A/N: Okay, last chapter people! And everyone's a chibi! So think of adorable chibis!

"Okay! One, two, three, four—"


Credits streamed forth from a blank screen and everyone appeared looking like CLAMP style chibis. They scurried around the background to get into position till they finally stood in a long line. But their positions broke off when a new chibi came toppling down on top of Syaoran.

The chibi got off of a dazed Syaoran and turned to the camera and waved. She then held up the letter A and called out:

"A new person who decided to drop by…on Syaoran! I'm Shiki!"

Syaoran who got up also held up the letter B "Be sure to review!"

Teddy Mc. Weddy holds up the letter C "CLAMP is twisted!"

Jean holds up the letter D. "Don't forget about the clones! Syaoran is awesome!"

"You tell them!" All the Syaoran fan girls cheered as they high fived each other.

Butt Chin holds up the letter E "EVILLLLLLLLLLLL!!" Gets bonk on the head with a coconut by a certain chibi bunny rabbit and gets knocked out.

Risa-chan holds up the letter F "Fai-Fai is love! Yay, Fai!" Glomps Fai.

Ryuusei hold up the letter G "Goodness! What has CLAMP done to our brains!?"

Fai holds up the letter H "Hyuu, hyuu!" And immediately gets glomped again by the Fai fan girls.

Kurogane lazily holds up the letter I as he glares at Fai. "Idiot mage…"

Tomoyo holds up the letter K. "Kurogane is love too!"

"What?" Kurogane growls.

Watanuki holds up the letter L "Le…uh…what starts with L?"

"Lovable characters!" All the fan girls squealed as they glomped Watanuki.

TB and TRC Seishrou both hold up the letter M as they shifted over to the Subarus. "My Subaru-kun!"

Both Subarus blush.

Angel holds up the letter N "Not so important characters!" Points to Kyle and the knocked down Butt Chin as she sticks her tongue at them.

Hokuto holds up the letter O "Ohohohohohohohohoho!"

TB Subaru sighs and holds up the letter P "Please don't laugh so loudly, Hokuto-chan…"

Icy holds up the letter Q "Question my love to torture dear Kuro-puu, I torture you too!"

Grace holds up the letter R "Real Syaoran didn't appear!" pouts

Then Real Syaoran plops on top of Clone Syaoran and pushes him off. Real Syaoran scurries over next to Grace with stubby legs since he's a chibi too!

"Wait, it's my turn!" Hope proclaimed as she holds up the letter S "Subaru-kun and Syaoran-kun are awesome! Okay, now you're turn Syaoran!"

Real Syaoran nodded as he held up the letter T "Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles—"

"Is awesome!" All the fan girls sang simultaneously.

Real Syaoran blinked cutely and turned to Sakura who held up the letter U.

"Unite with the CLAMP community, please!"

"Yeah!" All the fan girls said.

TRC Subaru and Kamui both hold up the letter V "Vampire twins—"

"Are hot!" Hope cheered.

Mokona holds up the letter W "We're almost done!"

TRC Fuma holds up the letter X "X should get finish soon! Or I'm going to get out of nice smiley Fuma and turned to evil Dragon of Earth Fuma!"

Everyone steps back.

Kyle holds up the letter Y "You are all weird…"

"Weird is good!" All the fan girls proclaimed.

"And for Z…" Mokona said as everyone came together to hold up a gigantic Z. But before they could finish, all of the CLAMP fandom came scurrying over to join in. They were all chibis also and they were soon positioned in a long line. (And as in CLAMP fandom, I mean you guys who are reading this! You're in here too as chibis!)


"Z END!!"

And they all threw confetti up and the air and waved goodbye as they bounded off. Then Moko-chan peeked her head out to see the camera and waved.

"Thanks for reading! Ohohoho!"

A/N: Okay, so I put you all in the end! Well, thanks for reading, reviewing and favoriting this fic! I appreciate that very much! gives you all plushies and cookies!