

Altair sat on a ledge rather high above a plaza in Damascus wondering why he was there. There was nothing going on, nothing of importance. He should be looking for information on his target, but for reasons unknown he felt the need to perch himself precariously above this particular plaza. Down below him a town crier was ranting and raving about the Crusades, in particular about how it was all ignorance and madness.

Altair wasn't one for politics or religion. He was an assassin. The Crusades seemed to him nothing more than the petty squabbles of power-hungry men. But he couldn't help being riled by the man's words. The man was spewing idiocy, and it was even worse that he continuously repeated his sermons over and over.

"They call it a Crusade." He groaned inwardly. He hated this part. "A Crusade for what?"

Suddenly, Altair was hit with inspiration. He didn't care that it was incredibly weird, or that his actions would have dire consequences. He only knew that it was the most brilliant idea ever.

"Ignorance?" Come on, come on… "Violence?" Almost there… "Madness!"

And with that, Altair leapt off of his perch and into the air to land in front of the man. Then, with a mighty roar, he yelled, "Madness? THIS IS SPARTA!!" and stabbed the guy in the gut with his hidden blade.

With the blood of the crier on his blade, he turned 'round to look at the dazed crowd and yelled, "LEROY JENKINS!!" and with that, he sped away down an alley, cackling madly…