THE FINAL CHAPTER!!!!!!!!! I would've posted this A LOT sooner, but my internet took FOREVER to cooperate. So, enjoy!


It 'as been twenty years since I last set foot in this small town. The Country Store looks the same as it did the last time I saw it. It seems like such a long time ago, it does. After takin' a breath, I approach the store and enter it. The woman at the counter is ancient. She merely glances at me, lookin' a bit taken aback by me appearance. Heh, I guess everyone I've met 'ave acted th' same way. Th' white streak on th' left always draw unwanted attention.

"Pardon me, ma'am, but may I trouble you for a moment?" I ask the old woman. She looks me over with judgmental eyes before nodding. I try me best to stay polite, "I am lookin' for the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney Todd." She studies me face.

"How do you know them, missy?" She asks, sounding like a crow. I hesitate for a brief moment.

"I'm their daughter, Bellatrix Todd." The woman continues t' study me, nodding slowly.

"Yes, I remember you from when you were a teenager. You and your family moved away to California. Your parents came back about ten years ago without you. Never really asked them what became of you. They didn't seem very chatty," The woman went on. I grow impatient, but I try not to show it.

"Can you tell me where they're living?" I ask quietly.

I walk wordlessly away from the Country Store, looking straight ahead at the small grave yard on a hill. I shouldn't be surprised, really. I figured they'd be ancient like tha' hag in th' store, but I never would've thought they'd be dead. Sighing, I make my way down the road to the grave yard. There aren't many graves, so it should be easy for me to find them. After a few minutes, I find them, side by side. I stand there fer, god knows, how long before I kneel down before th' two graves. Mother died first, according to the words on th' grave. Me heart sinks slightly when I see that she only died two months ago. I look at me father's grave t' see tha' 'e died a couple weeks after mum. I wos too late. Well, it can't be helped, I suppose. I look at me mum's grave first.

"Mum, it's been a while. Th' last time we saw each other wosn't on good terms. I was furious at yeh both," I take a breath, "Over me absence, I researched the men yeh killed. You were right about them not bein' innocent blokes. Tha' doesn't mean wot th' two of yeh did wos right, though," The wind blows around me softly. I look on as th' sun light dances on me mum's grave, "I understand, now, why you an' dad did wot yeh did. I came here to forgive you and father," I find meself smiling bitterly, "Of course, I wanted to tell yeh without you bein' dead and all, but I know you can hear me." I then look at father's grave, pulling out an old but beautiful silver razor. I unfold it an' watch it as th' sunlight dances on th' blade.

"Here's yer old razor back, dad. I could've sold it, but I didn't," I begin to dig a hole at the foot of the grave stone, "Thought ye'd want it back." When I'm satisfied with th' deepness of th' hole, I put th' razor inside and properly bury it. I then stand up an' stare at th' graves at me feet.

"I've been searchin' for yeh for five years," I say to me parents, "I should've 'ad my epiphany sooner," I add sadly. It's then that I turn and leave th' grave yard.


Th' train t' Boston was a thoughtful trip fer me. Since I 'ad left me parents, I had become bitter an' tormented, filled with confusion, anger, and loss. Now, I feel at ease. Th' best thing fer a person is t' let it all go an' to forgive. I'll never agree with wot me parents did, but I understand, now. I wish, though, tha' I wosn't so stubborn about seekin' them out. Well, wot's done is done, I suppose. Now tha' me relentless soul is at ease, perhaps I will seek out the things in life tha' I had recently ignored an' denied. Maybe I'll 'ave a family, now, seein' me own family is now dead. Life 'as been rather lonely, an' I don't want t' be alone for th' rest of me life. Life is for th' alive, yeh know. I might as well make th' best of it.

The End

Well, that's the end of it! The ending was kind of bitter-sweet, I guess. I know it's not the best, but I liked that I ended it this way. I want to thank all of my reviewers for putting up with me and my rants and I hope you all enjoyed this fic. Some stories, you never want to end. This one didn't seem to want to end!! Well, it has ended! Ha-ha! Thanks again, everyone!