As much as I like other pairings more than this, the idea just hit me like a rock. And i just think Tai is more her style than Po... No offense to anyone!
The entire cast of Kung Fu Panda, the original, had been called back on to the set. It was now a few months after the film's release, and, due to its popularity, a second movie was going to be produced! Rabbits, pigs, animals of any shape and size, were running around, preparing for its recording. Po, as expected, was off getting food. Shifu was directing where to put props and Viper was still dressing. Tigress was helping set up a backdrop when a squirrel shoved a mass of papers in front of her nose. This was her script.
Immediately, the feline snatched the papers and began scanning them over. Her eyes got wide.
"WHAT!?" Tigress gasped, glaring up from her script. "You're honestly giving me this part? Do you even know me?" She snarled and rose a claw, extending it as if to threaten the squirrel. "This is an abomination!"
"It's the writer!" The squirrel managed to chirp. "He wants you to play it..."
Tigress stormed off the set, knocking a camera over and scrambling the special effects team. The furious tiger marched right up to a wolf and yelled in her face, "WHERE'S THE WRITER!?"
The wolf backed up and held her tail between her legs. "Damn Tigress, chill. He's in his camper, like normal." Tigress snorted and proceeded to march on the vehicle.
She threw open the door and jumped in. Startled, the cheetah fell out of the chair he had been snoozing in.
"I will NOT!" Tigress stated, tossing the papers down onto a nearby table.
The cheetah looked up lazily from the spot he had landed on the floor. "What seems to be the problem, eh?" He yawned and pulled himself up off the floor.
"Problem? Are you sick?" She shot back. "You don't see any problem with me, a twenty-one year old beauty, having to fall in love with a forty- three year old man, and then give it to the public? Are you on drugs?"
"Tigress, girl. This is the kind of stuff people spend good money on. You and Tai together would make a splendid piece of work!"
"Ugh! It's disgusting! I can't even fake loving him!"
"Look, you don't actually have to kiss him, we can computer edit that."
"That's not the point. I-"
"Tigress! I'll give you a raise, to balance it. Will that help some?"
She sighed, "A little…"
The writer egged on, "I'll even change some wording and scenes, just so you don't actually have to say you love him."
"That's better-"
He cut her off, "You just have to make it sound that way."
"Uhhhhhh…" She moaned. "I still don't like it."
"It was him or the panda."
"The PANDA!? It was bad enough having to respect the oaf during last film… Do not get me started on him! At least Tai has a warrior's heart; he's so muscular and bold and strong. The way he can punch through walls and easily complete quadruple backflips. He's so amazing! I… I…" She trailed off, realizing her little idolatry had escaped through her emotional bottleneck. "I… mean it'll be great to work with him on better terms than last movie."
Tigress coughed as if her throat were dry. "Well, um, I kinda, um, have to go and, uh, chat with my new, friend." She darted out the door, ashamed to have let her emotion escape through her serious, powerful image.
"Good," the writer sat back down, and leaned back in his chair. "Just as I thought." He laughed to himself a little, "True love always looks better on the set." And, folding his arms, he resumed his mid-afternoon catnap.
There, I said it... (And now the writer wants you to review it! Thanks!)