Strangest Feeling


Author's note: My god, I'm such a loser for doing this, but I just had to. Oh well, just enjoy this fluffy story.


"Oh my gosh!" Yzma gasped.

Kronk immediately ran into the room. "What did I miss?" A big smile formed on his face, thinking it was good news.

Kronk stared at Yzma, who was busy stacking some papers with a huge red marking on it.

"Look at this," Yzma commanded, holding one of the papers above her head. Kronk immediately obeyed, walked towards her and looked at the paper.

Kronk raised an eyebrow, "And?" He questioned.

All Kronk saw was a kid's paper that had a giant red F on it. For support, he put his hand at the corner of the wooden table.

Yzma frowned, she looked pretty impatient right now. "Kronk," She said slowly, making sure he was listening.

Kronk took his eyes off the paper and looked at her. "Huh?"

"Don't you recognize who's paper this is?" She question with large amount of impatience.

Kronk took a moment before answering, "Ugh, no?"

Yzma sighed, "It's Kuzco's!" She screamed.

Kronk rubbed his chin, "Oh…so what does this mean then?"

Yzma felt like punching the living daylights out of him, "It means that Kuzco failed, which also means that I get to be an emperor now." She explained slowly again.

"Do you understand?" Yzma questioned him, so that she wouldn't have to explain this again in the future.

"Yes, I think…maybe…yes!" Kronk said unsureness.

Yzma sighed, she made no attempt to stress over this. Instead she smiled at the thought of being an emperor.

"So wait, your going to be an emperor?" Kronk asked, bringing her out of her thoughts.

"Yes, it does…" Kronk excitedly smiled. Without thinking twice, he gave Yzma a quick peck on her lips.

Just realizing what he did, he quickly tried to apologize. " Sorry, didn't mean to do that."

Yzma had a shocked expression on her face, she didn't say a word, which was getting Kronk more nervous.

He slowly backed towards the wooden door. "I-I'm just going to make my Spinach puffs…" He quickly ran out of the door.

Yzma brought her fingers to her lips. "That was strange…even for Kronk."


Yeah, it's short, but it's supposed to be since it's a drabble. I hoped you enjoyed this.