Tokka Week
Tokka Week
Chapter 1: Betrothal
The wedding music, played by a group the gang once met on their travels, began as the flower girl walked down the aisle. The girl was blind, but she knew where to go, the vibrations of the music that were sent her way directed her forward. She was a symbol of pure beauty, her long black hair trailing behind her as though it was a veil itself, but a frown was upon her face. She wore a dress of gold, green, and blue, sleeveless and stretching past her ankles. The basket she was carrying supposedly held flowers, but anyone friends with the earthbender knew better. The basket truly contained small yet pain inflicting pebbles, and she was ready to toss them at anyone who got in her way. She was Toph Bei Fong, and she was crashing this wedding.
Toph, now leaning against a marble pillar of the Western Air Temple, was waiting for the wedding to start so she could do her thing when she felt the familiar vibrations of the Fire Lord. A new scheme suddenly starting building in the earthender's mind.
"Hey Scarface, get your butt over here!"
"Toph, I burnt your feet THREE YEARS AGO. You got your revenge, you can't just boss me ar-"
"Shut it princess. Now, I want you to light every flower, banner, and musical instrument in the place. You think you can do that?"
"Why should I help you destroy Sokka's wedding, Toph?"
"Well, it would piss Snoozles off, you'd get to be the old Zuko again, and Katara would be watching…" Toph grinned devilishly, knowing she had it a mark by the vibrations Zuko let off.
"Lets crash this excuse for a party!!"
And with that Zuko began his firebending rampage, feeling as he did so many years ago, when he was chasing the Avatar in the attempt to regain his honor. What he was trying to gain now was more valuable.
Everything went to flames. While everyone was distracted over the destruction of the wedding, Toph popped up behind Suki. "Mine," the earthbender said, pointing to Sokka. And with that she bent the Kyoshi warrior under the earth beneath her, never to be seen again.
Sokka ran around the main room screaming, the back of his tunic on fire. The warrior looked up, surprised to see the marble aflame.
"The roof, the roof is on fire!! Get it out, get it out!!"
"Come on Sokka! Lets GO!"
"But there's cake!!"
"There'll be a 10 foot cake at our wedding if you just GET MOVING!"
"Yumm, cake...Wait, what did you say about us getting married?"
"Uh...there'll be cake?"
Katara ignored the fact that Toph had ruined Sokka's wedding day, she could be all motherly later. The waterbender walked around the temple's room, extinguishing the fire Zuko had created. She eyed the firebender, who was watching her from afar.
"Nice firebending, hot stuff. You did a great job helping Toph."
"Oh...ah thanks." Zuko's cheeks became a light crimson, and if he were to look up from his feet, he would see that Katara's matched. "…Want to get some cake?"
The two headed towards the table where the remaining cake laid, ignoring a crying Aang in the corner of the room.
"Um, Toph? Can we stop to eat?"
"Is that all you can think about? Who do you love more: Me or your stomach?"
"Uh...let me think for a bit."
Tokka plans their wedding
"Theirs no way in hell I'm wearing a dress."
"Aw come on Toph, you'd look great!"
"You're saying I don't look great now?"
"No, uh, yes, umm..."
"I'm waiting Snoozles!"
"Gah! Ok, how about this? You wear what ever you want, dress or pants or whatever, and I get to make up the whole dinner menu, the cake and all."
"I'll give you a sample of dessert right now."
And with that, Toph leaned in and met her lips with Sokka's, causing the non-bender to swoon in his love for the earthbender.
"Tell me again what I saw in FanFace?"
Zuko and Katara double back to the reception area where the wedding was supposed to be held to check on Aang
"Do you think he's alright? He was crying when we left."
"He's the Avatar, Katara, don't worry about him so much."
"How do you think he'll respond to the fact that we're...engaged?"
Katara fingered the newly made necklace that now hung around her neck, the symbols for the fire nation and water tribe etched into the metal. Around the edges was the lining of sapphire and ruby stones.
"He needs to take it like a man. He'll find someone else."
"But Toph ran off with Sokka. Who else is there?"
Katara and Zuko walk into the reception hall, surprised to see Aang playing tonsil-tennis...with none other than...Meng!!
"Wooh, wait. I said STOP SNOOZLES!"
"What's wrong toph? I thought we were having fun."
Sokka pecked Toph's cheek as he sat up.
"Yah, well, I don't want Sweetness to have to complain about being an aunt just yet."
Sokka laughed, imagining his sisters reaction if she saw the little earthbender pregnant.
"Where did Sweetness and Sparky run off to after I crashed your wedding?"
"Actually, I have no idea, let's find out."
Toph and Sokka walk back towards the reception hall, surprised to find Zuko and Katara wrapped around each other behind one of the grand marble pillars.
"Hands!! Sister, and Jerkbender, and WATCH WHERE YOU PUT YOUR HANDS!"
"Calm down Sokka. Shesh," Toph attempted to pull Sokka away, glaring her useless eyes Zuko's way, who was lip locked with Katara. They could have at least had the decency to go somewhere Sokka couldn't find them. Toph bent the earth beneath them, still holding Sokka back, and the couple separated.
"Toph, we had a deal," Zuko growled, pissed that he was away from Katara.
"A DEAL!? What's he talking about Toph? And stay away from my SISTER!"
"Shut it, both of you! Where's Aang?" Toph sent out vibrations, and what she 'saw' made her laugh harder than she ever had.
"Cousin Toph, what are you doing here?" Meng asked, pulling away from Aang.
Toph felt like she was going to be sick.
A/N: special thanks to 4D-Hero, my motivation and inspiration for this one. i know its kinda long, but i had a lot of fun while i was writing this, so whatever
i also know that i added some zutara and...whatever you call the couple at the bottom, im not going to attempt saying it. adding those 2 couples was just to make you guys smile, specially when toph and sokka freak out
so i hope you enjoyed it. go tokka week!! more coming soon
another special thanks to anyone and everyone participating or setting up tokka week. you're awesome!
ps-hehe, i destroyed suki