Hi again, readers! Today's chapter will be again, surrounding the Lake Trio as well as others that were in the last chapter. And again, please read my other stor(y/ies). This is the last reminder. Or at least read my author notes, even if they bore you. Lol. So, blah blah blah, let's rock and roll!

Chapter 14: Revival, and Blackmail


In a flash, the six had teleported to the Hall of Origin. One could say that that the atmosphere was slightly...different today.

Usually, when the lake trio passed by, Azelf and Uxie were usually fighting. Yet today, there was a solid difference.

The Lake Trio were awfully silent today, and one could wonder why.

No one really knew why, since they were not there when the events happened.

Since Azelf had a complete memory wipe, she didn't know anyone, and didn't know how to use her powers either. So, Uxie, since he was at fault here, agreed to carry his counterpart.

"Hm? What's wrong?" The goddess asked. It looked like she was going over some things with Giratina.

They started to explain. "Well, you see, me and Azelf got into another fight, and I accidentally opened my eyes, and...it led to...gulp this." Uxie replied, pointing towards his Willpower counterpart.

"Hmm...It doesn't look like it's something that can't be fixed. I guess I'll let this one slip by this time, since I'm in a good mood." She said.

They all brightened, and led Azelf towards Arceus, who started the regeneration/revival process. She told them to wait outside, and she'd call them when the goddess Pokemon was ready.

They all filed out of the room. "You know, Uxie, it wasn't really your fault. It was Mew and Jirachi's." His other counterpart, Mesprit attempted to cheer him up, partly glaring at the troublemaking duo all the while.

"If they hadn't done that silly prank, this wouldn't have happened." The Being of Emotion finished her pep talk and floated away, spotting Dialga and Palkia. She floated away, hoping to start a small conversation.Then, everyone's heads perked up at the sound of a scream.

"YOU IDIOTS!" screamed Celebi. She knew her two counterparts usually got into trouble, yet this was a common sight. She always chewed them out whenever they were the cause of something bad. She then proceeded to slam them to the ground, so hard that the two's heads got stuck in the ground. The forest guardian is easy to irritate.

"Jeez, everywhere we go, you two are always causing trouble." she then, to the others hope, helped them up.

That's when she spotted the Time and Space dragons.

"Hey guys, I didn't notice you there!" They all said, excluding Uxie and Mesprit, who were already conversing with them.

"Hey! I found this thing on the ground earlier when you were climbing the stairs, so we were going to return it." Palkia said. "It was also playing something weird." He finished.

The two screens the system had, which was presumably a DS, was using the background of a courtroom, and a spiky haired guy, who they later found out to be named 'Phoenix Wright' , was yelling several comments at the opposing lawyer. He even screamed "OBJECTION!" once or twice as well.

"Thanks!" Mew took the game back, and teleported it to the Tree of Beginning. "So, what brings you here?" Dialga asked, smiling kind of like Palkia, without the goofiness.

"Well, somethings led to problems and..." The five continued to explain, the other two nodding at the facts. "Heh, you've crossed the line this time Mew." The space deity joked.

"What are you talking about? He always gets in trouble!" Celebi told them.

"Well, yeah, that wouldn't be Mew if he weren't an idiot." They said. Mew was just smiling, doing loops happily in the air, completely oblivious the the insult he had just received.

"Well, you guys wanna hear a story?" Palkia questioned, directing it towards Uxie and Mesprit.

"What story?" They both asked in unison.

"You know, what happened yesterday." The five replied.

The two of the Lake Trio searched their minds. They remembered, something did happen yesterday. Something between Arceus and Giratina.

Note: Copy Pasted from chapter 9. again. I know, I'm lazy :P.


Arceus was pinning down Giratina, their lips had already met, and one could think how the FUCK could this have happened? At least they were not doing 'it'. If they did 'it', then the five legendaries that enter this Hall five minutes ago could very well have kissed their sanity goodbye.

Of course, Arceus and Giratina were in their own little, happy world, meaning they had no idea what was going on. Unbeknownst to them, five legendaries had come to visit. At the wrong time.

If you were to ask a legend how this happened, they would be like, 'No clue'. Anyone with a brain knew that Giratina LOVED Arceus. Also, anyone with a brain would know that Arceus despised Giratina. If you put these two things together, the scene in front of them would logically not be taking place. But seeing as the world does not run on logic, this could have been completely possible.

Arceus and Giratina had lost their minds, and so have the five other legendaries (Not Mew, he doesn't understand yet, But then again, Mew doesn't really use his mind.) in the room.


The two recalled that the trio was about to tell them the story before, but they were interrupted at the task at hand, which was reviving Azelf's memories.

"So, that's what happened, huh?" They were still double checking for any errors in the testimony- err...story.

"Yeah, pretty much." they finished, Palkia panting from lack of breath, seeing as he told the story.



'Where...am I?' The slowly recovering mind of the Being of Will thought.

'Huh? Arceus? Giratina? What the hell's going on?' The pale blue legendary had fully awoken, just to see Arceus and Giratina making out. Again.

She rubbed her eyes, and looked again. Yup, her sight was fine.

"A-HEM!" She cleared her breath. Nothing. Azelf snickered evilly.

"I was in serious need of blackmail material, and here it is...heheheheheheh..." she muttered to herself, taking out a ditigal camera out of nowhere, and started to take pictures.

"Hey! You know, I'm right here!" Azelf yelled when she was finished, hiding the camera behind her back with her twin tails.

"Huh Oh, how long have you been there?" They asked in unison.

"Oh, not much. I just woke up." She lied, trying her best to not break down laughing.

The two shrugged it off, and of course, they called the seven up.


"I guess we should come too, I guess." Dialga said, as she got up from her sitting position, helping up her counterpart in the process.

"Well, the more the merrier, I guess." Mesprit replied, giggling.

'A few steps later...'

"Well, that was quick, it only took...FOUR HOURS?!" Celebi yelled, surprised that so much time passed. It only seemed like half an hour.

"So, what happened while I was out?" an all to familiar voice asked. Turns out it was a success, though she was still pondering on what really had happened.

"Oh, nothing much, you didn't miss anything." It was obvious that Uxie was trying to make his Willpower counterpart forget, yet his comment was the one that unlocked the memory.

"Oh yeah, I remember..." Azelf grinned evilly, and pounced, aiming for the Being of Knowledge's neck. She got her target, though Mesprit and Celebi were desperately trying to get her to stop. "You no-good know-it-all!"

Uxie felt his world go black, probably from lack of oxygen.

Though, no one could tell because his eyes were always closed. Celebi and Mesprit finally succeeded in prying the small legendary from her counterpart.

"Oh great, he's out cold." The Being of Emotion sighed, knowing this because he would not get up.

"Well, thanks Arceus, See ya later." The Lake Trio and the Serene Trio teleported out, leaving Dialga, Palkia, Arceus, and Giratina in the Hall of Origin.

"I guess we should get going as well." Said the space and time dragons, departing.

This left the Hall void of any visitors.


When Uxie came to, they were already back at the Tree of Beginning, confirming his suspicions that all of these events today was not a horrible nightmare, but real.

"Look who's up." Said Mew, a playful grin plastered on his face.

"Hmph!" Azelf sighed negatively and just glared at him.

Everyone started to laugh for no apparent reason, and tonight would be another night to remember, just as the day before.

The legendaries could only wait and watch, for what would happen the next day, and the days to come, were yet to be decided by fate itself


Yay! Finally, an update! Some humor, here and there. Yeah, Arceus and Giratina never get old. XD. Well, this may be the final update before school starts, because I will be working on other stories, and revising the chapters in this story, so be sure to check out my story often, as it may be changed slightly. I hope you like whatever's to come! So, you guys can also PM me if you want me to write anything. Those who noticed the Phoenix Wright/Gyakuten Saiban cameo gets a cookie! Well, I've overstayed my welcome. Pikachu247, over and out!

Next Time: Days with The Gang