave Cody's hand a little squeeze and he looked over at her and smiled.
'Yep it was full indeed.'
Author's note: Whew it's over! I'm pretty satisfied with the final product and I hope you guys were two! You guys are probably wondering where the line "bone-headed ox" came from. Well….my gym teacher, believe it or not, actually use to call us all that! He was crazy but he was also very cool! A lot of the things I wrote about in this story are things that happened in my own gym class. Anyways just thought I'd clear that weird line up! I hope that you guys have enjoyed reading this story and please oh please review and if you can check out my other Lody and my Zaddie, "So called forbidden love"! Thanks again! Until next time!