Me: It has been deiced

Me: It has been deiced.

Piper: The poll?

Me: yes. I asked wither or not I should keep Topaz's ablity to transform into animals or get rid of it., People have voted in my poll and have also told me through
PM and review. The pm and reviews where 7 were for keeping it and one was change it. The poll said 3 for keeping it, one for Idk, one use it once in a while, and one for drop it completely. I never should have typed that one up.

Piper: Why?

Me: when I was checking the votes the first time and I realized someone voted that, I was crushed. I had phrased it so mean. So I typed up another option that was much nicer. The poll will be up for a little longer if you wanna have a look. Thanks for voting!

Piper: Saphire doesn't own the storm hawks but she does own the hunters.

Me: Now on with the story!


Piper sat with her eyes closed on the table her back facing the windshield and Aerrow who was staring at the lock on the steering post. He pulled out his energy blade and slashed at the lock which it bounced off of, leaving no mark.

"Aerrow you've been at the for at least an hour. Give up already." Piper exclaimed as a loud rumble of thunder was heard and the lights flickered.

"Piper, We can still turn around and out of this storm before it's too late." Aerrow replied as he got ready to us his move.

"Aerrow, we are already in the storm. There is no getting away any more." Piper replied, opening her eyes and turning to face Aerrow. Aerrow sigh and put his energy blades back.

"You're right as much as I wish you weren't." Aerrow exclaimed.

"I wish I wasn't right either but Aerrow we gotta face it." Piper exclaimed looking at him as he turned around. She stared into hid emerald eyes and silently wished she could stare into them for all eternity. Aerrow stared back into her eyes. Piper closed her eyes and she could see Aerrow's face even inside of her mind. She slowly opened her eyes and watched Aerrow Look around the room. The door swished open, making both Piper and Aerrow snap their heads toward it. Thanking there was a hunter with an ax.

"Heh heh… Boy are you two in for it." The hunter exclaimed grinning, showing his rotten teeth. Piper stood up on the Table, squaring her shoulders and holding her head up high. Aerrow pulled out his energy blades but they turned into rubber chickens.

"Oh nice." Aerrow exclaimed. Piper looked over her shoulder and saw the rubber chickens in his hands.

"We are screwed,." Piper exclaimed. Aerrow nodded and looked around the room werily. The lights flicked and with each flicker another hunter appears, until there were four in total one with an axe, one with a saw, one with drill and one with a chain saw. Piper flipped backward off the table toward Aerrow. She landed next to him and her ankle cramped, making her fall sideways away from Aerrow and toward the hunter with the chainsaw. Aerrow snatched Piper and pulled her to him and held her there.

"You okay he asked. Piper nodded.

"My ankle gave in." She replied. They both snapped there heads toward the hunter with the chainsaw as he revved it.

"Enough with the mushiness. Say your last good byes… your gonna die… hey iit rhymed." The guy with the chainsaw said as the lighted dimmed. The other hunters rolled their eyes and took a step toward the two.

"Shut up David. We got people to kill. They've survived waaay too long." The one with the axe exclaimed. Piper's eyes darted to the one with the Axe. She and Aerrow jumped to different ways as the hunter throw the Axe at the them..

"Drat! " The hunter who threw the axe groaned. Piper narrowly dodged the Chainsaw as Aerrow narrowly missed getting a drill through his head. Piper giggled as she slid right past the one with the saw and skidded right into the hunter that had held the Axe but the Axe was sitting in the wall. She wrestled with im for a few moments before dodging out of the way of the drill. Aerrow grabbed his abandoned and normal energy blades and was about to throw it when it turned into a chicken again making him growl in annoyance.

"Can't caught me." Piper teased as she bolt to the table and jumped over it as the two hunters who were coming at her crashed into each other. Piper laughed and jumped over the saw that was thrown at her but did not escape the blow to the back of the head from the hunter had once had the Axe. She fell forward and Aerrow caught her. He jumped to the side as The one with the chainsaw took a swipe.

"Are we going to have to kill them?" The one with the drill asked.

"I don't know." David whispered back. Aerrow jumped over the table to the empty side of the room and took a look at Piper.

"You okay?" He asked. Piper barely nodded. The lights flickered but remained dim as five more hunters appeared each with a chainsaw or axe.

" Let's face it Aerrow, we aren't going to live through this. There are too many. We are both weaponless, and we will tire out." Piper whispered. Aerrow nodded sadly.

" I know. Piper, there is something I want you to know." Aerrow exclaimed the hunters stood still, listening.

"Yes Aerrow?"

"Piper, you hate me for this but I don't care. Since it's bluntly obvious we're not going to live through this, I want you to know something before we die." Aerrow continued. June smiled from the shadows.

"Aerrow…" Piper whispered.

"Piper… i… I love you." Aerrow exclaimed June slapped her hand across her mouth as she tried no to squeal in delight.

"Aerrow… I love you too!" Piper exclaimed as a smile came to her face before she pressed her lips to his. June couldn't contain herself and squealed with Delight. The hunters Clapped and the lights flickered back on. Piper and Aerrow didn't notice, they were in their own world as they kissed passionately. The Bridge door swished open and Junko, Finn, Stork, and Radar all ran in.

" Hey! What's going on?" Finn asked as he looked around and saw the hunters clapping and cheering.

"Awe… look!" Junko exclaimed, pointing to Piper and Aerrow who were still in a passionate kiss completely oblivious to their surroundings. Piper and Aerrow finally broke apart for air.

"Finally!" June yelled. Piper and Aerrow jumped and looked at her. " We were starting to wonder if we were going to end up killing you two trying to get you to confess!"

"What are you talking about?" Piper asked. June sighed.

"Since ancient times, Us hunters have appeared every 5000 years, to help the Atmos's Famous together, by scaring them in confession. There have been a few occasional death by the burst of the heart, you know getting scared to death, by we have never truly gone and killed someone… expect for Dark Ace. Man had the guts to insult our Queen. Dirty little creep. I just couldn't hold back." June glared at her fist as if it were Dark Ace.

"You killed Dark Ace?" Finn asked. Piper and Aerrow turned to face the others. Piper ran toward Finn and Tackled him into a hug.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!" She squealed.

"Yeah…" Finn exclaimed.

"We locked them in their rooms. We need to scare you two enough so that you would think were merciless little being who lived for the thrill of scaring and killing. No, that is Cyclonia's Job. You two are the couple of the century. And trust me, your love will last forever. It might even save the world. But, That is for you to discover. I believe it is now our time to take our leave. Chao." June exclaimed as she and the rest of the hunters all vanished. Junko gave Piper and Aerrow a bone crushing hug.

"I knew you two would make it!" Junko exclaimed.

"Jun….ko… We.. need… Air.." Piper exclaimed. Junko let them go and smiled.

"Well… at least you two finally admitted you liked each other." Finn exclaimed. Radar scurried up to Aerrow's shoulder. Piper threw her Arms around Aerrows neck and gave him a hug, Aerrow smiled down at the girl and smiled.

"It's finally over." Aerrow exclaimed. Piper pulled away from Aerrow walked from the room to take a shower. When she came back, Her hair was it's normal color again. Everyone's hair had returned to it's normal color. She stood in the doorway of the bridge and saw Finn and Junko fooling around as Stork stirred the condor toward the nearest terra for repairs.

" I think it's time for a celibration!" Piper declared, making everyone look at her.

"What for?" Finn asked.

"For surviving silly. Some of us almost died thank you." Piper exclaimed.

"I agree with Piper." Aerrow exclaimed.

"Course you do. You love her." Finn exclaimed. " But I agree too."

"How does breakfast sound?" Piper asked.

"Waffles!" Junko exclaimed.

"Pancakes?" Stork asked.

"Bacon?" Finn asked.

"Sure. I might even make sausage. Maybe eggs too. I might even make French toast." Piper exclaimed. She walked off to the kitchen, closely followed by Aerrow. She walked into the kitchen and Started to gather the things she needed to make the meal.

"Let me help." Aerrow exclaimed. Piper turned and smiled.

"Get the flour from the pantry please? And the sugar, crystallized and confectioner please." Piper exclaimed. Aerrow opened the pantry, preparing himself for the aweful site of the talon corpse inside.

"Piper, look in here and tell me what you see." Aerrow commanded. Piper turned and stared at the normal pantry.

"I see the pantry Aerrow." Piper exclaimed.

"So the talon corpse was an illusion." Aerrow exclaimed. Piper laughed and returned to gathering ingredinates. She opened the freezer and screamed. Aerrrow rushed to her size and she started laughing as a hunter cocked his head side to side in the freezer.

"What are you doing?" Piper asked.

"Trying to scare you. I was bored. We get to stick around for a day and we don't have much to do." He exclaimed.

"Okay, just donn't try kill me." Piper exclaimed as he vanished and appeared next to her. She bent down and picked up the frozen blue berries and strawberries before grabbing the bacon.

"I won't. June would kill me otherwise. June was in charge of the whole thing. Queen Thema put her in charge. June has been scaring people together for centuries." He exclaimed.

"I have a question, do you all have dark blue skin and lilac eyes?" Piper asked.

"Yep. I gotta go. Enjoy your food." And with that the hunter vanished.

"I don't get them. "Aerrow exclaimed.

"We're not supposed to." Piper exclaimed as Aerrow walked up behind her and gave her a hug.

"Why not?"

"Because, it would ruin their mystery. Why else did we not find out what they were truly doing? It was not written out even though they have been doing this for over 50 thousand years and book after book has been written about they. It's because we are supposed to believe they are just killers so they can do their job." Piper answered.

"Now that makes scents." Aerrow exclaimed.

Me: Done. I am finally done. And I'm not jumpy, and It's late, I'll be going to bed soon.

Piper: Nice.

Me: Yawn… wow.. I'm tired. I wonder if sharky is coming back.

Piper: Why in the Atmos do you call it Sharky if it was a nightmare of a shark that could fit more then ten cruise ships in it's mouth and ate military ships?"

Me: Because it makes me feel better. I am deathly afraid of sharks. Unless they are behind glass that more then a foot thick I wont go near them. So I guess it's not deathly but still. I don't like them. Review!