Maximum Ride doesn't belong to me. It belongs to James Patterson. Only the characters I make up and this fanfic belong to me. This is just a random idea I had and I've got some stuff written. If you like FAX, check out my other stories for Maximum Ride!

Let's have a recap, shall we?

OK, I told my mom about me being pregnant. She was shocked but says she'll be here to support me and that we will figure it out together. I avoided Fang the rest of the night and the next morning. I was not ready to tell him yet. Instead of staying at home, I called a band meeting, telling them I had something serious to say. After I said I was pregnant, Boomer thought it was a joke, DoReMi remained calm and Shortie totally lost it! Picking up from there…


Definitely wasn't expecting that. My eyes grew wide.


"I'm not kidding Boomer!" Shortie screamed. Boomer frowned, putting her drumsticks back down and walking back over to the small, crying girl.

"Shortie…?" She looked at me. "What do mean you're pregnant? You and Iggy haven't…?" Now, her eyes grew wide as she shook her head violently.

"No! No! We haven't, I swear! I don't know how I am b-but…"

"But what?"

"I g-got a letter from t-the S-School…" That was definitely not expected either.

"THE SCHOOL?!" She flinched and nodded.

"Y-Yeah. I don't know how they know me but I-I got a card. It said 'Congratulations on your d-delivery' and then under that is said in b-blood "The delivery you'll be having in 9 months anyway.' It was signed f-from the School."

"And there was a pregnancy test inside?" Shortie nodded again. I sighed. "That's exactly what happened to me."

"Max, what are we going to do?" Shortie sniffed. DoReMi rubbed her back gently.

"It's OK. Boomer and I will be here for both of you. So will Josh. So will the flock." At that statement, Shortie's eyes grew wide.

"Oh no! What about Iggy?! Oh my gosh, he's going to hate me. He's going to leave me." She began crying and buried her face in her hands, shaking like a leaf. I hugged her tightly.

"No, he won't. Ig is not that kind of guy." She sniffed loudly. We all sat quietly as Shortie continued to cry. To put it simply: Everyone was REALLY confused.

"Hey guys, hate to ruin the moment, but we have company." Boomer's remark startled me and, as I turned around, my face grew pale and my palms began to sweat.

Fang was standing right outside the door.

Boomer, DoReM, and Shortie were gone.

Fang stood tense and stiff before me, glaring with his arms crossed. I didn't know how much he knew but I sure was eager to find out.

Thinking of the only way to do this without totally losing my sanity, I took out the card the School sent me from my bag and threw it at Fang's feet. I wasn't going to beg, get on my knees, and cry for him to believe me when I said it was not my fault. It was Fang. He believed what he wanted to believe.

Fang glared at the card, picked it up, and threw something at feet in return: my bag of pregnancy tests. Eyes widening and hands trembling, I grabbed them and stuffed them in my bad, blushing hard out of embarrassment and nerves.

I heard footsteps… Fang most likely walking away from me in disgust. I wasn't paying attention to anything but the floorboard my gaze was centered on. This fact made me unprepared when I was pushed to the ground roughly and kissed passionately by my dark haired, dark eyed boyfriend.

His lips moved against mine with such love and desire, my mind totally went dead. My heart sped up and my only thought was how much I loved him and wanted this kiss. His arms were wrapped tightly around me; one circled my waist, the other's hand pushing my back to bring me closer to his chest. I wrapped my own arms around his neck, hands desperately gripping his hair and stroking his face.

It seemed to last for a lifetime. I never wanted it to stop. I never wanted it to end. I never wanted to wake from that perfect reality of being with Fang forever.

Sadly, all things come to end.

His dark brown, almost black eyes, seemed to look into my very heart, mind, and soul. I love you. You know that right? He said this without words.

I nodded. Tears started to glide swiftly down my cheeks. A smooth and gentle hand wiped them away. I'm sorry. I said this with my glistening, watery eyes. I just didn't know what or how to tell you…

Kissing me softly on the nose, Fang smiled a genuine smile. It's OK, Max. I believe you 100 percent.

More tears… All wiped away by the dark angel who, for some odd and unexplainable reason, loved me. Thank you. I'm just so confused… I don't know what to do…

He nuzzled my cheek, still gazing into my eyes. We'll figure it out. Together. I promise.

I REALLY needed to stop crying. Like any second now………..............................................

Or not.

Fang… I… Blushing, I couldn't finish the statement, even if I wasn't speaking it. Just too many emotions swirling around in my little head…

You love me. I know. Fang chuckled, smiling again, and kissing my lips quickly. He laid his forehead on mine. We sat there, for who knows how long, not caring about anything but each other.

Fang just knew me inside and out... Which made this whole situation go a lot smoother than planned.

I felt a whole lot better knowing Fang would be with me through everything coming in the future. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I thought...

(hides behind a bullet proof glass shield) Please don't kill me! I have cookies, candy, and cake!

Next Time On… THIS: Shortie tells Iggy!!! (plays scary music)

I hope this chapter was OK. I haven't written this in forever so I hope it makes sense and that everyone likes it!

I will try and update when I can. Drama has cooled down now. Life is actually pretty good at the moment. I've gotten a ton of emails from ppl asking for me to update so I hope this chapter is what you hoped for. Or at least enough to keep you guys reading.

Awwwww FLUFF! Lol

Anyway, please review. I can't believe how many I've gotten over the past months. I smile every time I get a FF email saying some1 reviewed one of my stories. I finally just had to write some more so I hope you guys can stick w/ me till the end of this FF. You guys' support means the world to me.

Should I continue my other fanfics? If you haven't read them, I would appreciate if you did and told me what you think! I'll update all of them ASAP!


Firefly (aka Shorty) (aka xxthexxblackxxrosexx) =]

P.S. I am OFFICIALY… 16! =] yaaaaaay

P.P.S. I'VE GONE BETA! Check out my profile for details! Thank ya! =D