It was the night before the Halloween of 1978 and Michael Myers sat on the porch of his family home trying to avoid the fighting that was occurring inside.
Michael Myers was six-years-old and had a father who did nothing but sit around and abuse his mother, while his older sister Judith stayed in her bedroom with her boyfriend Steve. Through out all this he was the only one who cared about his baby sister Boo.
Michael himself had dirty brown hair, black eyes, and the temper of a wolf. It was always night time when his parents would fight so he would sit outside but not alone.
Across the street lived a woman by the name of Jessica Swan with her six-year-old daughter Elizabeth, who just happen to be Michael's best and only friend. This particular night it was cold out and poor Michael was sitting outside freezing to death. But that night he wouldn't be alone thanks to Jessica who knew that the bond between Michael and her daughter was one that no one could destroy.
She wasn't afraid of him and that surprised him. All the other kids avoided him, picked on him. He had his spot in the forest and to him that use to be enough before boo, before her. She made him feel more then anyone ever did. He knew no matter what his mother, his sister Boo, and Elizabeth were the only woman he would protect.
He knew it wouldn't be long before Elizabeth or her mother noticed him outside they always noticed. He appreciated having such nice caring people look after him and Boo on nights like this. Their friendship meant the world to him and although he didnt know it he meant the world to them as well, especially Elizabeth.