Draco walked carefully down the steps, hugging his arms tightly to himself. He sniffed and hurriedly wiped a lone tear with his long sleeve before it fell.
His cotton pants hung low on his hips as he waddled through the warm house. It was winter and a light snow fell outside, making the windows ice around the edges.
Draco's wispy white blonde hair fell into his red puffy eyes as he whipped around when he'd heard a clearing of a throat.
There, on the front porch steps, sat a hunched over red haired man. Draco's breath hitched in his throat as he fought to contain the seemingly never ending tears.
Bloody stupid hormones!
He quickly grabbed the nearest coat, which happened to be his husbands, and slid his arms through the sleeves. The coat practically swallowed his small frame, but Draco didn't mind. It smelt wonderfully of his love.
He hugged himself again and opened the front door, walking out barefoot onto the harshly cold wooden porch. Draco's clearing eyes witnessed the tense shoulders before him relax as he crouched behind the hunched body and wrapped his fluffy coat covered arms around the taller mans waist.
"You're shivering." Draco said quietly into the red ear. The bulge of his stomach didn't keep him from tightening his hold.
"I'm fine." Royal blue eyes looked into the white distance. Ron unconsciously leaned back against the warm body, but only slightly.
Draco sighed into the clean hair he loved so much. "I'm sorry I yelled."
"'Snot your fault. I shouldn't have said what I did--"
"No, don't blame yourself and don't blame it on my hormones either." Draco leaned back on the balls of his feet, rubbing the red head's shoulders. "I was completely in my right mind when I said those things. I was being a prat and for that, I'm sorry."
Ron turned, one leg bent and resting on the patio. He reached for the blonde adult and pulled him into his lap, licking his dry lips. "I'm sorry too and I've gotta say I'm surprised you even apologized this quickly." Ron smiled at his husband and leaned down to give a sweet kiss.
"But I'm glad you did. Now let's get back inside, shall we?" Ron stood with Draco in his arms easily, ignoring the half-hearted protests.
Draco huffed playfully and said as he tucked his head into the shoulder beneath him, "Could we at least cuddle then?"