Title: Impeccably Dressed

Author: Gypsy Dancing Girl

Fandom: Bleach

Pairings: No pairings intended. Could be read as slight Hitsugaya/Matsumoto.

Characters: Hitsugaya Toshiro, Matsumoto Rangiku, mentions of Renji, Kira, Zaraki, Byakuya, and random human teenager.

Genres: Friendship, General.

Rating: T

Warnings: None.

Author's Notes: The first sentence popped into my brain and it turned into a drabble.

For the record, Hitsugaya-taicho thought that his lieutenant's wardrobe was frivolous, immodest, and quite possibly exceeding the freedoms granted to the higher ranked shinigami. But he was her captain and permitted to tell Matsumoto this.

There was no other male in Soul Society or the Living World allowed to suggest that his lieutenant was anything but impeccably dressed. And if any male dared to betray an approving interest in his lieutenant's costume, they soon learned that Hitsugaya Toshiro was more intimidating than any plethora of older brothers could be.

Any wayward glances could be thwarted by placing himself between the viewer and Matsumoto (his height was sufficient for that much at least), and Hitsugaya-taicho had faced down everyone from Renji and Kira to Zaraki and Byakuya. Even if Matsumoto missed the exchange, no pervert who caught eyes with the frosty captain committed a second offense in his presence . . . ever.

Hitsugaya Toshiro had a lot of practice. He had been pulling Matsumoto out of bars and other risqué situations since before he became a captain. Some days, he felt that he had struck more drunken louts than he had crushed hollows. He had defended her honor even when Matsumoto didn't feel it worth the effort. And Hitsugaya Toshiro would not stand for anyone's unauthorized romantic interest in Matsumoto.

Therefore this human teenager was going to die. Just as soon as Matsumoto let go of Toshiro . . . which was probably why she was hanging onto him in the first place. Women.

The End.